

"Bakugo, come in. What was that just now!?" Iida spoke through the radio in attempt to get in contact with Bakugo. This was of course because he had just witness a bast of wind smash through several floors of the building, creating an uneven hole ranging around five metres in every direction.

"Shut up! I've got my own things to worry about!" Bakugo sounded as if he was out of breath to Iida, but before he could question what was happening, Bakugo turned the signal off.

"God damn it, Bakugo! Now's not the time to go radio silent!" Iida complained about Bakugo's eagerness to defeat Deku, but it was something he had predicted before the fight had started. After a sigh of disappointment, Uraraka appeared in front of him.

She was floating on a large rock, that was when Iida had realised what Deku had planned. There was now objects that Uraraka could move around for attacks all over the area, which Iida had hidden all the previous objects on the floor to prevent that from happening.

"Deku really is something, isn't he?" Uraraka commented on Deku's unrivaled skill.

"Villains do not make small talk with hero's! I shall take you down!" Iida began getting into the role a bit too much as the sound of explosions echoed through the building. Uraraka sighed to Iida's acting but continued on with the battle.

"Deku, I found Iida. He's on the fifth floor!" Uraraka held the ear piece to contact Deku, at first he seemed silent but Deku eventually responded.

"Good, I'll be there once I'm done with Bakugo!" The sound of static ran through Uraraka's ears as Deku came off the radio to focus on the fight he was facing. With multiple stones and two broken pillars around her, Uraraka used them to her advantage.

First, she lightened her body by bringing the tips of her fingers together and using her quirk on herself. With this, she floated closer to Iida and landed behind him. She walked closer towards the door of the room and stood her guard.

The tension filled the room for a moment before Uraraka moved onto her second stage. She bent her knees and put her hands on the floor and focused on her level of power. Deku's plan began running through her mind. Deku believed that if Uraraka had enough focus, she could cause large objects to break from the pressure of a high gravitational pull.

As she tried Deku's idea, Iida became cautious and got into a defensive position. Everyone in the monitory room was focusing on her, tense and waiting to see what she was trying to achieve.

Uraraka tried her hardest, and it worked. Parts of the rock floor began to crack, heading towards Iida and the missile. Iida tried to run away but before he could do that, most of the floor had shattered and became the fourth floor.

"It worked!" Shouted Uraraka with excitement as she held her fingers together for a soft landing.

The missile sat sideways, and Iida groaned as he stood himself back up. Uraraka was still celebrating, and everyone in the monitory looked in amazement and with a smile on their face.

Deku and Bakugo stopped fighting at the sound of the fifth floor crashing, Deku smirked and congratulated Uraraka in his head. Bakugo became more irritated, but became maniacal to what sounded like a boost up from a video game as his right gauntlet lit up red for a second.

"I'm sure you've figured it out by now, but these gauntlets aren't jut for show!" Bakugo's smile showed his intentions, the move he was about to use was meant to hurt Deku as much as possible. Bakugo put his free hand on the pin to his gauntlet, Deku knew he had to prepare himself, but it seemed like things were finally getting interesting.

All Might considered getting Bakugo to stop, but he was interested in how Deku would react. The monitory room as a whole was all tensed up, confused about how this would end.

Bakugo pulled the pin out of his gauntlet and caused a huge explosion that shook the whole building, leaving smoke almost everywhere in front of Bakugo. But as that smoke cleared, it revealed Deku laying face up on the ground.

Bakugo began laughing at how powerful that attack was and walked over to Deku, but before he could stand in front of the motionless body, Deku vanished.

The disappearance of Deku had stopped Bakugo from laughing, and made him even more irritated. Instead, Deku's laugh was now echoing through the halls like a child had been with them the whole time. That attack was a thrill to Deku, despite getting beat up from it, and he made that clear.

"Wow Kacchan! That attack was amazing!" The voice reminded Bakugo of when they were kids, making him even more furious than before. Over time, Bakugo couldn't tell the difference between the Deku he was facing then and the quirkless Deku he knew before.

"I think it's time..." Deku's voice deepened back to his usual voice, and he appeared in front of Bakugo, "for me to have my fun." Deku finished his sentence, and before Bakugo could react, Deku sent a powerful kick into his lower torso, causing Bakugo to fly far down the hall.

Bakugo's back hit the wall, and before he could get back onto his feet, Deku appeared in front of him again and punched him in the face, sending Bakugo through the wall and into the next room. This time, Bakugo managed to balance himself onto his feet and start a counterattack on Deku.

"Deku!" Bakugo shouted out his name and ran blindly towards Deku, starting his counterattack with a right hook. Deku predicted Bakugo's retaliation and blocked the punch with one arm, and after sending power in his middle finger, Deku flicked Bakugo's forehead and sent him into the wall of that room.

With Bakugo being beaten down, Deku slowly walked towards him with a psychotic smile.

"Kacchan" Deku called Bakugo by his nickname and bent forward so their faces were close to each other, enough to feel each others breath.

Blood came from the top of Bakugo's head, this is what made Deku the most happy. With that blood, Deku made a love heart on the side of Bakugo's cheek as if he was a piece of art that Deku was improving. With that, Deku's laughed echoed through the hall way as he disappeared again.

Everyone in the monitory room stood in silence. All Might was about to end the match if Deku had continued any further. A cold sweat came down the sides of every student's faces.

"No way." They were all shocked by Deku's behavior, they had thought that Deku was an uplifting person, but now they couldn't tell if he was insane or not.

Uraraka and Iida on the other hand had been going back a forth against each other but when they head the big explosion, they stopped for a while and tried to contact their team mates. No one responded, Iida had expected that, but Uraraka had not. However, Deku didn't respond as he was having too much fun.

"Uraraka? Can you here me?" Deku finally came through on the ear piece, and the sound of his voice took a weight of Uraraka's shoulders as she stood silently and impatiently for Deku to respond.

"Oh! Deku! What happened? Are you okay!?" Uraraka had become worried about Deku, she didn't know if the explosion was caused by him or not or even if he was okay in the first place.

"Yeah, I'm coming towards you right about..." Deku knew that Uraraka caused parts of the fifth floor to break, so he made his way to the forth floors entrance, "Now!" And with that, he arrived at the final fight.

"Iida, your teammate has been taken down!" Deku put on a hero act to entertain himself and not get bored for the rest of the test, with just two more minuted left, Deku knew he had to think of something fast.

Deku rushed over to Uraraka and whispered in her ear so that Iida could not hear their plans.

"I won't let you defeat me hero!" Iida began running towards Deku and Uraraka, but before he could reach them, the both went their separate ways.

Uraraka began running towards the missile whilst Deku built up his power across his whole body, with the green electricity rushing around him. Iida was forced to make a quick a decision and decided to change direction and run after Uraraka, but Deku rugby tackled him from the side. Uraraka touched the missile and made it float with her and Deku managed to tangle Iida with the white ribbons they were given at the start of the match.

"The hero team... WINS!" All Might shouted through the mic. Uraraka landed the missile and started celebrating, Deku released Iida and shook his hand. Uraraka then ran over to Deku and they gave each other a high five.

With that, the test had come to an end.

The medical team came and took Bakugo to the nurses office. He was completely unconscious and the heart that Deku had put on his cheek was basically a stain. Everyone besides Bakugo was sent to the monitory room to discuss the fight.

"Well despite the results, the MVP of this match was young Iida!" All Might announced the most valuable player, which had shocked everyone besides Yaoyorozu and Todaroki.

"Shouldn't it be one of the hero's instead because they were the winners?" A frog like girl, Tsuyu Asui or Tsu for short, asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Valid Question! Why didn't I choose one of those two? Who has a guess!?" All Might saw this as a chance to teach the class something himself, Yaoyorozu began lifting her hand into the air, but Deku jumped in like a child.

"Me! Me!" He jumped up and down with his hand in the air.

"Even though I was the strongest in the fight against Kacchan, my actions were still reckless and I got too far into character. Uraraka did a great job as a teammate but even so, our tactic was risky." Deku got slightly serious as he explained everyone's role in that fight, "Kacchan was driven by his personal grudge against me, whereas Iida showed very few flaws when defending." The class looked at him in astonishment as that was the most serious they have seen Deku.

"Like I said though, Iida did show a few flaws. The only thing I can point out is he should improve on his quick thinking and reaction time. Although, he did need to chill with the whole acting thing as well." Iida looked over at Deku with tears on his face.

"Well done Midoriya, it seems you have a great eye!" All Might was shaking as he said those words, he had hoped that he could show his knowledge to the class, but it seemed he had to save that for later.

"Well, I did only just jump in before Yaoyorozu. I'm sure she was going to say the same things." Deku rubbed the back of his head out of nervousness that he may have stolen the spotlight. Yaoyorozu laughed a little before giving her response.

"You got there first, I just need to be faster next time." They both smiled at each other and the rest of the class was silent for a few moments.

The lesson carried on with the other students fighting against each other, but none of them were as intense as Deku's. Luckily, Deku getting carried away did not cause anyone to avoid him.

After the class had ended, All Might lectured Deku on how far he was allowed to go in lessons, Deku just made up an excuse saying he was acting as if he was really in that situation. All Might believed he had good intentions and let him off.

---End Of Chapter---