
Forged in Twilight - (Moved to a New Link)

In the forsaken realm of Nekros, cloaked in perpetual twilight, Argon battles against the relentless grip of despair and suffering. Argon discovers his unique ability to discern artefacts, remnants of a forgotten age that possess unimaginable power. Every step towards ascension is a dance with death, each move in the deadly game of power promising either a leap forward or a fall into oblivion. Plunged into a maelstrom of noble intrigues, conspiracies and the relentless threat of steel, Argon must rely on his ruthless cunning, unflinching courage and an unquenchable thirst for power. This is a tale of twisted fate, where hope flickers amidst the eternal gloom, and the price of survival is paid in blood and despair. Updates: one chapter a day at 13:00(GMT)

rory_dfgdfgs · แฟนตาซี
105 Chs

A Second

"Artefacts are an interesting lot and these are all fully fed," Charles began, his voice smooth as he moved around the room. He picked up various items, inspecting them with keen interest. "The wealthy and powerful, especially the Seric nobility, hoard these treasures, passing them down through generations."

His gaze met Argon's, a glimmer of intrigue sparking in his eyes. "When one of those nobles falls on hard times - which is very rare, mind you - they might sell them. That's how I acquire most of my stock."

Charles paused to pull open a drawer, revealing an assortment of artefacts - each giving off a dim glow. Argon could see the energy contained within each artefact; it was like seeing bottled potential.

"Healing artefacts," Charles said, pointing to one section, "those will cost you a hundred gold. The ones that enhance resilience? They're going for one-fifty. As for the shield artefacts, you're looking at a whopping two 'hundred gold."

"How do you know the attributes?" Argon asked

"Well, most of these beauties come from noble families who've had them for generations. They know exactly what they're passing down. "

Charles straightened, leaning against a table and folding his arms. "Keep in mind, Argon, you can't stack attributes. Whatever you've got, having two won't do anything. Not sure why it works like that, but it does."

His hopes of having two shield artefacts quickly dwindled into disappointment. His mind had been filled with visions of being an invincible force on the battlefield, shield artefacts activated in rapid succession, shrugging off two deadly attacks as if they were mere raindrops.

But the reality was often harsher than dreams. The knowledge Charles just imparted was like a cold, swift kick to those dreams, banishing them back into the realm of impossibility. He could almost feel the phantom sting of disappointment as his imaginary dual shields disappeared.

"Ah, so no stacking the same attributes, huh?" Argon grumbled, his eyes reflecting his dashed hopes. "That's a bloody waste." He tried to sound nonchalant, but there was a hint of real disappointment in his voice.

He grunted and ran his fingers through his short hair, letting out a sigh. "Guess it's not so easy becoming a walking fortress, after all." His voice dripped with rueful sarcasm. He realized he would need to adjust his strategy and expectations, and that brought a new, more complex game into the play.

Argon eyed the array of artefacts, thinking through what Charles had told him. He had more gold now, but each of these options still represented a significant investment. He'd need to choose wisely.

Argon's mind suddenly flickered to the Dayless Steel helmet he'd seen at Greg's shop, priced at a staggering 110 gold. His newfound wealth suddenly didn't seem as grand. There were so many things he wanted, so many things he needed. But every acquisition came with a hefty price tag.

His gaze shifted to the section with the resilience artefacts. He considered for a moment, musing on the idea of buying a shield artefact for Brolan. He had grown fond of his companion, appreciating his usefulness and loyalty. But the thought was fleeting. It was a lot of gold to spend on a slave.

After a few moments of thought, Argon reached a decision. He'd buy an artefact that enhanced his resilience for himself. It would be a wise investment, given the dangerous nature of his newfound occupation. Plus, he could afford it - even with the cost of the helmet.

"Charles," Argon began, his voice steady and determined, "I'll take one of the resilience artefacts." He reached into his pouch, counting out the required gold coins. As he handed over the payment, he couldn't help but wonder what difference this artefact would make in his future endeavours.

"And how the hell do I activate it?" Argon asked, his brows furrowing.

Charles rolled his eyes, "Damn, you really have been winging it, haven't you? It generally activates when you need it most. Instinctual activation, some call it. But if you want to force the issue," he pointed to a sharp edge on the artefact, "you need to bleed on it."

Argon stared at the artefact in disbelief, then back at Charles, "You're telling me I've to cut myself every time I want to use this damn thing?"

Charles shrugged nonchalantly, "Only if you're impatient enough to force it. Or too dense to wait for your body to realise you're in danger. Your choice really."

With a grin, Charles unveiled the next part of his spiel, "This artefact gives an hour of enhanced attributes a once every day. Ain't that a kick in the teeth for those unlucky sods crossing your path?"

"What exactly do enhanced attributes entail?" asked Argon.

Charles laughed softly at the question as if it were something he'd been asked many times before. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair, looking very much like a professor about to deliver a lecture.

"Well," he began, his tone taking on a hint of excitement, "when we talk about enhanced attributes, we're referring to certain physical and sensory capabilities that get significantly amplified."

He ticked off his fingers as he listed them out, "That includes Enhanced Strength, which allows you to possess the strength of three grown men, essentially. Imagine being able to lift a huge boulder as if it's nothing more than a pebble."

"Then there's Enhanced Speed. Ever wished you could move faster than a horse at full gallop? Well, with this attribute, you could."

"Enhanced Durability," he continued, "is another. It makes you tougher, able to endure wounds and impacts that would severely harm an average man. It doesn't make you invincible, mind you, but it'll take a hell of a lot more to bring you down."

"Finally, there's Enhanced Senses. Your vision, hearing, sense of smell... all are amplified threefold. You could see a fly buzzing around a hundred feet away, hear a whisper in a crowded room, and smell an apple pie baking in a house blocks away."

Charles smiled at Argon, a gleam in his eyes. "Can you imagine possessing the strength, speed, and senses of three men, Argon? The possibilities are truly astounding."

"One hour? Once a day?" Argon confirmed, studying the artefact with a new interest.

"That's the deal, mate. Now," Charles added with a sly smile, "how about you grab some cores too? You'll need 'em for the activation."

Argon scowled, "Throw in some for free then."

"Free?" Charles feigned shock, then chuckled, "Alright, I like you, I'll toss in a few. Can't do more than that though, they're not exactly falling from the bloody sky."

"Fine," Argon conceded. The conversation turned to Argon's existing artefact. "I've been relying on it activating on its own so far."

Charles responded, "So you've been walking around with the shield artefact, eh? Should've known. That's why you're still around." His smile turned from sly to knowing.

"How do you know it's a shield artefact?" Argon asked, suspicion creeping into his voice.

Charles chuckled, "The shield ones have a habit of activating on their own when the owners are in mortal danger. It's kind of their thing, and you didn't buy one, so its that or the healing."

"So, it's just a lucky guess?" Argon prodded, still not entirely convinced.

"Aye, an educated guess, anyway who'd go for healing unless they possessed the best two already," Charles corrected, smiling smugly. "Don't look so suspicious, mate. I'm not plotting your downfall...yet." His laughter echoed in the small room, lightening the tension.

His original artefact greedily absorb the cores. An ethereal glow envelops the artefact as it consumes the energy, humming softly in response to the additional power.

After digesting Charles' explanation, Argon sighed and rubbed his forehead, deep in thought. "So, what's next?" he asked, looking at Charles earnestly. "Your last advice was pretty solid. Got us a good score, it did. What's your take on what I should be doing now?"

Charles leans back on his chair, regarding Argon thoughtfully. "Why not consider something a bit safer? You could become a retainer to a noble. There always looking for capable guards," He casually suggests, studying Argon's reaction.

Charles takes a moment, gazing at Argon with a thoughtful expression. "Hmmm, well," he begins, leaning back in his chair. "You have the shield and now the enhanced attribute, correct? You'd need to disclose at least one if you plan on serving a noble - they'd want to know what they're getting."

"But you have a helmet now," Charles continues, his eyes sparkling with a certain cunning. "You can keep your anonymity. Just use one artefact; two will raise questions."

He then leans forward, resting his elbows on the wooden table. "In my opinion, the best course of action for you now is to align yourself with a Seric noble. They have the deepest knowledge of artefacts, more than anyone else in Duskhaven."

He pauses, an important consideration popping into his mind. "But remember Argon," Charles says in a stern voice. "Getting close to the Serics is a dangerous game. You must be careful. Play your cards right and you could gain a lot. Play them wrong and, well... let's just say you don't want to be on the wrong side of a Seric."

"Doing so would grant you both a steady income and free training, perhaps even some prestige," he adds, watching Argon closely. "I do know a few nobles within the city, could put in a good word for you."

"You need a backer," he advised, levelling a serious gaze at Argon. "Sooner or later, people will catch wind of your artefacts, especially if you start making a name for yourself. Jealousy and greed can drive people to do nasty things, my friend."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "You don't want to find yourself alone and vulnerable when that time comes. Having a powerful individual or organization supporting you can act as a deterrent to those who might try to harm you. It's all about connections in this world, Argon," Charles added sagely.

Then, seeming to change tack, he leans forward, his eyes taking on a sly gleam. "You could get yourself closer to more knowledge of these artefacts. Befriending a Seric could be an interesting strategy... "