
Forged in Twilight - (Moved to a New Link)

In the forsaken realm of Nekros, cloaked in perpetual twilight, Argon battles against the relentless grip of despair and suffering. Argon discovers his unique ability to discern artefacts, remnants of a forgotten age that possess unimaginable power. Every step towards ascension is a dance with death, each move in the deadly game of power promising either a leap forward or a fall into oblivion. Plunged into a maelstrom of noble intrigues, conspiracies and the relentless threat of steel, Argon must rely on his ruthless cunning, unflinching courage and an unquenchable thirst for power. This is a tale of twisted fate, where hope flickers amidst the eternal gloom, and the price of survival is paid in blood and despair. Updates: one chapter a day at 13:00(GMT)

rory_dfgdfgs · แฟนตาซี
105 Chs

The Land of Nekros

Ragged and desperate, a young lad sprinted down the moonlit cobblestone streets, his shabby attire whipping around him like tattered banners. Life in this godforsaken shithole of a world had shown him cruelty and hardship since Argon's awakening.

He had spent sun-up to sun-down labouring under the unforgiving elements, carrying out the most menial and back-breaking tasks for a pitiful handful of bronze coins. Starvation gnawed at him incessantly, his belly a permanent knot of unfulfilled hunger.

Argon journeyed down the worn streets under the dull glow of the twilight. The stones beneath his feet were smoothed from countless footfalls. The path weaved through the district, leading him through decaying buildings and narrow alleyways.

The air was damp, the leftovers from the day's rain. A faint fog settled over the city. Shadows filled the spaces between buildings, and the dim light of the evening gave the city a surreal atmosphere. Argon moved through the cityscape, his silhouette the only sign of his presence.

Sounds filled the quiet night - distant conversations, the rattle of cart wheels on stone, the distant bark of a dog. These city sounds created a constant, almost comforting backdrop to his journey. A stark contrast to the silence of his hovel.

As he approached his dwelling, the buildings were fewer and in worse shape. They stood alone, physical manifestations of the struggle for survival. The windows were dark, devoid of life, watching him pass. These were his surroundings, a constant reminder of his current situation.

His hovel was at the end of the path, hidden in shadows. It was a simple structure of old stone and worn wood, more a product of necessity than design. But it was his, his refuge in this difficult world.

The old wood complained under its use; the door groaned as it opened. Inside, the air smelled of damp earth and aged fabric. The comforts of home were nowhere to be found, but it was all he had. It was his shelter, a place for him to rest and regain his strength.

Argon crossed the threshold into his hovel, relief settling over him. The walls might be on the verge of crumbling, and his straw bed might be rough, but it was his space. It is a place for him to dream of a better future and plan to achieve it. In the challenging world, he found himself in, that was all he could ask for.

Surviving in this relentless, brutal world was like enduring an unending series of kicks in the teeth. Each day was a grim battle for survival, a gauntlet of his determination and resilience. He resolved not to let this wretched world shatter him.

The strong preyed on the weak here, and to survive was to stay inconspicuous, to shield your meagre possessions from the avaricious gaze of the desperate. It was a harsh reality that Argon had learned through painful experiences and a lesson that was branded deep in his being.

Staring at the grubby walls of his makeshift dwelling, Argon found his thoughts circling around the pitiful state of his life. "I have to break free from this fucking rotting cage," he muttered under his breath, his fists clenched in a silent vow.

He couldn't afford to wallow in self-pity anymore. He was not just another faceless soul lost in the sea of vagabonds. As he lay in the dark, he contemplated the bleak panorama of his life, brainstorming ways to claw his way out of the abyss of poverty.

There had to be a way out, a path to a life where he was not always at the mercy of the stronger or the cruel whims of fate. He needed power, where his survival didn't hinge on the meagreness of his labourer's wage. Argon stayed awake as the moon rose high in the night sky, his mind teeming with strategies and plans to better his grim circumstances. He would not accept defeat. Not yet.

Argon attempted to seek the comfort of sleep while lying on his bed of straw. His body sunk into the rough bedding, the prickly stalks jabbing at his skin through his thin rags. Every tiny movement was met with a rustling noise and a fresh jab from the unyielding straw beneath him.

Tossing and turning, he searched for a less uncomfortable position. The straw crunched beneath him, giving way slightly but offering little softness or support. His legs, folded awkwardly due to the limited space, protested against the floor's hardness beneath the thin layer of straw.

His eyes remained wide open in the dimness of his hovel, staring up at the cracked and weather-worn ceiling. Each crevice, each mark, each stain was a shadowy mystery in the darkness. His mind was too active, thoughts running rampant, leaving him wide awake amidst the silence of the night.

Despite the discomfort of his bedding, Argon attempted to coax his body into relaxation; his eyes closed tightly as he drew in deep, even breaths. Yet, the hardness of the floor beneath, the jabbing straw, and the anticipation of what the new day would bring kept sleep at bay.

With every passing minute, the prospect of sleep seemed increasingly elusive. His body yearned for rest, but his mind refused to cooperate. The noiseless hours of the night crept by slowly, leaving Argon alone with his thoughts, enveloped in the darkness of his hovel, waiting for the break of dawn.

In the dim confines of his hovel, Argon found himself roused by the sound of a low, rumbling growl that echoed through the night air. It was distant at first but steadily grew louder and more menacing, cutting through the quiet with its beast-like quality. It rose and fell in intensity, getting closer, then moving further away, causing Argon's heart to quicken in response.

Suddenly, the growling was replaced by a commotion, rustling, running, and panicked movement. The noise was frantic and disorienting, escalating rapidly in the quiet darkness. It was as if an unseen creature was in a wild, desperate struggle, its fear palpable in the chaos of sounds.

Then, the night was rent by a shriek. A raw, terrified sound sliced through the commotion, a single, high note of pure terror. The shriek was abruptly cut off, leaving an eerie silence.

Argon remained still, lying silent and motionless in his rough bedding. His breath was shallow, his body taut with tension. He didn't dare to make a sound or move, the primitive instinct to stay hidden from predators strongly imprinted on his mind. His heart pounded in his chest, each thump echoing loudly in the silence of his hovel. He didn't stir or make a sound, staying as silent as he could, listening to the echoes of the night's terror until the first light of dawn began to creep into his humble dwelling.

Argon, now in terror, couldn't sleep. The discomfort of his bedding added to the cacophony of thoughts running rampant in his mind, leading to a restless, fitful slumber. Each time he tossed and turned, the straw pricked his skin, further adding to his misery.

Morning light crept into the shanty, a weak illumination that marked the start of another gruelling day. Argon stirred, his body sore from fear and a night spent on the unkind bedding. His muscles ached, and his head throbbed with the dull pain of a sleepless night. He felt wretched, his body protesting against the demands of the new day. But there was no room for weakness, not in the unforgiving slums of Duskhaven. Argon pushed himself off the straw with a weary sigh, ready to face the bleak dawn.

As dawn began to paint the sky in soft hues of rose and gold, Argon emerged from the confines of his modest hovel. He had spent the night in restless contemplation, haunted by the incessant gnawing hunger and the echoes of his previous life.

Determination hardened in his eyes as he looked towards the breaking dawn. Today, he decided, would not be like the rest. The way things were going, any day could be his last. He would not spend it labouring for a handful of bronze coins, nor would he let himself be weighed down by the crushing reality of his circumstances. Today, he resolved, he would do something meaningful.