

The most important thing a parent can teach their child is how to get along without them. But I guess that was never the case for me. My parents were old fashioned and strict. My name is Levena Johnson, and this is my story. I fell in love with a gangster... yes you heard right, after being heartbroken 5 times that is hahaha funny right, sigh. "Mom, can I go to the movies with Jeriah, I really wanna watch the new barbie movie" I got up the courage to ask but alas I failed to free myself again...

Dreambabyy_ · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

Chapter 5

Levena Pov: 3 days later

"I can't just sit by while you suffer so much," I whisper as I sit near his bed, clutching his hand in mine. Someone told me that true love doesn't exist anymore, that everyone just settles instead of truly loving the person they are with.

Some people even say that love at first site is impossible but experiencing it for myself has made me strong and I won't ever give up. Before I met him, I never knew it was possible to miss someone so badly sigh.

There was no reaction from him, none at all. Is this worse than death? "God, protect him, bring him back, wake him for me I ask that you grant this in your mercy Amen." I sigh, looking at his face, I think to myself again it's all my fault...

Suddenly his eyes twitch, "Kayden??" I shook him, but he was back to just lying there. Was he just trying to wake up, can he hear me, did my prayer work? I Gather my things and left for home, it was 5:56 pm and my parents didn't know I was here.

School ends at 12:30pm. I am in such deep shit; I sigh rubbing my aching temples. I get home and quickly make a run for the stairs, but he is sitting in the living room. "Lev, get back here," my father says calmly.

"umm, yeah, dad?" I looked at him questioningly and innocently, as if I had done nothing wrong. "sit" he ordered me. I sat down nervously. "Sigh, chocolate, you know I love you and want what's best for you right?" he asked me as if it wasn't a matter of question but fact.

"Yes, I know" I said, "great" he replied happily "I want u to stop visiting that boy in the hospital." he said. Stunned for a moment, I let my mouth hang open. His firm hand on my shoulder.

Disgusted by his words and angered by his facial expression. I shrugged away from his hand roughly. "No" I said coldly, "I love him... I love him more than anything and I can't stop seeing him." I said as calm as my brain would allow.

"How long have you known this guy, for all we know he could be some sort of gangster, a rapist or even a criminal!!" he shouted, anger coursing through his veins. "He's not!" I screamed tears streaming down my face.

"Honey, you think this is love? You've only known him for like, what? three weeks! and now you're in love? Well, let me tell you something, he doesn't fucking love you!" "Yes, he does, he loves me, just because you're an ass doesn't mean everyone else is!"

SLAP! SLAP! His backhand hits me in the mouth and face. I land on my ass and cry out in pain. I weep bitterly. "I hate you dad!" I said it but I didn't mean it, I felt a twinge of sadness but brushed it off "fuck! I'm sorry Chocolate," he said regretfully. "Sorry? sorry? the damage has been done!" I said storming up to my room.

I closed the door softly, sinking down to the ground, my face in my palms. I got up and took a shower, cleansing myself of the troubles of today. I relax as the hot water eases my headache and I instantly feel better, my mind shifts to Kayden, and I sigh "God, I hope he's ok" I whisper.

I take an early night, laying on my bed scrolling through Instagram. I see a new post from him. what?? this doesn't make sense I thought I send him a text immediately. It was the picture he took, the day it all happened.



It's not Kayden it's his brother.


yeah k

Damn bro, so much for conversation I thought, wait, how did he get Kayden's passwords? Anyways, I guess I wouldn't want to talk to me either. I liked the text and went offline. This brother is kind of cold. Anyways I fell asleep and woke up to a nightmare.

In my dream, Kayden never woke up and I died from loneliness because I didn't want to love again. That's such a dumbass dream ughhh. I get up and freshen up myself, looking in the mirror that hung over the bathroom sink.

I see dark circles under my eye. I sigh in defeat and brush my teeth; I wash my face and walk away. I turn on the shower and relax as the hot water cascades down my back. I finish up and head out into the room.

I put on a white sundress that reached me midthigh with white sandals. I rush down the stairs. The kitchen coming into full view, I open the cupboard and took out two pop tarts.

"Good morning" my mother came in. "Morning" I say as I pop the tarts into the microwave after removing them from the pouch. She fried an egg and placed it down with some orange juice "eat please" she said eyeing me with a stern look. I sighed and sat down to eat.

The pop tarts where done before I was finished and I got up to remove them only for the plate to be snatched away "honey, this isn't real food you'll eat them later ok?" "fine" I sighed and went back to eating.

Your father tells me you and him had a fight last night, "uhhu" I answered. "uhhu, is that all you have to say to me, what made your father hit You to the point where he regretted it later?" she asked "nothing" I said getting up and going back up to my room, avoiding the talk all together.

"Whether you like it or not we are going to settle this once and for all, and I know you won't stay up there forever," she yelled up the stairs.

"Whatever" I mumbled under my breath. Closing the door to my room I lay down on the bed and sigh. I get up and start moving up and down my room.

I hurried down the stairs again and began my chores I washed the dishes that are always left for me to do, and I tidied the living room, I went up and cleaned my parents' room.

I find a rolled-up condom under the bed and my face instantly contorts into a disgusted look, I shiver and dump it immediately.

I throw out the trash and that's when Marlon, Sebastian's friend pulls up the driveway. I cringe and I rush up the stairs. I shower and I do my hair in a stylish high ponytail. I want to put on a black dress.

I'm going clubbing with the girls tonight I say to myself and if my parents don't like it, they'll deal with me later. Fuck the consequences. I put my hand to my chin, as I look into the wardrobe hm something sinful I think to myself.

I fish through my closet and find a strapless black polyester dress, damn, I'm ready to snatch some boyfriends. Now don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with mines, I'm just going clubbing, you know, have a little fun. I open my clear jewelry boxes and pick out a necklace.

I pick a Stemenet rose gold layered necklace, it was made with large stones for dramatic style. My father's first expensive gift to me. I put a gold hoop earring in the shape of a heart and did my makeup.

I gave myself a once over in the mirror and winked, Time to break hearts lol. I'm joking OfCourse. I connect my air pods to my phone and put my music on shuffle.

I start the car and drive to Jeriah's house. "Hey girl" I said excited. "Heyyy are you ready?" she asks her voice filled with happiness "yassss" I screamed as we left her driveway. "Remember to come in before 10 her father bellowed." We laughed, and drove to Club18.

Author: 🥹