
Forever || M.YG x Reader

His dark eyes stared blankly at me. He was silent. All expression was gone from his face, he looked empty, completely empty. His eyes were cold and so... so empty... "Who are you?" I asked, feeling terrified. "Yoongi." he said blankly. "Where is this?" "Probably hell." "What?" He walked away.

KangJael · คนดัง
2 Chs

Chapter 1

"So what time do you think you'll be here?" my friend Isla asked over the phone as I drove.

"In probably twenty minutes." I answered, keeping my eye on the dark road. "I got caught up with my parents late and you know how far out I live and my stupid self got lost but... I got unlost so I'm back on track now!"

"Alright, well I'll see you soon. You said you're on the backroads behind Mr. Seehuk's farm?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just be careful out there. It's nine and Mr. Seehuk's seen some weird crap back there."

"Ah well I'll watch ou..t..."


"Speaking of weird crap... what is that?" I muttered to myself.

"What do you see?"

"There's someone laying on the side of the road." I said, "I passed them but I'm turning around."

"It could be a druggie! Be careful!"

"I will be." I said, "stay on the phone just in case."

"Okay!" she said, "what do they look like?" she asked as I pulled over about twenty feet from the person who was clearly passed out.

"It's a boy, he looks about our age but I can't see him well." I said, "He's definitely passed out. I'm gonna get out and-"

"Wait! It might not be safe-"

"I've gotta do something." I said, getting out of my car and slamming the door behind me. "Fair to say I'll be later than planned."

I walked over to the boy, after confirming he definitely wasn't conscious I knelt down by him.

I shook his shoulder, nothing seemed wrong, he didn't look like he got hit. His face was tear stained though and he looked miserable.

"Did he get hit?"

"He doesn't look like he was... wait..." I shook him again and his eyes opened just barely. I noticed how weakly he was breathing. "He's kind of awake... I think... Hey, can you hear me?"

He breathed out slowly and didn't move at all, he couldn't talk but he made a quiet whimpering sound.

I shook him again, "hey, you need to wake up."

He muttered something but didn't move.

"What was that?" I asked, he didn't repeat himself. "Hey, c'mon, you need to try and talk to me."

"Ican't talk..." he said, barely conscious.

"What happened?" I asked.

He made some strange noise that luckily I recognized. I turned him on his side and he threw up violently onto the asphalt.

He stopped and I moved him away from the mess.

He was completely still and clearly didn't have the energy or will to move. I'd never seen someone so still.

"C'mon, please try to talk." I repeated.

"Overdose..." he muttered before closing his eyes.

"What did he say?" she asked.

"I think he said he overdosed." I said, staying as calm as I could. "but I think he passed out again."

"You should try to get him in your car and take him to the hospital."

"Yeah I will and- GAH-!"

Everything went dark.