
Forged Fate

An Assassin with one final mission, to kill the king and bring peace to his country. Succeeding in killing the king but wasn't strong enough to see the plan through he dies knowing that at least he succeeded in his mission. Thinking that this was his end, he met god and got a second chance at life but things don't always turn out how you want them. Will our Mc have the life he has always wanted or will it just be like his last life. ------------ Hi, new author here I hope this turns out well. I have been inspired to write after seeing a bunch of novels and fan fics on here. English is my first and only language but I will probably make some spelling mistakes and the story might not flow as well as most other stories. I will not drop this but I do have a busy life so my updates might not be crazy consistent but I will try to upload at least 1 chapter a week. I do not own the cover picture, if the original creator wants me to take it down just message me and I will. I will also make some references in this novel to help have a better under standing of what I am to visualize. Wish me the best of luck, BBQ_Sauce.

BBQ_Sauce · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

The Real Test Has Just Begun

Feeling the right amount of pressure in my legs that I will be able to reach the height of Harold without breaking the ground underneath my feet, I jump. Jumping into the air I swing the branch at Harold's neck, waiting until the last possible moment to unleash a small amount of bloodlust.

Just as the stick was about to hit his neck my bloodlust was released, Harold reacted instantly. Bending to his left while using his left hand to try and grab whatever weapon that was about to hit him. Harold was thinking that whoever was attacking him must have been someone powerful for him not being able to sense him until the last possible second. He was also thinking that he might lose his hand trying to stop this weapon from getting himself beheaded.

When he bent to the side and turned to grab the weapon, he found out that the weapon was just a stick. Not focusing on the person holding the stick, but the stick itself, he couldn't help but be cautious. Because who would attack an +A rank adventurer with just a stick, even though he is retired that doesn't mean that he is an easy target.

Deciding to bite the bullet he grabbed the stick, once he grabbed the stick he realized it indeed was just a normal stick but was being reinforced. Surprisingly the attack didn't hurt, well it felt like a mosquito bite, doesn't hurt but it feels really irritated. Thinking quickly Harold deduces that the person attacking him must be around -H rank.

Wondering why on earth why some low rank adventure or assassin would attack. Harold couldn't help but still be cautious because the person on the other end of the stick might just be holding back and just wanted to test him before he goes all out. Crushing the stick in his hand, Harold gets in a fighting position and finally looks at who attacked him.

All this happened in a few seconds but already Harold was thinking about so many possibilities not knowing that his new student was the one who attacked him. When Harold finally looked up he couldn't help being shocked, never did he expect a kid to attack him especially the one who he is supposed to teach.

Not only that but the kid in front of him used magic, it is known that kids that do have magic capabilities awaken at age 10 but the kid in front of him was already using magic. Not only could this kid use magic but he could already cast some spells and use them efficiently. Harold couldn't even sense the kid using magic but he knows he did to reinforce the stick.

Smiling at seeing the multiple expressions that my teacher has made in these past few seconds. I couldn't help but get giddy, I haven't had a challenge in a while. Besides, he might actually be able to teach me something after seeing his quick reflexes and decision skills.

"So, you could react in time, that's good. Let's try a head to head battle now. I can't just have someone teach me if they don't know more than me now do we?" I said with a questioning tone, but what I said was not a question but a statement instead.

Taken aback about the seemingly switch in my personality, it took a while for Harold to digest what I just said. By the time he understood what I said I already threw a wooden blade at his feet while grabbing myself one as well.

"Well, I guess your kindness earlier was a facade after all." Harold said while picking up the sword I threw at him. After picking up the sword he got in a fighting position, while he was doing that I kept my [augmentation] magic running and I used [wind] magic to make the air around me give me a boost of speed. Right when he was ready I appeared in front of him as if I was appearing out of nowhere. Swinging my sword down I increase the wind pressure on my sword when our swords clash.

"Oh, no. I actually have tons of respect for you. Being able to get to A rank is a huge face itself but you no less almost broke through S rank. Though you may have my respect, that doesn't mean that your swordsmanship is actually as good as they say it is. For all I know, your strength is backing up your swordsmanship and you are actually just a beginner." I said clearing up the misunderstanding.

Harold was shocked once again from the power of my strength. By using [augmentation] magic and using [wind] magic to increase my speed and strength, it caused Harold to feel like he was fighting a F rank adventurer. Though the kid was still no match for him he couldn't help but admire the kid since he was only 5 years old but was stronger than most 20 year olds.

The swords that clashed did budge for a minute before Grey pushed off doing a backflip before landing on the ground.

"Let's turn things up a notch shall we." I said, smiling wildly. Knowing I can't increase the wind pressure on my sword anymore or I will run the risk of breaking the sword since my [augmentation] magic isn't strong enough and I couldn't increase the pressure much anyways since I was reaching the limit of my control on [wind] magic. I decided to use [lightning] magic to increase my speed, reaction time, and senses.

Rushing forward I appeared next to Harold, I swung my sword aiming for his knee cap. Harold responded by swinging down his sword while also raising his leg. Our swords clashed but I wasn't getting pushed back. Even though he could wipe me out without breaking into a sweat, it seems he was holding back because I must have struck a nerve about second guessing his skill with the sword and wanted to prove me wrong.