
Forsaken By Demons and Gods

In the gallery of emotions, revenge painted a mural of conflicting hues — the deep red of anger, the ashen gray of betrayal, and the pitch black of wounded pride. It was an art form born of pain, each stroke a testament to the scars etched on the canvas of his heart. Lilium's journey starts. In the realm of relentless pursuit, his dreams were fragile vessels sailing through tempests of adversity. Each storm weathered, each obstacle conquered, only revealed a more treacherous sea ahead. The horizon, promising salvation, danced just out of reach, taunting him with the allure of what could never be seized.

Eynw · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Moving on!

I stared at Lucy and thought deeply about what she said. Lucy wasn't only trying to comfort me! She was teaching me how life is!


If anything I appreciate the fact that she didn't try to lie to me about the reality. Though it is harsh, I'd rather take the bitter truth than the sweetest lie.


Respect and gratitude built up in me towards this wolf. She hasn't just saved me from the deadly forest, she has sheltered me, fed me, cured my wounds, and taught me a life lesson. I should think of a way to pay her back. I can't leave myself in debt!


"I am grateful to you, Miss Lucy, if not for you I'd be laid down dead somewhere in that deadly forest or hunted by the mana beasts, you didn't just do everything for me but you taught me a lesson, and comforted me when I was telling you my story, I am truly thankful for what you have done!" I said with a sincere smile.


"It doesn't matter to me, as long as you are aware of your emotions and thoughts, that's only what matters, my dear!" The wolf replied with a warm smile.


"By the way Miss Lu- UGH!" The wolf smacked my head.


"I think I have told you to call me Lucy only!" the wolf said lifting her chin.

"Alright, alright! I'm sorry mi- Lucy" I said painfully.

"Lucy, how can you talk to me? Aren't you a mana beast? And why did you save me without even knowing me? Am I not tasty?" I asked.


Lucy laughed warmly and said, "Oh young boy! This lady doesn't eat humans, especially cute boys! You may not be tasty, but you sure are my taste hehe!"


"About your second question, that is a secret! Not any mana beast can speak with humans, but I'm one of my kind!" She said proudly.


"Hmmmm about the third question, I am not sure. You don't smell like humans do. Normal humans stink naturally but you don't! You may not smell others since you aren't a mana beast, but I do."


"I felt weird when I found you lying on the ground in the east forest since not even mana beasts dare go to that place!" She said.

"So... You just picked me up since I smell good?" I said not sure.


"Ahem, kind of, but don't get me wrong, I'm not kinky!" Lucy said turning her head to the other side.


"So what now Lucy? What should I do? I have nowhere to go!" I frowned.


"Uh, to be honest, I don't know either kid, oh my, I didn't ask what your name was!" Lucy's eyes widened.


"I am sorry I forgot to introduce myself back then. I am Lilium, only Lilium... Well, I think the first step to moving on is to get rid of my family name..." I scowled again.


"I am only five years old, and you?" I asked casually.




"UGH, W-What?"

"Hmph! That's a forbidden question! If you are five years old, this lady is six years old then!" She muttered.


Huh? Six years! My ass! She sounds like a grandma. I won't persist or ask her about her age again. She is more violent than what I expected her to be!


"Anyway, it is getting dark little Lilium. Let's get back and see what we should do in the morning!" She gestured to me to follow her with her head.


As we were going back, I thought about how weird the situation I was in! I got saved, fed, and sheltered by a mana beast, and now I'm going to sleep with her! I feel a bit awkward. She is a female after all, and I'm a man!


I can't sleep with her! She is kind and everything, but the cave is rather small for both of us. I will find a place to sleep a little bit far away from her.


I failed to notice that earlier! Looking at this beast now, she walks like a noble being! Her sleek, fluffy fur is much softer than the other wolves or cats that I've felt, and it's as white as snow, it's pure and clean! Almost as if her fur was the source of the white color itself!


And her emerald eyes! They are otherworldly! I am stunned whenever she stares at me with her eyes! As if the universe itself was compressed into her eyes! With those dark pure-black lines around her eyes, emanating an eerie aura!

How do I say it? Mystical? No, divine-like? I can't tell.


The wolf turned to face me! She raised one eyebrow. "How long are you going to stare at this lady? Did you fall for me?" She smirked.


Huh! I was startled! How did she know that I was looking at her? Does she have eyes on her back? I was both embarrassed and terrified.


"L-Lucy! Do you have eyes on your butt?" I asked, my eyes wide open.




"UGHHHH!" Tears flowed in my eyes.

"Impudent! How dare you say such a thing to this fine lady? I'll eat you for real!" She said, irritated.


"And no, I only have two eyes, but I can assure you that they can see everything!" She uttered, half-irritated and half-proud.

I take back what I said. She is a mana beast after all. How can I say that this wolf was kind? I must be blind! I was only asking her out of curiosity!


She started walking again towards the cave not paying attention to the surroundings at all! As if she was certain that nothing was going to pop up out of the blue!


"Aren't you worried about the other mana beasts? We're in the middle of a forest after all!" I asked while checking my back.


"You don't have to worry about that. This place is my territory!" She said confidently, still irritated.


I can't even see birds here! Is she an A or B-rank mana beast? She doesn't seem so powerful! I can feel her weird, cozy aura, unlike any other mana beast, but nothing really scary! I felt much frightened when D and C-rank beasts tried to attack our village!


"We are here!" the wolf said, still not looking at me.


Is she still mad at me? I only asked her a simple question. Did I say something I shouldn't? I couldn't tell.

Maybe she is just moody.


Entering the dwelling, there was a carpet there, but there wasn't any when I left the cave earlier!

She went and settled down on the carpet by herself. She took most of the place, curled up herself, and closed her eyes.


What? That carpet wasn't for me? Ugh, fine I'll just sleep on the ground!

I put my head on the edge of the carpet, the rest of my body on the ground. It was cold and hard, it wasn't comfy at all I'll tell you that!


My body shivered from the cold! There was no fire in this chilly cave. Well, the wolf's skin is tough and much thicker than mine, and I still haven't learned any magic yet, so I couldn't strengthen my body with mana!


"Come here you little shit! What are you doing playing it all manly and strong for?" the wolf looked at me weirdly.


Well, it's hard to refuse her offer. I will have to put away my ego for now. I crawled towards her slowly! She moved a little back and gestured to me to come closer to her. I helped myself, I settled down on her side, but right when I was going to put my head on her she was staring at me!


"You... I'm not going to let you sleep on my body without settling the debt you owe me yet!" she said firmly.


I knew it! She also had an ulterior motive.

"Listen up, Lucy! I am still a kid and I don't have anything to repay you for your kindness. I will go tomorrow and see what I can find fo-"


"What the hell are you talking about? I only want you to apologize to me you little shit!" She gave me a questioning gaze.


Huh? Is that what she meant by debt? Oh right, I'm such a stupid guy, I haven't apologized to her yet!


"Oh, I am so sorry Lucy, I forgot to apologize because you smacked me so hard! It still aches a bit on my forehead!" I apologized with a serious face.


"Hmph! As long as you are truly sorry, it's fine!" she said softly.


She curled herself gently on me, and it felt so warm and cozy! Her fur completely covered my entire body, and I felt her slow and steady breathing! Looking at her up close she was incredibly beautiful! I couldn't hold my hands from patting her fur, it felt so soft! Running my fingers through her fur was so pleasant! I could do that for eternity!

She suddenly opened her eyes staring at me! Shit, did she feel harassed?


"You... You don't wet your bed when you sleep, right?" she gave me a serious gaze.

"H-Huh! N-No I don't!" I replied hesitantly.




She closed her eyes and went to sleep again!


I was still trying to understand this weird wolf. Can't I understand her because she is a female? Are all females alike? Is she a being that cannot be understood?


Maybe that's how married men feel every day. If so, how can they still be partners for a lifetime?


Her leaving me like this! Not saying anything about me rubbing her fur. Did she like it? Or maybe she didn't? Her staring at me like that, is it a hint to stop? Or maybe she didn't care?


Better be safe than sorry. I won't pat her again! At least for now...


I closed my eyes. I was pretty spent but I couldn't sleep! How could I?

This is my first time sleeping outside my home! I know that I should forget everything that happened, open a new blank page, and start a new life!


But neglecting everything was still hard for me. I can't lie to myself, I do still miss my home! I wished that I would just wake up from this nightmare, and act as if nothing had happened!



No, I shouldn't think about them anymore, I need to find a new purpose in my life! I need to forget about them. How can I miss the fake love they showed me? It certainly felt good to be loved by other people, but it was still fake! I need to get over it!


Immersing myself in the past will only make me more miserable and depressed! I should focus on my mental health. When I'm feeling miserable here! My family members are certainly happy that I'm not around anymore!


I bet that they feel a little sad since their land isn't going to be blessed with my sacrifice!

Looking at the state I'm in again, it's not that bad honestly! I'm homeless right now! But well, this wolf is still by my side! Or maybe I shouldn't think that way. What if she dumps me too?


I mean, I've read that wolves are the most loyal animals on the planet! But that only applies to their spouses. We are a different kind after all, so there is still a possibility!

Kindness and loyalty are different things essentially! Am I starting to have trust issues now? Questioning and overthinking everything that happens, huh?


However, I wanted to believe that she wouldn't stab me in the back. Only by thinking like this, my heart can feel reassured!


I know that there is no point in overthinking things like this! But I can't help but think!


She gently squeezed me with her body a little more, almost as if she knew that I couldn't sleep!

I felt Lucy's breathing slowing steadily! Her curling me up like this, I felt relaxed and protected!


"Thank you, Lucy!" I whispered.


My heart rate and body temperature dropped! My breathing rate was slightly decreasing and becoming very regular, and I felt my consciousness fading away.