

Annoyed, Rika stood up from her seat and started looking for her husband in some stalls not far from Ceu Mar's stall.

"Honey!" Ramon's shout startled Rika.

"You, where did I think you were?" Whispered Rika, who looked very surprised.

"You're so tired of eating that you forget about your husband!" Ramon teased and then took Rika's hand, which looked very cold.

Ramon then invited Rika to take a walk first before going home; coincidentally, Ceu Mar's Warung was very close to Braga Street, which was very lively at night.

Rika happily followed Ramon's lead, which was very enjoyable for her.

"I've never been to Braga lo." Rika whispered excitedly.

Ramon looked shocked; he hadn't expected his wife to be such a picnic-less person.

"Come with me, I'll let you know. So if I let you learn to drive tomorrow you'll already know where you're going!" Ramon said, making Rika even happier.

She followed him to an area that was very crowded and full of international tourists.