
Forever Mine[BL]

Wang Tao emotionlessly spent his life following the same routine. His only interruptions were when he fought or visited worlds. But what happens when one day he decides to visit a world in a galaxy ruled by systems? Will he finally be free of that never ending cycle? Will he learn to feel and love? Or will he slowly sink into the sea of depression, falling into a state worse than before? ... ps: Part of the Wang Tao(WT) series. Check my bio for clarification. ... More accurate tags: male x male, angst, mc falls in love first, various worlds, slow-burn, non-human x non-human, unique, new experience, multi-verse, supernatural, magic, emotional, HE.

EM236_otaku · LGBT+
58 Chs

Chapter 7: The Times We Know/Arc 1.6

Once he reached his office, Wang Tao flumped down in his seat as he was mulled over what he learned. He was torn between telling Zhou Jian the truth or keeping quiet.

[ I should probably tell him but then he'll feel betrayed and I don't want that. ]

[ There's no way I can keep quiet though and say nothing because that would mean allowing Chen Xiang to continue manipulating boss. ]

[ I should tell him, but will he believe me? Friend vs lover…there's no way. I have to try though. Maybe he'll at least become suspicious and wary of Chen Xiang, after all I've been working for him for so long and we're friends. I'm sure he trusts me a good bit. ]

Filled with determination, Wang Tao headed towards his boss' office. By now Chen Xiang should have been driven home so he could talk to the boss alone. Wang Tao stepped into the room and walked up to the desk where the man was engrossed in his work. The man gestured for him to speak,looking up. After taking a deep breathe, Wang Tao revealed,

"I have reasons to believe that Chen Xiang is merely using you and doesn't love you at all."

Wang Tao closely observed the man for his reaction. Zhou Jian dropped the papers in his hands and narrowed his eyes. His face darkened as he slightly glared at his assistant.

"Why is that? What made you think only now that Xiang er doesn't love me?"

He prodded obviously in a bad mood.

Wang Tao realized that his boss was giving him a chance to explain himself. This showed how much he trusted his opinion as a friend because if it was anyone else, Wang Tao was sure that Zhou Jian would've thrown them out already.

Knowing this caused him to feel some joy and relief and his courage grew. He explained his observations, mentioning something about hearing Xiang talk to himself as a way to add some of the information he heard from the boy's conversation with his system.

He did this since he obviously couldn't reveal the system's existence to an inhabitant of the world, nor could he explain how he overheard.

"...I can't believe that. I deeply trust Xiang er and this is all just your claims. I suggest that you think over what it is that you really heard or saw. Now please leave and don't bring this up again."

Zhou Jian held back his anger at the accusation and dismissed him. Wang Tao was unsure of what to do but didn't dare attempt again. He left the room feeling down.

A silence filled the CEO's office as the sight of various lights whizzed across the streets, illuminating the night sky. Zhou Jian couldn't stop thinking about his assistant's words.

[ Why would he think that? Wang Tao isn't the type to lie about these things, besides why would he? But he can't be right. If he is...that means that this happy life is just an illusion. ]

[ No, he must be wrong. I should trust Xiang er, how could our relationship grow if there's no trust? But is it wrong for me not to trust my friend? He's been with me for five years. ]

Zhou Jian suppressed the pain and dread he felt at the possibility Wang Tao was right. Even then, he failed to stop the seed of doubt from planting.

Normally that wouldn't happen since he trusted his lover greatly, but he remembered something suspicious and of course he also trusted his friend. He knew Wang Tao wouldn't mention something like that without good reason.

Five days later, the couple, along with Wang Tao flew to M city where Chen Xiang had to film a live survival game show run by BM TV Station. Presently, the three were in the car outside the tv station. Chen Xiang was going to meet up and travel with the crew to the filming site.

Zhou Jian nagged and reminded his lover to take care of himself countless times, causing the boy to reveal a helpless expression . The older man had a foreboding feeling gnawing at him constantly. To not make his lover worry, he didn't mention anything.

After ensuring that his beloved was on his way to the filming site, the chauffeur drove them back to the hotel. On the way, Wang Tao was observing the man and noticed that he'd been tapping his finger constantly, some thing Zhou Jian did indicating his nervousness.

"Is something wrong? You seem restless."

Zhou Jian stopped tapping his finger and looked at him before assuring him that he was fine. He didn't resume the nervous tapping so Wang Tao decided to ignore the lie.

When he reached his hotel room, Zhou Jian turned on the television to watch the game show his lover was filming. Seeing the young boy having fun in the luscious green environment, Zhou Jian brushes off the feeling as useless worry.

Everything was going well until the guests had to cross a rope bridge. It was hung between two cliffs and was a challenge set by the host. The crew ensured the rope's sturdiness countless times before adding it to the show's challenges.

Many guests had already crossed though some bawled their eyes out or wet their pants in the process. It was a comical sight and great for entertaining and scaring the viewers. After most guests passed, it was now Chen Xiang's turn.

The guests who were friendly with him cheered him on and so did his now millions of fans. The barrage was filling up the screen with comments of encouragement. Just as he reached the middle, part of rope bridge suddenly snapped and the boy fell.

Luckily, he grabbed onto the rope. Everyone began to panic as the crew tried to save the actor and netizens watching almost leapt off of their seats. Chen Xiang's fans quickly calmed themselves before once again flooding the barrage with comments, this time begging their idol to hold on.

Zhou Jian's heart began beating erratically as he froze in shock. He couldn't calm himself down but he managed to order the nearby Wang Tao to quickly call the CM Rescue Service and prepare the car so that they would rush to the scene.

The driver sped to the filming site, taking as many shortcuts as possible while Wang Tao nervously watched the other's darkening expression. It seemed like Zhou Jian would explode at any moment.

In only a few minutes they arrived as they weren't too far away. Zhou Jian, rushed out the car, sprinting towards his lover and Wang Tao followed closely behind.

Rescue workers had arrived shortly before them and were trying to pull up Chen Xiang and bring him to safety.

The fresh face of the youth was smeared with tears as a petrified expression was engraved in his face. His entire body trembled as he struggled to hold onto the rope. His hands were red and sweaty, further adding to his panic.

Despite the turbulent emotions within, Zhou Jian put in a brave face as he repeatedly comforted and assured the terrified boy. Luckily, the angle hid his trembling hands, leading Chen Xiang to calm down somewhat when met with the CEO's facade.

"Take deep breaths, they've almost reached you, okay?"

Seeing the tuff of hair nod back, the blue eyes steadied. Nervously glancing across, he watched as the rescue workers neared the boy, reaching out for him.

"Ah, thank goodness!"

Some staff could feel relief flood in realizing that the star would be safe soon. The hands that had been clutching each other tightly in apprehension loosened.

But just as everyone thought they could relax, the worst happened.

Is it good? I'd like to know what you think. Thank you for reading!

EM236_otakucreators' thoughts