
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Meeting the Godlings

" I'm sure you're very much aware of why we are having this private conversation yes?" Said Tyler as he sat down

" I have an idea of why sir" said Landon " is it about what Dillon and I said to each other yesterday night"

"That is precisely it" confirmed Tyler "he went directly to the headmaster this morning. Basically told him that he did not think that you were the right choice for the number one role. Said that you were too worried about being friends with the boys, then being their superior."

"with all due respect instructor, you told me that I could create my own rules. You said that they could be as strict and as soft as I wanted them to be. Only to be told by a servant that it's basically not the case at all. So I ask you instructor, who is actually in charge of that house? me like you said or Dillon, the servant boy with a superiority complex."

" I do agree with you that he has a bit of a superiority complex and that's partially my fault. I should have nipped that attitude in the bud years ago. You have to understand. his living situation forced him to grow up very quickly. That planted the seed that quickly grew into what he is today."

"That's no excuse to be a dick" said Landon "someone like him should never be in charge of anything. We actually don't even need him. The Mystics can take care of most of the housework. There is even one capable of changing the twins. I am perfectly capable of cooking meals." He said

"I wish I could allow you guys to just be on your own. Unfortunately, after the events of yesterday and the extreme outcry for their expulsion. After finding out that those three are basically gods, and dangerous ones at that. The Academy board has made a new rule. You have to be at least advanced adapt to be around the godlings. Which means that starting today you will be staying in the top five area like you should've been in the first place. Dillon isn't even allowed to go back. It's good that the mystics can take care of the house because no servant is going to want to go inside that house with them there."

"so that means that the number one in charge has to be at the top of the third grade class minimum." Said Landon. He was sad to hear this news, but at the same time he was a bit relieved to not have that responsibility any longer. " who is it gonna be?"

"his name is Georgie" said Tyler "it's Dillons Younger brother"

"we met him and James right before we came here" said Landon "he seems like a decent individual"

"he's definitely not his brother that's for sure. The Academy board decided that it would be best not to anger the gods by mistreating their offspring. So they decided to take the more gentler approach." Said Tyler

" that makes no sense" said Landon "wouldn't you still be mistreating them By making them stay here instead of allowing them to socialize."

"the headmaster is being stubborn on this subject. The board even threatened to have him removed from his position if he proceeded with this plan of his"

" that's weird, why would they do that?" Asked Landon. " Weren't they the ones that were concerned with the twins attending the Academy in the first place? If so, why the sudden change of heart?" he thought out loud " maybe the king got involved"

" no, the king doesn't usually get involved with Academy affairs" said Tyler

" but you're not dealing with average children" said Landon " you're dealing with kids that he's raised since birth, even though they're technically not his biologically. You don't think he would get involved if his little ones we're being mistreated"

"I suppose he could have threatened the board members somehow. But it's highly unlikely he would stoop that low. There would be way too much backlash." Said Tyler as he rubbed his chin.

" the only other scenario I can think of is there Godly parents getting involved?" Chuckled Landon

"Lord love a duck" said Tyler as he rubbed his face "that's a terrifying scenario. But a highly likely one."

"maybe it would be a good idea if you let them attend regular classes instead of keeping them cooped up here" suggested Landon

" fine" he responded " you've convinced me. You may escort the three godlings to home room. You are responsible for escorting them to and from each class. At the end of the day, bring them here and Georgie will then take over. In the mornings, he will escort them to their homeroom class. And the process will repeat."

" what about meal times?" Asked Landon "I know before they weren't allowed to eat in the regular dining facility"

" they need to socialize, right" asked Tyler " then let them socialize"

"what about the headmaster? He's not going to be happy."

"you let me worry about that." He said as he walked over and retrieved a copy of an excuse. He then pinned a small letter to instructor washum detailing why the boys are their.


While Tyler and Landon were having their conversation The three boys had remained silent. Vorick was still thinking about just going home while Alex was still blaming himself for their current predicament. Mack on the other hand was trying to remain positive. Today was going to be a very boring day if they had to stay in his room.

Just then the door opened and in walked Tyler. " well boys, thanks to Landon. I have changed my mind. You will be attending regular classes as originally planned. Arrangements have changed slightly in the light of recent events. Due to Landon only being at the basic adapt cultivation rank he is no longer eligible to be the number one in charge. That role will go to the number one student of the third years. Which, according to Landon, you've already met. At the end of the day, Landon will escort you here to the front of the building where that person will then escort you back to your residence. It'll just be the four of you going forward. Again that role will change, depending on who the number one student is."

"did Landon get in trouble for what he said to Dillon? Is that Why he's not allowed to be in charge us anymore" asked Vorick

"did you not listen to what he said" stated Mack " Basically, Landon is too weak to be our superior even though he outranks us in cultivation"

"Oh, if he's not allowed to be around us due to cultivation level, then Dillon most likely won't be aloud to be around us either because he has no cultivation level." Said Vorick

" i'm surprised they would give a job like that to a seven-year-old" said Owletta

"He's 17 years old ms. Owl" said Tyler

"Haha Look at you all polite and stuff. Please, call me owletta. The little guy may be 17 on paper but both physically and mentally he is only seven. Arrested Development is a symptom of the disorder that plagues his body."

" forgive me, but I am not familiar with medical terminology, what is Arrested Development?" Asked Tyler

"basically it means that his body stopped developing at the age of seven. And if his body stopped developing so did his mind." She said

" he seems awfully put together for a seven-year-old. Are you sure about this?" Asked Tyler with skepticism.

" 100%. He spent a lot of time in the mist yesterday so we were able to read him completely. He acts the way he does because he thinks it makes him seem older. But that's little boy logic for you. He sees grown-ups do that so being a little boy, he repeats it.

That poor boys had it rough. Could you imagine? You get diagnosed with a rare disease at 4 years old, only to stop aging at 7 both physically and mentally, then your parents die when your 9 leaving you with 5 siblings that you have no idea how to raise so have to wing it. Three years later when your supposed to be 12 but your not your siblings start to pass you in age both physically and Mentally. They then start to treat you differently like the little brother instead of the older brother until eventually you become the youngest of your siblings physically. Can you you see why he is the way he is. Being controlling is the only way he can get any respect. At least that's what he thinks"

Tyler thought about what she said, and a lot of what she said was starting to make since. Dillon had moments when his big boy Façade slipped a little and his true nature shown through. It may be a pouty face when he doesn't get his way or stomping his foot. He even thought he heard him crying one day when another servant yelled at him.

Tyler had always felt bad for Dillon and his family. Which is why he had hired the boy. "How do I show him that I care about him without making it weird" he thought. "I wonder what would happen if he would give up his life essence." He said out loud.

"He only has seven years worth of life essence. Like Owletta said he's only 17 on paper, nothing more. What are you thinking Instructor?"

"It's a forming idea but I want to give him the childhood that was robbed from him. Would you guys be able to help with that?" He asked

"Take over the responsibility of caring for his last two siblings. Introduce a little bit of affection a little at a time. Allow him to play and be the little boy that he is. It might take time but eventually he will revert Without those two having to do anything." Said Owletta "you'd be surprised at how open his siblings would be to this idea"

"seems easy enough" he said " plus I don't think my father would quite like these two regressing somebody. Anyway, here is a copy of your class schedule. You four better get going you're already 30 minutes late." He finished as he ushered the boys out the door.

"Thank you for giving us this opportunity" said Mack as he waved at the man. They arrived at the teleportation circle and it activated once everyone was in the middle.


"Wheres number one" asked Hawk

"You mean Landon" said yavonka in a tone that would suggest that hawk was an idiot.

"Yeah that's him. I'm terrible with names." He responded.

"I saw him escorting the three whatever they are to the administration building. So chances are, he's probably still there." Said Jax

"you don't think those three are actually gonna be attending class with us after what happened yesterday do you?" Asked a boy by the name of Gilbert who was ranked 10th.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad" said Jax as he rolled his eyes.

"according to my brother, who was in the house at the time. It was bad" said Lexie " he said it took two gods and The two angelics to hold back the massive aura. The force wave was so powerful that it shattered the shield walls of eight instructors. Had those guys not been there at the time, people would've died. And buildings would have been leveled. And that was just Alex's weakest Evolution."

"do you really expect us to believe that an 11 year old boy is that powerful?" Said Paxton as he too rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't believe the rumors that have been going around about them being the offspring of the primordial Goddesses" said Hawk.

"everybody knows the gods can't just enter the mortal realm" said Paxton "so I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around that"

"It's not really out of the realm of possibilities though" said Gilbert

"How do you figure" said Paxton

"We live in a world where wizards, mage's and other abilities exist. Anything is possible" said Gilbert.

The kids continued to talk amongst themselves. The winged trio being the main topic. Eventually instructor washum entered the room and heard the tail end of the conversation. He was concerned that the headmaster's decision to not allow the trio to attend regular classes would anger the gods. The kids stopped talking as soon as they seen him.

"Good morning cadets I am instructor washum. I will be your theory instructor for your first three classes. Let's start off by going around the room and introducing ourselves. I will go first" he said "it's hard to believe I know but I was once a child like you sitting in this very classroom. When I started at the academy I was ranked last out of 200 ten year olds. By the end of my sixth year I was number 1 and was excepted into the army as a private. I worked my way up to the rank of Knight. Which was unheard of for a commoner. I spent 70 years of my life in the active army. Retired at the age of 87 and became an instructor here at the academy. I have five children, 16 grandchildren, 32 great grandchildren, and so far I have 10 great great grandchildren." He said. He continued to talk for about 30 minutes when he heard a light knocking at the door. "Enter"

The door opened and the 9 students flinched as an incredibly dense aura filled the room. It was a mix of two different auras. Most of it was dark and it gave them a sense of impending doom. But at the center of it was a light and positive type aura that put them at ease. They all looked at the door. The first one to enter was Landon followed by the the twin princes. The girls in the room immediately began to swoon over them in an older sister or motherly kind of way. Everything from their blond hair and golden eyes to their young look screamed please cuddle me. Then they noticed the third one walk in. He was also extremely cute. He had black fuzzy wings, short black horns on his head, pale skin with freckles and red hair. But the most unsettling thing about him wasn't the fact he had an owl on his shoulder but the thick black mist that flowed from behind the sunglasses.

"Does that answer your question Gil" said Jax as he gulped

"Yep" he answered

"Oh, will you guys calm down" said Landon "they really arnt that bad. Sorry for being tardy instructor" he said as he handed the instructor a note.

"I figured you were with the deputy headmaster" he responded "is that a mystic night owl"

"Yes sir" said Alex "her names owletta"

"She can be this far from the mist without any side effects?" He asked

"Yep as long as she's with me. I give off more then enough mist to sustain her" he said

"Fascinating specimen and her plumage is exquisitely gorgeous" said instructor washum.

"You are so sweet darlin" said Owletta "if I could blush I would" she giggled

"Did that owl just speak" said one of the kids.

Instructor washum noticed the wide eyed stares that the trio was getting and decided that he should probably introduce them. "Boys and girls it's with great pleasure that I introduce to you Prince Mack and Prince Vorick and their half brother Alex…the godlings"

sorry guys, I’ve not been feeling well and been sleeping a lot when I’m not working. as always if you like it add it to your library.

DC_Daviscreators' thoughts