
Crafty bitch

Author's POV:

Amara Kaytlyn doesn't like how she feels right now. She couldn't move because Sean Gabriel suddenly hugged her. Her heartbeat became abnormal. Fortunately, the elevator opened.

She just let Sean Gabriel guide her to Chase's clinic.

"What is he doing here? Why did he come here to Chase's clinic?" she thought.

He saw Sean Gabriel shake hands with Chase.

Chase just glared at him after the two entered his private office located at his clinic. It's a soundproof room.

She just sat on a chair in the waiting area inside his clinic.

"What are they talking about and they seem to be very serious?" her mind asked.

She shook his head. She didn't want to think about what was that, she had to focus on the information they had gathered involving Kelly Miller, one of the people she trusted in her organization, she didn't want to think, but the evidence she was holding was too heavy.

Suddenly, she came to the realization that not everyone who is being helped will be thankful for your help, but it will betray you in the end. She took a deep breath.

Suddenly her cellphone rang, her forehead furrowed when she saw who was calling on the other line, Kelly Miller.

"Amara" it was Kelly's raspy voice.

"Why does she seem to be crying and scared," her mind asked.

"Amara, I'm not fooling you, please just help me, they will kill my only sister if I don't cooperate with them, they are holding my sister Amara" Kelly sobbed on the other line.

"Don't make a fool of me Kelly! I trust you but what did you do?" she mentioned emphatically.

"The evidence Hunter gathered, they fabricated that too" Kelly Miller sobbed.

"Amara! Believe me, please?" she pleaded.

"I'm here now in the studio and they're here Amara !, they're scattered outside, I'm scared, all of my moves they're aware, they monitor, even if I don't want to do it, even against my will, I can't do anything" she pleaded.

"But why did you just tell now Kelly?" she asked.


She hurriedly left Chase's clinic and went to the studio where the pictorial of his models was being held for their anniversary. She had to see for herself what was happening, she would no longer rely on the reports they had gathered. She will also want to find out if Kelly is lying or is she really just a victim as well.

She parked her car right in front of the building. "Shit! I don't even have a weapon! Her mind screamed.

"It's up to batman!" she whispered and quickly entered the building. She had spotted the scattered unknown men outside earlier.

When she entered the building, her other models were there and nothing strange seemed to be happening inside. They just bowed their heads when they saw her. She just nodded at them in response. "Where's Ms. K?" she asked one of their staff in the building.

"She's inside her office boss" she replied with a bow.

She hurriedly went inside Kelly's designated office. She didn't knock anymore because she didn't do that when she opened the door she saw Kelly's eyes were swollen. She felt sorry for what she saw.

Kelly's facelifted and stared at her as if begging. "Help me, I can't do this fight alone, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to involve the organization but I have nothing else to say especially, and they have tarnished my name" she sobbed.

Her woman's feelings were caressed, she really didn't want her friend to have a hard time, yes, she considered Kelly as her friend since she saved her to a group that was holding her captive before.

"Believe me, Amara, please?" she begged and suddenly knelt down in front of her.

"Stop Kelly!" she said.

"I believe in you," she said and helped her to stand up.

"The gathered information by Hunter, that's not true Amara! This syndicate is good and now that I confess to you, I don't know if my sister is still alive" she cried.

"I chose my loyalty to you more than my sister Amara!" She sobbed.

Her suspicion towards her friend was completely gone. Suddenly her eyes narrowed.

"Where is their hideout? I'll save your sister" she said firmly, clenching her fist.

"Don't! If you really want to help me you have to tell Hunter or Chase the plan" Kelly said.

She grinned. "No need, your loyalty is enough for me to succeed," she said and hugged Kelly.

Kelly grinned.

"They're going to do some bidding tonight at midnight." beginning of Kelly's story.

"I had to get inside the private room where they brought my sister." Kelly's serious statement.

"My sister is not the only one that was there, but many women and the buyers were also powerful mafia bosses, the gathered information by Hunter, we do that to gather evidence and stop their group that sells women and drugs." she continued.

"We also don't want to do that, that's why we never told you because I know you don't want that kind of thing." Kelly continued explaining.

"Amara! They will sell my sister, but they might kill her once the doctor finds out that she had already s*x experienced," she said.

"They will only need a woman that's 100 percent virgins alive and the rest, if not killed, will be given out as slaves. I don't know if there is still time to rescue my sister" Kelly tears again.

"Fix yourself, we'll criticize their hideout," Amara Kaytlyn said patting Kellys' shoulder.

"Let's include Michjiko, Akari, Hna, Fayen, Trixie, and Alejandra, they were the ones with me who also sacrificed their bodies just to get into the opponents' hideout," Kelly said.

"All right, contact them right away," Amara Kaytlyn said firmly.

"Don't contact Hunter and Chase, it's okay for us women to go there first, the important thing is that we get your sister out, that's it, for now, Kelly" she said.

"Are you sure Amara?" Kelly asked and she could tell that her friend was really worried for her.

"Of course, I trust you, don't contact them first but in an emergency, we should have a plan B, I don't want anyone to get harm," Amara Kaytlyn said.

"Thanks for the trust Amara!" said Kelly and hugged her again.


By 10 pm, they've arrived at the hideout of the said mafia group, they were able to enter without difficulty. Kelly said that they were already known here because of the mission they were doing to gather information on the group. They went to a room and every time they pass the hallways there are scattered women who you will assume are working as s*x slaves. Those in the hallways were almost naked as if there was a party to be held and everyone was preparing, around the hall were mirrors, Kelly said behind those mirrors were the buyers who would come later.

Lots of twists and turns around the place. Amara Kaytlyn takes a good look at everything they go through and secretly memorized them, they haven't decided on a plan B before they got here, but she already has a plan B playing in her mind.

She now wonders why her models came here. She suddenly became suspicious of Kelly and her other colleagues.

"I think I harbored people worse than snakes," she said in the back of her mind.

If her companions left her alone or attack her behind, she would not give them another chance again in the future. What she dislikes in everyone is people whose souls are too vicious.

She just agreed with everything they said, they entered a room and she saw there a bunch of women who she estimated were minors. They were practicing a dance.

"Where is your sister Kelly?" she asked while her eyes searched for anything strange in the place.

"She is in a room Amara but how can we escape her?" Kelly says full of concern.

It was not difficult for them to enter but Amara Kaytlyn knew that the guards outside were not just around the big building, and another, she also noticed CCTV scattered around, all armed men outside the building, but unknown to them, the stiletto that she's wearing now has a very small device inside its heel connected to Hunter and Chase that only the three of them knew.

She saw the appearance of five men with large bodies and carrying guns. She saw the worry on the faces of the women who were currently practicing a dance, but Kelly's group wasn't even scared, instead, they grinned.

"Bring out your true colors," Amara Kaytlyn thought.

"Suddenly someone pointed a gun at her head." You! "said the man.

"Shit!" her mind screams.

"She's with us! Kelly said emphatically.

"The boss noticed that she's a new face, the boss was summoning him," the man said.

"But that's not what we talked about with your boss," Kelly said.

"Where's your boss? I'll talk to him" Amara said and just nodded at Kelly.