
Forging my Legend in One Piece

Reborn into One Piece, Soren swears to himself that when he dies his name will strike fear or reverence into the heart of anyone who hears it. If you want advanced chapters up to twenty check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Zhouzifeng77?fan_landing=true

Black_Paladyn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
122 Chs

Another one Bites the Dust

If you want to read up to 20 advanced chapters sign up for my P atreon. And if you want to support the story donate some power stones. The link is in the synopsis and comment section.


I hovered in the air and looked down at the secured fort of Enies Lobby. In less than an hour, we would reduce it to rubble. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my Den Den Mushi, "Evos have you located the vault?"

A second later, Evos' voice came through the snail, "I'm inside right now, ready when you are." I tightened my grip around the flare gun in my hand before raising it into the air. "Okay then, let's start this party."

I pulled the trigger, sending a bright green flare into the sky. When it reached the apex of its ark, the pellet exploded. A column of spines erupted from the water, moving at break-neck speeds towards the ring of ships surrounding the Marine base.

Within seconds the marine ships fired at the creature, countless cannonballs exploding on its back. Reaching the circle, Gibby stood towering over the vessels and roaring a challenge. Still flying overhead, I watched as four small darts vaulted off on the seaking, soaring through the air and over the gate.

There was still a stretch of water before they reached land, but with Leana and Cal using Geppo and Ace carrying Robin, I had faith they would make it. Gibby roared again before bathing six ships in flames.

Deciding it was about time I get involved, I moved ahead of the distraction, setting my sights on the Tower of Justice. An ironic name, as all those entered were either executed or sent to jail for life.

[Spadman POV]

Things hadn't been going well. Lately, years of planning went down the drain when the pirate Soren beat my agents into an inch of their lives. My superiors had been breathing down my next for the impossible task they gave me.

It would all change, though, after I get my hands on the blueprints to Pluton. Reaching under my desk, I opened up a secrete compartment and couldn't help but smile at the golden Den Den Mushi.

With a single push of a button, I could erase an entire island from the face of the planet. My finger moved closer to the button when something roared, shaking the windows behind me, missing the Den Den Mushi by an inch.

Closing the drawer, I turned in my chair to look out the window. A giant seaking was attacking my troupes, unaffected by the volleys of cannon fire.

"Cheif, we're under attack!" Grabbing the Den Den Mushi, I screamed into it, "I can see that, you fool. Why is there a seaking this close to the gate."

"There had been reports of people seen jumping off the monster and flying over the main gate. They are currently making their way towards the Main Island Gate."

Stomping my foot on the ground, I felt my face turn red with rage, "Then deal with them, also have all CP-9 members report to my office." I looked back in time to see the creature breathe a pillar of flames that seemed to challenge the sun in brightness.

"What the hell is going on?!" Just then, the windows shattered, and something heavy landed on my desk. "Why hello there Spandam, how are you this fine evening." Before I could even blink, I was lifted off my feet with someone's hands around my neck.

Slamming my fists against his arm did nothing. When I finally spotted the bastard who did this, my blood froze. "S-Soren, you bastard, what are you doing here." The pirate smiled, "Well, I'm starting to make a name for myself. I got my own ship and crew. I need to make waves. Maybe I'll make a stop to Impel down and free a few of the psychopaths you got locked up in there."

Before the bastard could say another word, the door to my office burst open as Jabra, Blueno, Kumadori, and Fukurou fanned out to surround Soren. "Oh, you guy's finally showed up. I was about to kill your Cheif here, but I don't think you guys care all that much, do you?"

None of my agents said a word, all of them tense. They had all heard what happened to the strongest of them, and none of them wanted to meet the same fate. Gasping for air, I glared at the supposed best of the best.

"W-what are y-you d-doing? I order you to kill him!" The first one to jump into action was Jabra, who transformed into his zoan form and leaped at Soren, his jaws opened wide. "I guess you die first, little pup!"

Soren made a finger gun and fired a small black bead that struck Jabra expanding to swallow his entire body. His jaw opened in a scream, but nothing escaped, and he disappeared without a trace.

If my blood was cold before then, it was freezing now. "W-what the h-hell was t-that." Soren was smiling, his pearl-white teeth somehow making him look like a devil. "Don't worry. You'll join him soon."

Soren snapped his fingers, and the walls were shrouded in darkness, blocking out everything. The son of a bitch somehow hand another devil fruit I didn't know how, but he did. "If you do this, you'll be the number one enemy of the entire World Government."

Instead of being afraid, Soren laughed, "Sorry to tell you this, but one of the World Nobles already wants me dead. After this, though, they might start taking me seriously instead of sending two-bit villains like you."

[Soren POV]

I snapped Spandam's neck dropping his body like the pile of shit he was. Turning to the other two CP-9 agents, I was a little disappointed. "I know you two don't care about this place, so I'll let you live. If I were you, I would leave the Grand Line. I'm about to open the gates of hell."

Withdrawing my darkness, I jumped out the broken windows to check how my subordinates were doing. The entire island was in ruins, buildings engulfed in flames, and the air polluted by smog.

"Two down so many more to go."