
Forged in Twilight - (Moved to a New Link)

In the forsaken realm of Nekros, cloaked in perpetual twilight, Argon battles against the relentless grip of despair and suffering. Argon discovers his unique ability to discern artefacts, remnants of a forgotten age that possess unimaginable power. Every step towards ascension is a dance with death, each move in the deadly game of power promising either a leap forward or a fall into oblivion. Plunged into a maelstrom of noble intrigues, conspiracies and the relentless threat of steel, Argon must rely on his ruthless cunning, unflinching courage and an unquenchable thirst for power. This is a tale of twisted fate, where hope flickers amidst the eternal gloom, and the price of survival is paid in blood and despair. Updates: one chapter a day at 13:00(GMT)

rory_dfgdfgs · แฟนตาซี
105 Chs


As the sprawling golden fields of Goldenfield came into view, Argon raised his hand, signalling for his men to slow their pace. Drawing a breath, he called out, his voice echoing against the imposing wooden gates that guarded the territory.

"Open up! It's Ser Argon, under Baron Eldrige. I've come to aid you!" His words hung heavy in the air, filled with the gravitas of his position and the promise of assistance.

The response was immediate, the gates swinging open with an echoing groan of wood and iron. From the depths of the fortified town emerged a soldier, his eyes scanning Argon and his company with a mixture of relief and surprise.

"Ser, let me bring you to Ser Aldric. He will be pleased to hear of your arrival," the man said, giving a courteous nod.

With that, the soldier led the way, his footsteps echoing against the cobblestone streets. Argon and Brolan, still mounted on their horses, followed behind him, their retinue trailing behind. Their entrance into Goldenfield was marked by an air of anticipation, their arrival a sign of impending action and possible relief for the people of this territory.

Goldenfield, like Blackwood, was primarily a rural settlement with a similar layout and composition. But as Argon and his entourage passed through the open gates, it was clear that the village was slightly more advanced than Blackwood. However, it lacked a ditch like the one Argon had constructed.

The structures that dotted Goldenfield were a blend of simplicity and ingenuity, embodying the essence of pastoral life while showcasing a hint of progress. The houses, built from sturdy oak, had a robustness to them that spoke of a place that had withstood the test of time. They were adorned with intricate carvings, each telling its own tale, hinting at a rich culture and a strong sense of community.

The streets of Goldenfield were more developed than those of Blackwood. They were made of cobblestone and laid out in a grid pattern, making navigation easier and more organized. There was a sense of order, a carefully planned design that indicated a more progressive outlook.

At the heart of the village stood a windmill, a striking symbol of advancement. It was an impressive structure, its sails turning gently in the wind, a testament to the villagers' skill and resourcefulness. The windmill was not just a source of power but also a beacon of progress and innovation, setting Goldenfield apart from similar settlements.

Around the windmill, the golden fields stretched out, a vast expanse of rippling grain that gave the village its name. The fields were meticulously maintained, a sign of the villagers' hard work and dedication. They swayed gently in the wind, their golden hues glowing under the sun, painting a picturesque scene that embodied the pastoral beauty of Goldenfield.

All in all, Goldenfield was a harmonious blend of rural charm and progressive innovation. It was a place that had managed to preserve its heritage while embracing advancement, a village rooted in the past but with its eyes set firmly on the future.

The soldier led Argon through the busy streets of Goldenfield, weaving through the hustle and bustle of village life towards the heart of the settlement. As they neared the centre, Argon's gaze fell upon a formidable figure in black armour, the Dayless absorbing the sun's rays and giving off an intimidating aura.

The man was in the midst of his men, his voice booming out over the hubbub, issuing commands with a resolute authority that demanded obedience. His mannerisms and the respect given to him by his men left no doubt in Argon's mind: this was Ser Aldric, the commanding force of Goldenfield.

As Argon approached, Ser Aldric turned to face him, his stern gaze softened by a hint of relief. He extended his hand in greeting, a firm grasp that spoke volumes of his character. "Ser Argon, your arrival is a welcomed sight. We've been in need of able support," he began, his voice steady and strong. The air around them buzzed with tension, but it was clear that Argon's presence had brought a spark of hope to Goldenfield.

Sir Aldric's stern countenance faltered as he spoke, revealing a hint of vulnerability. "I must admit, I thought Baron Eldrige had forsaken us," he said, his voice heavy with concern. "After his orders not to engage Silverthorne... I was at a loss. Should we just allow them to overrun us?"

His gaze met Argon's, the anxiety in his eyes replaced by a glint of hope. "But I've seen your battles, Ser Argon," Aldric continued. "Your fight against Harold and Kael... a testament to your prowess and strength. With you here, those Silverthorne marauders won't stand a chance."

There was a sense of reassurance in his words, a newfound confidence that seemed to breathe life into the wearied soldier. Sir Aldric's faith in Argon was evident, his trust in Argon's ability a testament to the reputation Argon had earned on the battlefield. This was a man who had witnessed despair and uncertainty, yet he found hope in Argon's arrival. His worries were not completely assuaged, but the presence of Ser Argon promised a fighting chance, a beacon of hope in the face of looming adversity.

Sir Aldric, who had been present during the suppression of the peasant revolt and when Argon sparred with Harold and Kael, knew well of Argon's prowess. However, Argon's response stirred some surprise in Aldric's eyes.

"You're correct about a couple of things, Aldric," Argon began, his tone steady yet firm. "I am here to help, and I can hold my own in a battle. However, it wasn't the Baron who sent me." The revelation brought a moment of quiet, Argon's words hanging heavy in the air.

"So, I would appreciate it if you kept this information to yourself," Argon added, his gaze meeting Aldric's squarely, an implicit understanding passed between them.

"Oh... okay," Aldric responded, processing Argon's words. He quickly composed himself, replacing his initial surprise with a guarded curiosity. "Still, this is good news for me and for Goldenfield. But if it wasn't the Baron, why may I ask have you come?"

The question hung between them, their conversation veering into more uncertain territory. Argon's presence was a godsend, but his motives remained cloaked in mystery, adding another layer to the complexity of their situation.

Argon let a wry smile play on his lips before answering, his words rolling off his tongue with a hint of defiance, "Why else? For honour and glory, of course."

At this, Aldric let out a hearty laugh, the sound resonating around them and cutting through the tense air. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he retorted, "You are a fearless warrior, Argon. But people with that attitude don't usually grow old."

Argon's grin widened, his gaze meeting Aldric's with unshakeable resolve. "Being elderly isn't exactly my style anyway," he quipped back.

This exchange ignited another round of laughter from Aldric, his previous concerns momentarily forgotten. Amidst the looming threat and uncertainty, Argon's words had somehow managed to lighten the atmosphere, his bold spirit infectious and his courage inspiring.

Argon's tone shifted from light-hearted to serious as he addressed Sir Aldric, "Let's dispense with the pleasantries and get down to business. Where is our enemy, how many are there, and what are they doing?"

Aldric sobered, his gaze growing serious as he relayed the information, "My men have reported a small group of about eight men, headed by a knight. They seem to be here merely to scout and unnerve us."

"Eight is doable," Argon said, a thoughtful look passing over his face. "But dealing with a knight will require some work."

"Well, we might not want to engage if the Baron doesn't wish it," Aldric cautioned, hinting at the delicate political dynamics at play.

Argon's response was immediate, the vehemence in his voice echoing around them. "What, and stay back like cowards? No. You stay here and hold down the fort. My men and I will go surprise them. We'll do it tomorrow, once we've located their position, or maybe better yet, in the dead of night."

There was a firmness to his words, a declaration of intent that left no room for debate. Argon was here to fight, and he wasn't about to let politics or fear stand in his way. His resolve echoed in the silent air, the implications of his plan reverberating through the atmosphere.

Aldric listened to Argon's plan with keen interest, his brows furrowing in thought. After a moment of silence, he responded, "I agree with your sentiment, Argon. I've had my men scout their movements before. They patrol around within sight of Goldenfield and then retreat back into the forest to make camp every night. They're familiar with the area."

Pausing for a moment, Aldric made an offer, "I can lend you the scout if you need."

Argon seized the opportunity immediately, "Perfect. I'll take the scout and attack in the dead of night."

Aldric gave a curt nod, approval flickering in his gaze. But he added a note of caution, "It's a good plan, Argon, but beware of the opposing Seric Knight. The troops are almost inconsequential. If you can best the Knight, you'll be fine, if not, you won't see morning."

The gravity of Aldric's warning hung in the air, emphasizing the challenge that lay ahead. Yet it also underscored the faith he had in Argon's abilities, his trust that Argon was capable of taking on the daunting task. It was clear that Argon's plan was bold, perhaps even risky, but with the right execution and Argon's proven skill, they stood a fighting chance.

Aldric considered Argon's response, a hint of concern reflecting in his eyes. He then offered, "Perhaps I should come too, to help with the Knight..."

Argon brushed off the concern with a wave of his hand and a determined smile, "Thanks, mate, but it's no problem. Besides, only one of us has to take the heat for disobeying the Baron's orders."

Aldric laughed lightly at Argon's words, nodding in agreement, "Fair enough, Argon, fair enough."

Despite the looming threat, there was a camaraderie between them, their shared experience on the battlefield and their unified goal creating a bond that transcended their current circumstances.