
Chapter 50: Epilogue


“Okay, I think we’re good to go!”  Seeley shouted from the bow, gazing up at the sail she helped hoist.

The pastel blue early morning sky held wispy clouds and the perfect amount of breeze to start their sailing expedition.

“You picked this up quick, just like I knew you would, sweetheart.” The handsome brunet lifeguard smiled, popping his head out from the stern, wearing a ridiculous pair of orange aviator sunglasses. “Not even Orlando picked up the rigging that fast.”

“Hey!” Orlando hollered from behind Seeley, standing next to Yas who was holding an unpopped bottle of champagne. “You were a terrible teacher. You said to me and I quote ‘Hey Lan, put that thing up and around over there, no not like that, you know just pull’.”

Seeley laughed, her copper hair blowing in the breeze as Pirate pawed up to her, rubbing his side on her ankles, purring.

“...Okay that may be fair.” Asher chuckled approaching the caramel-eyed diver and wrapping her up in a hug from behind.