
Forced Link

Like any other werewolf, Alyx had always dreamed of meeting her fated mate one day, fall inlove with him and stay with him for the rest of her life. However, it seems that fate doesn’t want to agree with her dreams and pairs her off to the Alpha of their pack…the Alpha who has already chosen his Luna long before he could even find his mate. Left with her heart broken into pieces, she lost her hope in finding the person she has been longing for. Until one unexpected day, she found herself being chained into a forced link.

Winter_Sunflower · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Moonless Night and the Traitors

20 Years Ago


Growling noises. Hundreds of fangs hissing. The thirst for blood coming out from every direction. The indisputable murderous intent from each pair of blood red and golden eyes.

The tension in the air becomes thicker. Heartbeats echoed in the middle of the forest in the middle of twilight.

A woman, holding a new born child protectively in her chest, sleeping soundly amidst the heightened dispute. A man standing in front of them, ready to pounce at anyone who tries to harm his beloved family.

The man knows that they are definitely in the disadvantage. But the will to protect his wife and child overwhelmed such emotions.

"Hand over the child, you traitor!" A dark-chocolate wolf opened his mouth and bellowed through the link.

"No! 'We' should have that child!" A vampire bawled in opposition.

The man moved back closer to his wife, spreading his arms, trying to create a barrier.

"No one shall have my daughter!" He growled and bared his fangs in front of his enemies.

The wind blew vehemently, forcing the branches of the trees surrounding the forest to bow down to it. Ravens screeched across the skies, flying towards a single direction, painting an array of dark sharp figures.

"That child should have never been born! Disaster shall befall on all of us if she continues to live!" Another brown wolf roared.

"Leave my daughter out of this! She doesn't have the power to do anything disastrous that you think! She is only an infant. It is me that you want. I am the one who betrayed the pack! Kill me instead!" The man said.

"We cannot allow that to happen now, can we?" A mischievous voice coming from the depths of the trees rang across the forest.

A dark figure jumped, his shadow floating in front of the moonless night before he landed to the ground with a loud thud.

Red crimson eyes and a mocking smile evident in his handsome face.

"Give us the child Rizen." He commanded, extending a hand in front of him. "Stop being so stubborn and just surrender. You're outnumbered." The glowing red colors of his eyes darkened in almost pitch red. "It's time to lay your tail down, don't you think?" The strands of his long dark hair flowed along the violent breeze.

"You have to tear off my limbs before you can touch even the thinnest layer of her skin."

The red-eyed man shrugged his shoulders and released a small breathe of disappointment. "If that's the way you want it, then I have no choice…" He released a sinister smile. "…but to agree." He said and in one split second, moved like the gust of the wind, he was in front of Rizen, baring his sharp nails under Rizen's chin.

Rizen stayed calm and gave the signal to his wife. He must not let his fear devour his being. He needs his mind to think straight if he wants to keep his family safe.

"You know well to not get to close to me…Razen." Rizen said to his vampire twin brother.

The vampire who was showing a triumphed smile a second ago was set into confusion as red lights glowed underneath them and a magic circle appeared. Runes were written all over it and a red eclipse was glowing brightly in the middle.

"Quick! It's the Forbidden poison! Get the master out!" One of the vampires hollered to his companions.

But no one moved. Every vampire knows what the forbidden poison does to a vampire.

It doesn't kill a vampire but it puts a long lasting curse to whoever it was casted on. But a terrible price must be paid by whoever will cast the curse. His own life.

But no one could have easily performed such spell in a short amount of time. And nobody would dare to do it because of its difficulty and the condition it must take.

Rizen's golden eyes glowed. A stream of blood trickled down his throat, where Razen's sharp nails starting to sink deeper into the skin.

"Why you!" Razen snarled in an enraged voice.

A grin suddenly appeared on Rizen's lips. Another drip of blood flowed from his neck downwards.

"Let my daughter go or I'll take you to my own downfall."

Razen wanted to move out of the magic circle, but once the spell has been casted, no one will be able to escape, unless the caster undoes the spell.

"RIZEN!!!" Razen bellowed, gnashing his teeth, face to face with the traitor.

"Helena run! Now!" Rizen shouted in haste to his wife.

The woman obliged and took the chance to use her vampire speed across the trees of the midnight woods.

"No! Don't follow her!" Razen commanded his people, however the growling werewolves were not part of them and half of the pack started to chase the vampire woman whilst the other half stayed and guarded the traitor, but too afraid to be caught in the curse.

"Remove the Forbidden Poison Rizen!" Razen commanded. His sharp nails remained to where it was before.

A baleful smile tugged the corner of Rizen's lips. "Once a traitor, shall always remain a traitor…dear brother…"

The red symbols below them slowly glowed upwards. The eclipse right in the center moved, the black moon gradually covering the red circle until it made a full eclipse.

Razen faced his brother with wrath and screamed out the pain of which the curse was slowly inflicting.


The woman held her child tightly against her chest. Running like a bolt of lightning across the dark field of trees. The wolves are running almost as fast behind her. She hissed when a white wolf almost caught her foot with its bared sharp fangs. She quickened her pace, trying to outrun them with all the strength left in her.

She wants to take her daughter to a safe place, away from all of this…from her and her husband's treason. Their daughter has nothing to do with everything that has happened.

The wolves behind her are all growling, barking and gnashing their teeth to her. She could not hear what they are all saying, but she for sure knows what they all want to say…

For her to give them her daughter, which she definitely won't allow. Never.

The forest became darker. The trees were slowly lessening in her ways. A view of a cliff was caught by her vampire sight. She knows she had to stop soon.

She cursed and bit her arm hard. Streams of pitch red blood came flying everywhere, some splatted to her face and unto her daughter's white covers, as her escape continues.

She painted a magic circle with her bloody hands across the air as she ran with full speed. She recited the spell and the red magic circle glowed. A portal was created. She lowered the portal so the wolves wouldn't see what she is about to do.

She made her daughter enter the portal and casted another spell.

After chanting the spell, the portal closed immediately and the baby disappeared along with portal.

But now, she is all alone. And she is certain that her child is now away from danger. She hoped.

Still pretending like carrying the bundle, she continued her run. Blood remained flying everywhere from her fresh wound as her healing abilities as half-vampire is far slower than a normal one.

The cliff was drawing nearer.

She was losing her strength, the impediment of having mixed blood of human and vampire.

The cliff was in full view. She had nowhere to run to. She stopped her tracks upon reaching the edge.

The wolves stopped in front of her, baring their sharp set of fangs.

"Surrender the child! You treacherous woman!" The werewolf opened a link through her mind. Only the ones with the Alpha blood can do such thing.

She turned to them.

"I will never give my daughter to the loads of you! If we have to die to end all of this, then so be it!" She said and took a step back, letting herself slip to the edge and fall down across the heights, feeling the winds forcing upwards her body.

The wolves gathered on the edge of the cliff, watching her fall to her end.

"Alpha, what shall we do now?" One of the wolves asked.

The Alpha's golden eyes squinted towards the dark bottom of the cliff, which unfortunately is unreachable by his alpha vision.

"There is no way she could have survived that fall! And she's only half of a vampire. She does not possess the generating abilities that a full vampire has."

Despite sensing the veraciousness of one of his member's words, a feeling of turmoil and uncertainty lingered inside him. One could never be sure of the given facts without possessing the piece of evidence.

The Alpha gathered his posture and told his pack members, "This is what we wanted, for the child to disappear. We cannot let someone like that to run around with us." He spats and led the wolves back to the other members.

The other traitor must be punished.

The woman is dead, so is the child…the woman is half-human so it is unlikely for her to survive that height. He left his thoughts at that.

Upon returning to the scene, all of the vampires were gone, saying that they fled after their master's disappearance with the traitor in the glowing red light.

The wind blew and all of the wolves howled in the moonless night, reveling the success of vanishing the threat of the traitors in the midst of the darkest night.

Hi! Winter Sunflower here! This is my entry for the WSA 2022. I'm an amateur writer so I wouldn't mind comments to help improve this story.

Winter_Sunflowercreators' thoughts