
Forged in Twilight - (Moved to a New Link)

In the forsaken realm of Nekros, cloaked in perpetual twilight, Argon battles against the relentless grip of despair and suffering. Argon discovers his unique ability to discern artefacts, remnants of a forgotten age that possess unimaginable power. Every step towards ascension is a dance with death, each move in the deadly game of power promising either a leap forward or a fall into oblivion. Plunged into a maelstrom of noble intrigues, conspiracies and the relentless threat of steel, Argon must rely on his ruthless cunning, unflinching courage and an unquenchable thirst for power. This is a tale of twisted fate, where hope flickers amidst the eternal gloom, and the price of survival is paid in blood and despair. Updates: one chapter a day at 13:00(GMT)

rory_dfgdfgs · แฟนตาซี
105 Chs

Bagged One

A hum of energy seeps into the air as Argon and Brolan activate their attribute artefacts, a subtle vibration that thrums against their skin and shoots adrenaline into their veins. Argon also triggers the healing artefact, an invisible shield of potential recovery enveloping him like a warm embrace.

Moving with a newfound sense of vitality, they spot two deer grazing leisurely in a small glade within the dense trees of the forest. Argon's eyes narrow, and with a swift, fluid movement, he hurls his spear. It strikes one deer cleanly, piercing its heart, while the other bolts away just in time, escaping the lethal projectile.

Brolan sets to work on the fallen creature, a blade flicking with practised ease as he guts the deer. They leave the carcass just outside the forest, where the villagers can see and retrieve it, a silent message of their success.

As they venture further into the wilderness, a distant rustle of massive wings and a low, reverberating growl pricks their attention. Turning, they catch sight of a sight that leaves them awestruck: a gryphon, grand and imposing.

It's an impressive creature, a perfect embodiment of raw, wild power. It stands taller than the tallest man, with the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle. Its golden-brown feathers shimmer in the sunlight, while its lion-like body is covered in a rich coat of tawny fur. Its tail, long and sleek, whips back and forth, displaying a line of deadly spikes at its end.

The gryphon is presently perched on a large boulder, its mighty wings half spread as it surveys its surroundings. With each breath, its muscular body ripples beneath its fur and feathers as if a sea of strength and power lay just beneath the surface.

A pair of sharp, piercing eyes, the colour of polished amber, watch them, unblinking and assessing. Its beak, a formidable weapon itself, opens to let out a soft, deep sound, part growl, part bird call, echoing in the quiet of the forest and causing a shudder to run down their spines.

Argon and Brolan exchange a glance. This is the beast they have to contend with. This is their challenge.

A tense silence stretches between Argon and Brolan as they observe the magnificent beast, each contemplating their chances against such a formidable opponent. Argon breaks the silence, his voice barely a whisper, "Think we can take it?"

Brolan's response is equally hushed, uncertainty lining his words, "I...I don't know, Master."

Argon nods, a grim determination setting in his features. "Good enough," he murmurs, squaring his shoulders and lifting his spear. His eyes narrow, focusing on the vulnerable joint of the gryphon's wing, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

But just as he's about to release the weapon, the gryphon suddenly flaps its massive wings and takes to the sky, leaving behind a gust of wind that sends leaves and dust swirling around them.

"Fuck!" Argon growls, his spear clattering uselessly to the ground. The gryphon soars high, becoming a mere speck against the bright sky before disappearing completely.

Brolan, standing a bit behind, cautiously comments, "Maybe...maybe it's a blessing in disguise, Master." He eyes the empty sky where the gryphon had disappeared.

Argon just grunts in response, his irritation clear. The missed opportunity to test their strength against the gryphon has evidently stung his pride, but he also recognizes the wisdom in Brolan's words. They were not yet prepared to face such a formidable creature without sustaining significant injuries.

The pair continue through the forest, their footsteps almost silent against the undergrowth. They manage to come across several mole rats, which they take down with ease, gutting them and collecting their cores. As they proceed deeper into the dense woodland, another figure looms into view, a bulky silhouette in the dappled shadows.

It's another troll, massive and hulking with thick greenish skin that looks as hard as a stone. It's feasting on something unrecognizable, its giant hands shredding and ripping with ease. Its features are grotesque, its eyes bulging and nose flat, teeth jutting out from its underbite. Every so often, it snorts loudly, shaking the leaves from nearby trees.

"There's a ton of beasts in this forest," Argon whispers to Brolan, his eyes not leaving the troll. He raises his spear again, his aim steady as a rock. There is a tense moment, the silence of the forest almost deafening as he waits for the perfect moment.

Then, with a swift and powerful motion, he releases the spear. It whizzes through the air, cutting through the silence, and embeds itself deep in the troll's chest. The effect is immediate. The troll lets out a horrendous shriek that echoes through the forest, its body convulsing as it reaches down to yank the weapon from its chest, its cries growing even more pained and furious. The shrill sound of its pain reverberates off the trees, sending a chilling echo through the forest.

With his command ringing in the air, Argon and Brolan retreat quickly, their boots crunching on leaves and twigs as they take cover behind the thick tree trunks. The troll is writhing in pain, gripping the spear lodged in its chest while wildly swinging a massive piece of wood around in blind fury. Its roars echo through the forest as the smell of its blood fills the air.

After a while, the troll begins to slow down, its movements growing sluggish and tired. Seeing an opportunity, Brolan makes his move. Using the dense undergrowth as cover, he circles around the back of the creature, staying out of its line of sight. Then, without warning, he lunges forward, driving his sword deep into the troll's rear. The beast lets out a monstrous roar that shakes the trees around them.

As the troll whips around to confront Brolan, Argon springs into action. With a swift, powerful motion, he dashes forward, his muscles straining under the exertion. With a mighty slash, his weapon finds its target, slicing deep into the troll's left ankle. The creature bellows in pain and stumbles, its large frame quaking the earth around them.

The troll's ferocious strength proves to be its downfall as it stubbornly attempts to put pressure on its wounded leg. A terrible crack resounds through the forest, an ominous sound that even the troll seems to recognize. Its huge body sways precariously before it ultimately collapses, the ground quaking under its weight as it falls face-first into the leafy undergrowth.

Still very much alive, the troll writhes and thrashes in agony, its breath coming in short, laboured pants. Sensing the end is near, Argon urges Brolan to keep their distance. There's no sense in putting themselves in danger now, not when their enemy is already defeated.

With their weapons still at the ready, they watch as the troll's movements gradually slow, its grunts and roars dwindling to weak groans. Its huge frame rises and falls with difficulty, each breath seemingly more laborious than the last.

And then, after an agonizing ten minutes, the troll draws its final breath. Its massive body goes still, a stark contrast to the vibrant life of the forest around them. The troll's reign of terror, it seems, has come to an end.