
life in Affin

Fidelia was by the house spreading some clothes when she spotted Michael with a girl and they were coming her way. Michael never brings a girl home excitedly she stopped spreading clothes and approached them. Her eyes were on Shamira who was still wearing a tulle then it roamed around her body and smiled.

"We have a visitor. Come to this way child," Shamira looked at Michael who shrugged.

Fidelia offered her a seat then a meal which she wasn't familiar with, Michael had to make an example by taking out of the food into his mouth.

" It's croissant " she hummed imitating his actions which amused him.

"Where are you from? Everyone knows how to eat croissants" he teased but she ignored him to savor her meal.

Since she was engrossed in the meal, Fidelia called Michael for a conversation.

"Who is she? Don't tell me no one because I won't believe you " He sighed then peeked at her through the window.