
Forget it,You don't deserve it

Lacey, captivated by the charismatic live streamer Jax, becomes a regular in his virtual world, showering him with gifts and admiration. Her brother Rick, a self-made millionaire, disapproves, urging her to focus on real-life connections. Despite this, Lacey's infatuation grows, leading to a surprise encounter with Jax at her university's cultural festival, where her stunning dance performance catches his attention. Rick unknowingly brings Jax home for a business collaboration, igniting a spark between Lacey and Jax. As their paths intertwine, Lacey navigates her feelings amid the contrasting worlds of online allure and familial responsibilities, finding herself drawn to the enigmatic Jax while grappling with the realities of her brother's protective love.

MTYshow · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

The CP Duo

Lacey had worn JK uniforms before, but when Jax gave her one, she still felt awkward. She wondered what he meant by this.

Could he have a peculiar preference? The more she thought about it, the more outrageous it seemed, and she couldn't help but blush.

"Do you like seeing me in a JK uniform?" she asked, holding the clothes up to her body. They fit pretty well.

Jax scratched his head, his gaze flickering. "I wouldn't say I like it that much, but I gave it to you because I was thinking of creating a JK girl image for my live streams. You'd be my assistant, mainly showcasing products. I would introduce you as my assistant, Lacey."

"No way!" He thought for a moment. "Not. We can't use the name Lacey; it might provoke hostility from female fans. How about this, Lacey? It would be best if you changed your online name, too. You can't use Lacey anymore. Let's go with Lacey. You need to change all your profile info and delete all your old videos. We can't have any trace of the old Lacey."

Shocked, Lacey's eyes widened. After a fierce internal debate, considering Jax's career, she agreed to start everything from scratch.

You'llfirmly took out her phone, "I'll do it right now!"

Watching her busily operate her phone, Jax nodded in approval. "Starting tomorrow, come to work at 2 PM and finish at 11 PM. I'll drive you home."

"Okay, I'll follow your plan," Lacey fantasized about spending every day with Jax, making those female fans jealous.

After a good night's sleep, Lacey got up early, eager to start her first day at work, which surprised Rick.

"I haven't even made breakfast, and you're up already? The sun must have risen from the west!" Rick teased her.

Already washed up, Lacey just needed to do her makeup. She grabbed the JK uniform and dashed upstairs, saying, "It's my first day at work. I need to prepare well. I have a job now!"

"You don't start until the afternoon. Don't get too excited and be late," Rick laughed loudly.

"Mind your own business!" Bang, the door slammed shut.

In the afternoon, she arrived quickly. After a morning of preparation, Lacey finally completed her makeup satisfactorily. Excited, nervous, and uneasy, she set out.

She rode her pink bicycle, carrying a non-brand pink bag and wearing a pink butterfly hair clip, attracting the attention of boys, girls, uncles, aunties, grandpas, and grandmasshegrandmas as if they satisfactorily a star casually riding down the street.

The afternoon sun was warm. Riding to Jax's rented apartment was not far and even more convenient than driving as it avoided traffic jams. Soon, she found his building.

Jax's apartment was on the eighth floor. Lacey pressed the number 8 in the elevator, which smoothly ascended. The door opened, and Jax's apartment was on the left.

The door was ajar. Lacey gently knocked three times and heard a "Come in," followed by silence.

Recognizing Jax's voice, her feet quickly and gracefully entered. The living room was small, with just the equipment for Jax's live streams and little else. His large portrait poster on the wall was a focal point she often noticed during his live streams – he was so handsome!

He wasn't in the living room. Lacey tiptoed to the bedroom. The door was open, revealing a man's broad back, busily typing on a laptop, unaware of her presence.

Lacey sat quietly nearby, admiring his handsome profile, thinking she could watch him like this all afternoon without getting bored. She secretly took out her phone and snapped a photo.

"Click!" Startled, Lacey quickly hid her phone, nervously looking at Jax, who turned his head in surprise.

She hoped Jax wouldn't be upset. Her heart fluttered with unease.

Seeing his face change from puzzled to wide-eyed, bright, and open-mouthed, he seemed like Zhu Bajie gazing at Chang'e.

Jax's reaction was understandable. After a thorough makeover, Lacey looked stunning. Her pink long-sleeve sailor top, white collar with a large pink and purple bow, short plaid skirt, saw utterly covering her slim thighs, pink bunny socks, and round-toed pink shoes made her irresistibly cute.

"You look beautiful!" Jax's eyes were fixed on her.

"Are you talking about this JK outfit?" She twirled, her bright eyes and slender figure fatally alluring.

He stood up, his tall figure slowly approaching like a wall. "No! I'm talking about you!"

The overwhelming sensation!

I can't move!

Her big eyes stared as he approached and pulled her tightly into his arms. His scent filled her nose, and her blood seemed to freeze, unable to move.

His face drew closer, almost touching her nose, his heavy breathing and fast heartbeat audible. Her cheeks turned as red as a ripe rose apple.

Here it comes! My first kiss, finally for him! She slowly closed her eyes, her trembling lashes betraying her nervousness.

"Smack!" The sound of lips meeting. Wait, she felt nothing on her lips!

Dizzy! He kissed her nose!

Jax, what are you thinking? I? You were ready, and you just pecked like a dragonfly skimming water. I'm so disappointed! Where's your manliness? Wuu...

With a sad look, she opened her eyes. Jax gazed at her approach, lost for words; the room filled with a romantic atmosphere.

"Silly girl, what are you thinking?" He flashed his trademark mischievous grin.

"Nothing!" Her blush returned.

"Let's get familiar with our live stream script and your character setup," he said, returning to his computer.

"Okay!" She followed him, sitting on the bed behind him.

The computer displayed an anime girl's image, dressed almost like her but not as pretty, holding a giant lollipop, the logo of the Candy Group. She was to be the face of the company's products, playing dual-changed lollipop, the Candy Group logo, and the princess who would form a CP with your so-called husband.


Ladies in front of the screen!