
Forbidden Bloodline: The Ancient Curse

Blaze Draven, a formal special ops agent, was unjustly declared wanted by his country to conceal a political ploy. They hunted him around until death. However, he got transmigrated into the body of a ten-year-old kid on an unknown planet – Hadar, a planet of bloodline, magic, and empires. He planned to live the rest of his life, serenely and uneventfully. However, he was still an ant in front of fate! In Hadar, different bloodlines of ancient legendary and common beasts exist in the human body. Bloodline can improve your mana prowess. However, there is a class of bloodline that is shunned by the whole Hadar – the forbidden bloodline. Anybody with the forbidden bloodline is killed on site. Blaze happened to awaken the forbidden bloodline. He had no qualms about dying. But something happened along the way that made him change his mind. He had one mission to accomplish before dying — 'Burn the hegemonic Tower Empire to the ground!' However, an Empire that has survived for thousands of years is not a thing to be destroyed like a mud house, manor, or town.

Blackcape001 · แฟนตาซี
81 Chs

36. Broken Team Vs the Bear

The bear advanced on all fours, its movements deliberate and measured, as it bared its menacing fangs towards the group. Its slow and deliberate approach only heightened the sense of impending danger. Sophia and Olivia trembled uncontrollably, their fear evident as they shook like leaves in the wind. Robin audibly gulped, his nervousness palpable in the tense atmosphere.

"Snap out of it. If you don't, we are going to died," Aurora roared, making everybody wake from their fear.

While the others were visibly shaken by the bear's menacing presence, Blaze's focus remained centered on assessing the situation. He carefully analyzed his chances of facing the wild bear alone, gauging its power based on the display of strength it had showcased by effortlessly smashing the fallen trunk. Blaze's experienced eye and analytical mind sought to estimate the bear's capabilities, calculating the potential risks and advantages of engaging in a solo confrontation.

"Blaze, take Sophia and Olivia to their position," Aurora said as mana started swirling around her sword.

Recognizing the immediate danger posed by the charging bear, Blaze swiftly nodded to Olivia and Sophia, signaling them to follow his lead. Without hesitation, he pulled them along, urging them to move quickly and escape the bear's path.

As they hurried away, the bear's growl intensified, filled with anger and frustration at its prey attempting to evade its pursuit. Like a force of nature, the bear dashed forward, its powerful movements reminiscent of a charging bulldozer, fueled by its determination to catch its intended prey.

"Priscilla!" Aurora roared.

Priscilla, with fierce determination, crouched low, channeling her power into the earth beneath her. With a resounding impact, her palm collided with the ground, igniting a cataclysmic response. From the very depths, a rugged wall began to emerge, its formidable presence ascending with measured deliberation. The ground trembled beneath the weight of this monumental creation.

As the bear charged forward, its savage might aimed at Priscilla, she stood unwavering, a stalwart shield between Aurora, Robin, and the oncoming threat. Yet, even as the bear drew near, the wall had already risen to match the towering height of its adversary.

With a thunderous collision, the mighty bear clashed against the fortified wall, causing hairline fractures to race across its sturdy surface. Though the wall held steadfast, momentarily halting the beast's advance, a brief glimmer of confusion flickered within the bear's eyes, its focus momentarily lost.

In a display of audacious bravery, Aurora leaped atop the towering rampart, her heart ablaze with determination. With a fearless dive, she descended upon the ferocious bear, her sword poised to strike. Closing the distance to a mere meter, she unleashed a mighty slash, pouring every ounce of her strength into the blow, aiming straight for the creature's formidable head.

Yet, despite her valiant effort, the sword's impact yielded only a shallow, vertical cut of insignificant length upon the bear's rugged visage. Instead of incapacitating the creature, the strike served as a catalyst, rousing the beast from its momentary stupor, igniting a renewed fury within its primal instincts.

With agility and swiftness, Aurora swiftly retreated, leaping over the wall with a graceful ease, her words whispered knowingly, "Just as I anticipated."

Enraged, the bear emitted a fierce growl, charging towards the wall with determined fury. However, this time it did not collide head-on. Instead, as it neared the earthbound barrier, the wild beast reared up, raising its powerful paw high before delivering a devastating strike upon the healed surface.

A resounding echo akin to thunder resounded through the forest, shaking the very foundation of the battleground. Splinters of rock erupted from the battered wall, as deep cracks marred its once formidable facade. Like a spider's web, fractures spread across the very ground beneath the bear's weight, signifying the immense force of its assault.

Undeterred, the bear relentlessly pummeled the wall once more, causing further damage as the cracks multiplied, covering both sides of the beleaguered barrier. What was once a sturdy defense now resembled a weathered relic, precariously held together by the thinnest of bonds.

Priscilla clenched her teeth, her hands firmly planted on the ground as she felt the weight of the situation. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, a testament to the intense strain she endured. "The wall cannot withstand another onslaught of such power. If the bear strikes it again, our fate is sealed," she uttered, her voice shaking.

Aurora, poised for another attack, was abruptly halted by Robin's firm grip. Sensing the urgency of the moment, Robin knew he had to take action. A fleeting glance passed between him and Aurora, a silent understanding shared before she reluctantly withdrew.

Without a moment of hesitation, Robin swiftly drew forth his trident, a weapon crackling with an otherworldly energy. Sinuous serpents of purple thunder coiled and writhed upon its gleaming surface, their numbers multiplying in a mesmerizing dance. Gritting his teeth, Robin summoned every ounce of courage, determined to overcome his own fears in the face of imminent danger.

"The bear is about to—"

With unwavering resolve, Robin interrupted Priscilla's unfinished statement, his actions speaking louder than words. In a daring display of agility, he leaped onto the towering wall, locking eyes with the bear as its paw hung suspended in mid-air. Seizing the opportune moment, Robin propelled himself upwards once more, ensuring he soared above the formidable creature. With a swift descent, he descended upon the bear's head, his trident pointed menacingly downward. The trident shimmered with a foreboding purple glow, the lightning coursing through it in a mesmerizing display.

The impact was cataclysmic.

A resounding boom reverberated through the air as shockwaves of light and crackling purple lightning erupted from the point where the trident connected with the bear's massive head. The force of the blow caused the creature's leg to buckle slightly, the ground beneath it cracking under the weight of the impact. Lodging itself five inches deep into the colossal head of the wild bear, the trident held its place, a testament to Robin's unwavering strength.

With vehement determination, Robin relinquished his right grip on the trident, allowing the crackling lightning to course menacingly over his right hand. A thunderous punch collided with the bear's head, his fierce proclamation of defiance echoing through the battlefield. "Take this you son of a gun!" He roared in the process.

The bear convulsed as the powerful surge of lightning coursed through its body. Yet, astonishingly, the creature seemed unfazed, its attention fixated on Robin. In a swift retaliatory move, the bear lashed out with its raised paw, striking Robin with immense force. Sent hurtling through the air, the valiant warrior clung tightly to his trident, his body spewing forth a crimson spray of blood before crashing into a sturdy tree. Overwhelmed by the brutal impact, Robin succumbed to unconsciousness, his battered form lying motionless on the ground.

Meanwhile, the relentless bear, undeterred by the lightning's effect, thundered towards the beleaguered wall. With a powerful charge, it rammed into the already battered barrier, causing broken rocks to scatter in its wake. The bear's momentum carried it forward, crashing into Priscilla with devastating force. Like an arrow gone astray, she hurtled through the air before her back collided with a colossal tree, the impact rendering her unconscious in an instant.

Aurora, nimble and quick-witted, skillfully evaded the bear's charging path, narrowly escaping its menacing advance. Seizing the opportunity, a pack of icicles materialized behind the bear, striking it with chilling precision. The enraged creature turned its attention towards Aurora, who stood defiantly, her sword pointed provocatively at the formidable foe.

Baring its fangs in a display of ferocity, the wild bear charged at Aurora with a relentless determination, resembling an unstoppable force hurtling forward. With a grace matched only by her audacity, Aurora deftly rolled to the side, evading the bear's onslaught. In a seamless motion, she swiftly pivoted, her sword slashing through the bear's left hind leg with precision, abruptly halting its rampage.

Growling with fury, the bear turned, intent on smashing Aurora with its massive paw. However, with remarkable agility, she evaded the attack, effortlessly leaping to the side. Seizing the opportunity once more, she directed her blade towards the same spot on the bear's left hind leg, aiming for maximum effect.

One by one, the cycle repeated itself, as Aurora deftly exploited the bear's clumsiness, staying in close proximity behind it and striking from behind. With each successive attack, her blade bit deeper into the bear's flesh, inflicting significant wounds upon the formidable adversary.

However, in a surprising turn of events, the bear abruptly rose onto its hind legs, its massive frame towering above the battlefield. With a thunderous impact, it slammed its upper limbs onto the ground, unleashing a powerful shockwave that rippled outward in a circular pattern. Caught off guard by the sudden assault, Aurora was sent hurtling backward, her momentum only halted by colliding with a towering tree. Limp and battered, she crumpled to the ground, her strength waning.

Undeterred by its own injuries, the bear paid no heed to its bleeding legs as it slowly advanced towards the persistent intruder. The once-pristine ground surrounding them was now a fractured landscape, bearing the scars of their fierce battle. The surrounding vegetation lay trampled, the trees bearing witness to the intensity of the conflict.

Suddenly, a chilling sensation prickled the bear's senses, causing its hair to stand on end. Reacting swiftly, it instinctively retreated, just as a trident crackling with purple lightning descended from above, held firmly by a new challenger.

With an explosive release of power, the trident unleashed a shockwave that reverberated through the battlefield, leaving behind intricate spiraled cracks and residual lightning dancing in the air.

Without a moment's hesitation, Robin swiftly rose from his crouched position, wielding the elongated trident like a sword. Encircled by crackling lightning, he lashed out at the bear with relentless aggression, each strike infused with a surge of raw power. The bear, instinctively seeking to evade the onslaught, hastily retreated, narrowly evading Robin's fierce attacks.

Robin's relentless assault showed no signs of relenting as he pressed forward with unwavering determination. Like a deity of thunder brandishing a divine weapon, he unleashed a torrent of strikes, denying the bear even a moment's respite.

Step by step, the bear found itself forced backward, its options dwindling with each passing moment. After a particularly powerful blow from the trident, the bear's head spun dizzily, prompting it to retreat further.

However, its retreat was cut short when its back collided with a massive tree, abruptly halting its path. With Robin poised to deliver a devastating strike, crackling lightning coursing through the trident, the bear instinctively recoiled, attempting to dodge the impending attack. Yet, before it could fully evade the strike, another lightning-infused blow followed, leaving the bear no room to escape.

Driven by pure instinct, the bear lunged at Robin, its massive paw striking with brute force. The trident clashed with the bear's face, inflicting a powerful blow. However, the force of the bear's counterattack sent Robin soaring through the air, his body propelled like a kite caught in a gust.

In a twist of fate, Robin crashed into the same tree where Aurora lay unconscious. As his vision blurred and his head spun, his consciousness waned, leaving him weak and disoriented. His gaze wandered feebly, only to find Aurora and Priscilla still motionless, lost in their own unconsciousness.

Murmuring in a slurred voice, Robin's words escaped his lips before he succumbed to darkness. "What is Blaze doing?" With those words lingering in the air, his eyes closed, surrendering to the embrace of unconsciousness. The last image etched in his mind was the bear cautiously approaching, its steps calculated and deliberate.