


Beau entered into the room, I clearly remember all the words what he said to me on that day before I fall into the river, but today I feel something change in him, I don't know in a year what happened. He completed all the formalities in the hospital, I was asking about a person who took me to the hospital to the nurse as I want to thank him, she gave his number, we left to house.

I remember when he met me for the first how he is used to be with me, the same way he has been changed, he was talking nice to me, caring towards to me, taking care of my health, but I suddenly remembers, what if he changes one day, he left to the office, I was playing puzzle game all day, I don't feel loneliness, not anymore, but what's the reason of transformation, I haven't took any counseling with the psychiatrist, I clearly remember, the eyes when I closed after falling into the water is just opened yesterday. 

I deeply feel in a way that I have healed so much, as I don't even remember the pain where I used to be. God knows how this happened to me, sometimes I feel it good that I suicided. I was listening the footsteps coming towards the door, I was going to open, Beau was opened the door, I see the face, which is completely different expression, where he was, irritated, anger. By seeing his face I was scared at that moment, by watching my face, within a fraction of second he changed his expression. I didn't know who to accept this man, I have never seen him that he was behaving in this way.

we both had dinner as he bought it while coming from office. we both were watching movie, suddenly Beau is gazing to me, I can feel that he wants to kiss me, but I am not sure what he feels towards me, earlier when I keep on trying to seduce him, he didn't even cared about me, If he wants to do it, then only he used to reciprocate but, now he is try to move by him, it is for the first time.

He sat little bit close towards me, he keeps on running his fingers on my hand, I feel very uncomfortable. I moved little bit far from his, he again moved towards me and trying to kiss on my lips, I immediately put my hand on my mouth as I don't want to kiss him, without saying a word I ran into the bed and closed the door and thinking about what I have done, as earlier I wasn't like this I was carving for his attention, love and all but today when he moves first why I feel as if he was a stranger. 

After 30 minutes, I went to the hall as he didn't come to the bedroom to sleep. He was sleeping on the couch, the TV is running, I went and switch off the Tv and went back to the bedroom, I don't know why I didn't wake him to sleep into the bedroom.

I woke up and I went into the hall where Beau was preparing breakfast, I was shocked that he was preparing, I went and had bath we both had breakfast, I felt good as it was peaceful morning.

"Lily I am leaving bit early today there is lot of pending work in the office." (Beau)

"Ok" (Lily)

He left to the office, I took all the clothes and put into the washing machine to wash, after some time I drained all the clothes. It's been long time I haven't went outside, I was feeling to go for the walk.

I was walking into the park the weather is so nice I sat on the bench in the park, I just remembered about a person who took me to the hospital, I took out my mobile and I made a call to him. I was listening to the ring tone clearly near to me, I turned my head, I see a man walking in the park................... where he is about more than 50 years, I feel like positive energy around him, the smile on his face, the kindness in his eyes, suddenly I felt if I had a father he would same in this way.

"Lily, how are you, I haven't seen you since 2 days." 

"I am fine may I know your name?" (Lily)

"Sorry I think you don't know any details about me, I am Jack, I have a son his name is Ozzy, present I am enjoying my retirement life peacefully."

"Oh, ok uncle. how did you find me on the day when I fall into the water?"

"I have been driving in the car to somewhere else I saw you walking with a depression, and eyes full of tears, I don't why I feel that you are going to do something with yourself, I was following you, when you reached the bridge, you fall into the water, and I immediately jumped into the water and took about from the water, and taken you to the hospital."

"Thankyou for saving me." (Lily)

"you are like daughter to me, don't say thanks, when I saw you in that position, I feel it is my responsibility to save you." (Jack)

We have been talking since an hour it is already 6 pm, I don't know how it went a day. after talking to him I feel like I was talking with my family.

"Ok, uncle I will go now, my husband will be coming back from the office." (Lily)

"ok, let me drop you at your house." (Jack)

I couldn't refuse him. "ok uncle" (Lily)

we were going out from the park suddenly I saw Beau car is passing in front of me, I was walking towards the car, he suddenly stopped the car, and get down from it, where he was moving into a house, I don't know whose house is that and what he is doing there. The phone is ringing, where Beau is calling me I lift the call.

"Lily I will be late today, still work is yet pending, don't prepare dinner I will bring, Ok bye I need to go now."