
Forged in Twilight - (Moved to a New Link)

In the forsaken realm of Nekros, cloaked in perpetual twilight, Argon battles against the relentless grip of despair and suffering. Argon discovers his unique ability to discern artefacts, remnants of a forgotten age that possess unimaginable power. Every step towards ascension is a dance with death, each move in the deadly game of power promising either a leap forward or a fall into oblivion. Plunged into a maelstrom of noble intrigues, conspiracies and the relentless threat of steel, Argon must rely on his ruthless cunning, unflinching courage and an unquenchable thirst for power. This is a tale of twisted fate, where hope flickers amidst the eternal gloom, and the price of survival is paid in blood and despair. Updates: one chapter a day at 13:00(GMT)

rory_dfgdfgs · แฟนตาซี
105 Chs


"Much appreciated, Charles," Argon replied gruffly, acknowledging the value in the merchant's advice. He stood up, his chair scraping against the stone floor of the shop as he made to leave. He cast a final look at the merchant, noting the knowing twinkle in Charles' eyes, then turned and exited the shop.

The day was still young, the sun casting its morning light upon the city. Argon, now considerably wealthier, made his way through the bustling streets of Duskhaven, heading back to the apartment.

Upon reaching the apartment, Argon immediately went to his stash of coins, counting out the exact amount needed for his next purchase. He remembered the glint of the Dayless steel helmet, its allure beckoning him. Argon gathered the remaining gold, a feeling of anticipation building within him as he prepared to venture out once more. Today was the day he would finally get his hands on that coveted helmet.

Returning to the familiar haunt of Greg's blacksmith shop, Argon pushed the door open, the sound of clanging metal and heat from the furnace hitting him immediately.

"Well, well, look who's back," Greg called out from the back of the shop, his face lighting up as he spotted Argon. "How's the adventuring life treating you?"

"Harder than it looks," Argon replied with a wry smile. "Ready to part ways with that helmet yet?"

Greg laughed heartily, clearly thinking Argon was joking. But his laughter died down when Argon revealed a hefty pouch, the distinctive clink of coins within leaving no room for doubt.

"By the gods," Greg exclaimed, his eyes wide in shock as he took in the sight of the gold. "Where did you get all this coin?" As soon as the question left his lips, Greg held up a hand. "Wait, don't answer that. I don't want to know."

Argon only smirked in response, his mind already on the helmet.

"Since you've got gold to spare, have you considered buying an artefact?" Greg asked, leaning on his counter.

"Trying to," Argon said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

"I know a few blokes who might have what you're looking for," Greg said thoughtfully. "Lorcan, grumpy bastard with a penchant for trinkets. Then there's Jareth, looks shady as hell but has an eye for value. And finally, there's Eamon, more of a bookworm than a dealer, but he gets his hands on a fair few artefacts."

Argon nodded, mentally noting the names. He had a feeling he'd be paying these men a visit soon. For now, though, he had a helmet to purchase.

Greg accepted the bag of gold with wide eyes, slowly tipping out the contents onto his counter. He ran his thick fingers over the coins, counting them out loud with a sense of wonder. Once he confirmed the amount, he gave Argon a heavy nod, the excitement in his eyes replaced with profound respect.

"Ya know," Greg began, his voice dropping to a lower register as he reached behind the counter to bring forth the coveted Dayless Steel helmet. "When you get yourself an artefact, this piece will be worth every bit of that gold."

Argon took the helmet from Greg, the metal cool and impossibly lightweight in his hands. The helmet was a work of art, the steel shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

"Dayless Steel ain't like other metals," Greg continued, watching as Argon admired the helmet. "It accepts artefacts. Just take the artefact and push it into the surface. You'll feel it. Like the metal is pulling it in, swallowing it up. Artefacts in dayless are almost invisable, only the top surface will be show, lessening the risk of someone discovering it."

As Greg watched Argon trying his newly purchased Dayless Steel helmet, he casually mentioned, "Oh, there's a little piece of trivia you might find interesting. I heard from an old blacksmith in the Seric capital that Dayless Steel amplifies the effects of artefacts."

He shrugged, polishing another piece of steel on his anvil. "Now, I've got no idea if that's true or just some old wives' tale, but given the rarity and the strength of Dayless Steel, I wouldn't be surprised if it held some truth. If you happen to have an artifact and you use it with the helmet, you might find it performs a bit better. Or, you might find nothing changes. Who knows? It's a mystery." He chuckled, turning back to his work with an amused smile.

Argon raised a brow at that, turning the helmet over in his hands. It sounded too good to be true, but there was a conviction in Greg's voice that couldn't be faked. The thought of his own artefact-infused helmet sent a thrill of excitement through him.

"Yeah," Argon finally replied, a grin spreading across his face. "Sounds like a good deal to me."

Argon started, tilting his old helmet in his hands after taking it off his head, "I won't be needing this old thing anymore."

Greg eyed the helmet. Its condition hadn't changed. He chuckled, "It's in decent condition."

Argon shrugged a smug smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, " I've upgraded. So, what do you say? Buy it back from me?"

Greg sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes. "alright," He grunted, "I can give you... half of what you paid for it. That's my final offer."

Argon laughed, slapping his hand down on the counter. "Deal." With that, he tossed the helmet across the counter, pocketing the coins Greg handed him. "Pleasure doing business with you,".

"My slave Brolan will be dropping by later," he said, his tone nonchalant but his gaze serious. "He'll be needing some armour. I trust you to outfit him properly."

Greg gave a firm nod, clapping Argon on the shoulder. "Don't you worry, Argon," he said, a confident smile on his face. "I'll get your guy set up right. I'll make sure he's got what he needs."

With those final words exchanged, Argon exited the smithy, leaving Greg to continue with his work, anticipating Brolan's arrival.

He strolled back to his apartment, the texture of the Dayless Steel helmet in his hands a constant reminder of his newfound wealth. The sun was beginning its descent in the sky, casting long, theatrical shadows through the winding streets of Duskhaven.

The helmet felt surreal in his hands, a symbol of his sudden rise. Greg's words still echoed in his mind - Dayless Steel accepts artefacts and fuses with them. Argon's heart pounded in anticipation of what such a piece could do. He could hardly wait to test the truth of Greg's revelation.

Upon reaching his apartment, he unlocked the door, relishing the familiar creak of its hinges. Inside, the room was still, lit only by the dimming light filtering through the windows. The apartment may have been humble, but at that moment, with the wealth of his spoils surrounding him, it felt like a palace.

Shutting the door behind him, Argon placed the helmet on the table, the Dayless Steel glinting in the muted light. Now it was time to test the potential of his newest acquisition.

Picking up the new artefact from Charles, Argon gingerly turned the helmet around, choosing the back as a place of insertion. It was less conspicuous, a place people's gaze would rarely dwell upon, and a hard target in the heat of a battle.

He aligned the artefact, took a deep breath, and pressed it into the Dayless Steel. He felt a slight give as the metal accepted the artefact, its cool exterior encasing it. Only the top of the artefact was visible now, nearly flush with the helmet's surface, slightly off-centre near to where his ear would be.

Next, he unclasped the artefact he wore around his neck, the one that had become so much a part of him. He pressed it too into the helmet, watching in awe as the metal accepted it just as readily. He placed the artefacts evenly apart, the attribute one to the left and his shield to the right, and observed his handiwork. The visible tops of the artefacts melded seamlessly with the design of the helmet, appearing as part of its intricate pattern.

A sense of satisfaction welled within him. The Dayless Steel helmet was now more than just a helmet. It was a vessel carrying the powerful gifts bestowed by the artefacts. He was one step closer to becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Argon's brow furrowed in contemplation, the problem presenting itself - how to activate the artefacts now lodged on the back of his helmet. He carefully placed the helmet on his head, a certain reverence in the action.

A spike atop his helmet caught his attention. On an impulse, he pricked his finger on it. The sharp point dug into his skin, a bead of blood welling at the site. He winced at the unexpected pain, but a spark of triumph lit his eyes - it worked.

Carefully, he reached back, smearing the blood across the tops of the artefacts. Instantly, he could feel the power coursing through him, the enhanced resilience taking effect. His senses sharpened, his body feeling lighter, stronger. Almost instinctively, his eyes focused forward, and he could see a shimmering, ethereal shield layer flicker into existence before him, a tangible manifestation of his other artefact before it disappeared just as quickly.

He stood there for a moment, letting the sensations wash over him. The artefacts had worked. He had activated them. His helmet, and himself, had become much more formidable than they had been moments ago.

Argon's gaze fell on the back of his hands, his mind filled with the thought of his newly activated artefacts. He realized there was no need to trigger the shield artefact on purpose. It had a knack for kicking in at the most opportune moments, a feature he had come to appreciate.

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed through the apartment, and Argon glanced up to see Brolan opening the door a few seconds later. His gaze swept over the various items the man had brought back, a feeling of satisfaction washing over him. It was a good haul. Brolan had a good eye for useful things.

Argon decided to test his newly acquired strength attribute. He squared his gaze on Brolan, who had just finished laying out another large, furry rug he'd purchased. Without any warning, Argon reached out and pushed his shoulder.

The result was immediate and shocking.

Brolan, taken entirely off guard, was launched backwards like a rag doll, smashing into the apartment's far wall with an echoing thud. He crumpled to the floor, gasping for breath and looking wide-eyed at Argon. His chest rose and fell erratically as he tried to collect his scattered thoughts, clearly expecting some form of wrath from his master.

"What the fuck!" Brolan managed to wheeze out, a hand gripping his throbbing chest.

Argon doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach. The shock on Brolan's face was just too good. "Don't be dramatic ", he managed to say between fits of laughter. "I wasn't gonna kill you, you idiot. Just wanted to check something. Now, quit sulking and get up."

"Brolan, you've done well," Argon said, his voice laced with genuine approval. He fished into his pocket, extracting a small handful of gold coins. "Take this. Go to Greg, tell him I sent you. Get yourself some armour. Get the best you can with this. We might need to dress to impress, and I want you to be prepared."

Brolan's eyes widened at the sight of the gold, but he gave a curt nod, clearly understanding the gravity of Argon's words. And with that, he was off again, leaving Argon alone in their increasingly furnished apartment.

As Argon familiarized himself with his new Enhanced Resilience artefact, he began to notice something interesting. He had mentally prepared himself for the hour of enhanced ability that Charles had told him about, but to his surprise, the effects seemed to last slightly longer than that.

He timed it precisely, from the moment he felt the surge of resilience to when the enhanced sensations faded away. It was just over an hour, about one hour and ten minutes to be exact. The difference was not much, but in a fight or a life-threatening situation, that extra ten minutes could mean the difference between life and death.

Argon couldn't help but recall Greg's words about Dayless Steel possibly amplifying the effects of artefacts. Whether it was the truth or not, Argon was intrigued. If there was even a chance that his Dayless Steel helmet was improving the effectiveness of his artefacts, it was an advantage he was happy to have.