

A girls home is destroyed and taken now she must find her family and her friends with the help of a shadow friend or two.

Lady_Shadow_5498 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The Beginning

Some people say that magic doesn't exist that creatures of myths are fairy tales. But little do they know that they are hidden among us.

A girl walked along a forest completely alone she saw trees and ferns all around her, so she assumed that she was in the woods somewhere, they looked like the woods by her back yard now that she thought of it. It was so quiet and that troubled her there were no animals around it felt as if the place had been abandoned and she felt the need to run. She didn't know why she needed to run. It felt strange that she would need to run. She was just about to call out to see if anybody was near when suddenly she heard a noise of fast heavy footsteps following her. The thought that something big was coming filled her with terror. Why was she having these emotions? It was probably just one of her friends messing around but as the noise got closer she began to pick up speed and then started to run, her hair whipped in the wind as she tried to get away from whatever it was she needed to get away from. What was it she needed to run from? She stopped, feeling silly for being afraid of whatever was coming. She turned around ready to face whatever it was. The footsteps got louder as they came closer. As they did, she could hear a deep dark growl come from whatever it was that was after her. Terror and dread filled her insides making her stomach turn but she didn't run. She couldn't move even if she wanted to. It felt as if she was made of ice. She tried to call out for help but her lips were sealed shut. The thing stepped through the trees. It's large mass towering over her as it growled at her and then screamed in her face. It stooped down toward her. Looking at her with its big green glowing eyes. Regret filled her as it grabbed and dangled her upside down, she tried to move to fight but couldn't. It raised her up over its shoulder at that time she saw wings sprout from its back and it took off into the night sky. She tried to get a better view of what was going on but couldn't then it swooped down fast to the ground. 

When she got her bearing back she spun around. However the beast had been replaced by a man. The man's eyes were glowing bright green. She looked up to see a crown of leaves and branches made from gold and silver twined on his head. His clothes were simple yet they seemed so elegant on him for something so modern. He stood at the edge of the cliff and reached his hand toward her to take. As she reached to take his hand she looked into his eyes as he closed his hand around her hand and pulled her close. They were so close she couldn't look at anything but his eyes. Then she heard her name being called she tried to turn to see who it was but all she saw was herself falling backwards and she felt the man and her falling over the cliff. As the air tumbled past her she heard, the man whispered in her ear. "Wake up my Queen."