

The most important thing a parent can teach their child is how to get along without them. But I guess that was never the case for me. My parents were old fashioned and strict. My name is Levena Johnson, and this is my story. I fell in love with a gangster... yes you heard right, after being heartbroken 5 times that is hahaha funny right, sigh. "Mom, can I go to the movies with Jeriah, I really wanna watch the new barbie movie" I got up the courage to ask but alas I failed to free myself again...

Dreambabyy_ · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

Chapter 2

I was scrolling through Instagram, When I came across his post, 'Currently holding it all together with one bobby pin' it read, I laughed, commented mood and followed his account. I know what you're thinking, how do you know its him?

Well first of all his profile was a pic of him, and in my defense, it won't hurt to spy on him a little, I click followers and began going through them all. girl, girl, girl I check each profile. then I go through who he is following, boy, girl, girl, I click on a girl's profile and check her posts to see if he commented.

And there it was, she was leaning against a wall, her back arched, and her ass in full view for all to see, she wore tights and a spaghetti stringed crop top. His comment was right on top follow me😍 it read. I hated that emoji, I sigh and plug in my air pods, and listen to what it is by Doechii. I go offline just as a message popped up.

who's this.

Its Levena


I'm kl wyd



So, wat u got on😏

Your grandma's panties😪

😬🥲How u get those!?

I stole them


👀 yh my grandma don't look dat gd in shorts


I go offline and get out of bed sheepishly. I turn on the water and strip naked. I shower quickly and put on my uniform; we had the prettiest uniform ever. It consists of a red, white and black pleated skirt, a black dress shirt and a red, white and black tie, the same color as the skirt.

Boys wore black, pants with the tie and shirt and you can wear any shoes as long as it is black or white, preferably sneakers. After dressing I brush my teeth and put on my white converse shoes and black stockings. Grabbing my light purple bag, I head downstairs.

Colliding with my brother, "Sebastian", I say in a nervous voice, "are you avoiding me Lev" he says arching one brow up curiously. "Look, I have school in an hour we'll talk later" I brushed passed him, "I already said I was sorry" he sighed. I skip breakfast and slam the front door shut.

Walking away from the house, I hear my name "Levena Krystal Johnson, did you pay for any of the doors in this house" my mother shouts. "No ma'am" I look down at my feet. "Get out of here and I don't want to go to town and see you roaming around with those friends of yours" she says.

I walk to school and reach very early, sitting scrolling through my phone I hear the rev of an engine, I look up and see Kayden coming in with another boy. He hands something wrapped in a brown paper to Kayden. Shoving it in his black bag quickly Kayden shuts of the engine and parks.

The boy drives away, and Kayden is walking towards me, I quickly pry my eyes away and stare at my phone. "Hey" he says sitting, I don't answer. He arches his brow suspiciously. "Who spit in your coffee this morning", "no one, I skipped breakfast" I replied venom in my tone.

"ook?" he says, "I don't know what I did, but I should give you some space he says, getting up. "No, don't go" I say grabbing his hand. He sits down again, "Girls" he said rolling his eyes. "You know, it's not healthy for a good-looking girl like you to stress" he winks at me "leave that to the grown ass men" he says smirking "you?"

I reply disdainfully, "oh please don't tell me all that weed you smoke is getting to your head" I scoff. He clutches his chest, making a pained expression. "woww that hurt Levena", "serves you right lol" I reply.

The bell goes and we get to class, Math's first thing in the morning on my chest sigh Kayden is sited at the back of me, his phone on his chest and he is fast asleep leaning on the wall in his chair.

"Kayden" I get up to check on him before the teacher comes in. I reach out for his face and slap it softly, "Kayden, wake up, come on."

His hand reached for mine, grabbing my hand in his he pulls me forcefully onto his lap, there I was sitting on his lap straddling him, heat in my cheeks. "K-kayden l-let me go" I say. by now the entire class had eyes at the back, he wakes up and sees me on his lap.

He blinks as if he doesn't recognize his handy work, "let me go" I say again, he realizes he is still holding me and let's go, I get up and sit back down, "awkward~" I hear him whisper under his breath.

I'm just 16, and he's 17. I have to wait 2 more years. "Um when are u turning 18?" I turn and ask he looks away and answers in a bored tone "October 12, you"? he says, "May 23" I smile, he looks me in the eyes, "a Gemini he smirks." "Oh, shut up you're a libra,"

"what's wrong with that?" he arches a brow. "You have the worst negative traits I roll my eyes. He rolls his eyes and stays calm, he points "I'm not arguing with a little girl" he crosses his arms at that I turn. "I'm not a little girl" I felt hurt by his words for some reason I turn away and sit looking forward the rest of the day I can feel his eyes piercing the back of my head.

The teacher arrives and we stand and sit after her she begins her lesson, and the day goes slowly. the last class is social sciences and we had to pick partners for a group project. I end up with him, my bestie and some other random girl, who said her name was Zinia. She kept looking at him and blushing, I rolled my eyes 'seriously?"

I whisper under my breath. He chuckles next to me. the last bell goes, and we head home as I am walking with my friends in a group of 5, I see him drive away with the same guy from in the morning and they are laughing as they drive along.

I tore my eyes away with a scowl on my face. i know that I was not an average 16-year-old who was mature and that I was childish and acted like a 12-year-old sometimes but still, it hurt to hear him say that.

Arriving home, a sink full of dishes from the morning waits for me, dirty clothes all over the place, and a note on the fridge that read 'start up lunch Lev-mom :)' I sigh and begin tidying and cleaning, I wash up the dishes and head up to wash up to start lunch, I make a bull foot soup and put it off covering it so it can cool before dishing it out.

I start up the stairs grumbling under my breath as I reach my room, "no one in this damn house does a thing, just leave it all for me that the plan huh, when she gets home, she will do the work." My brother is probably out with his friends, and I never get to do any of those things.