
For the Wretched and Divine.


"Are you sure that is her?" Said a gravel voice in the dark alley standing with his companion who seems to tower over him.

"Do you doubt my abilities, Half-blood?" the old man, who they had brought with them, said with so much disgust in it, like an insult among these people.

Before the man could start snarling his companion cut in and asked, "What makes you so sure that it is her?"

"As you were not able to provide with anything proper to track her with," the old man started with and irritated tone, "I had to go deep into some portals and find creatures in the dark who would be willing to help me and I am certain this is who you are looking for." He continued with finality that I knew we would not be able to get any more answers from him if we wanted to play civil.

Both the dark hooded creatures looked at the woman who could not be over 5 feet and a few inches she looked all too innocent and definitely not as deadly as my companions had made her out to be and I did say so only for the shorter of them to snort and the other to say, "She may look innocent but she is one of the deadliest creature in the realm whether she knows it yet or not." he murmured the last part so low that I am not sure it was meant for me.

The shorter man asked, "What about the other girls?"

"From what I have gathered, our little miss has been keeping quite the company." Says the other man with a smirk evident in his voice and his companion just raises his eyebrow at him so he continues, "Quite annoying that one is going to be," he nods towards the stoic almost brooding girl dressed in all black with identical jet black hair, then says, "And the other one is still some kind of a mystery to me, a peculiar one for sure." He says with a frown on his face.

"No matter, we need to proceed with our plans so that we can finally—"

The other man snarls with just rage that the shorter of them shuts right up so he says, "We will do as we are told and wait." He shoots his companion a look and continues, "Once we have our orders only then will we act further." The shorter one grumbles but does not speak again.

"So as much as a displeasure this was, I would very much like to go back to my warm bed." The old man starts, "So my payment?" he holds out his hand expectantly. Just as I am about to hand him his money the other two seem to have a silent conversation and the shorter one suddenly whips out a sharp looking dagger with a silver seal on it which looks vaguely familiar but before I have a chance to inspect it closer it's driven right into the old man's heart and he is left there with a look of utter horror frozen on his features and as soon as the man draws his blade back he falls to the ground, dead. I stand there frozen on the pavement looking the unmoving body and I vaguely register someone addressing me so I tune back in on the people I came here with.

"We will take care of the body but you need to trail her, keep an eye on her and report any suspicious activity you may see." The dark hooded figure says to me I still haven't seen his face or gotten to know either of their names but I would very much like to stay alive so I just nod but he continues, "You are not to engage with her, in any form. You will stay hidden and stay as far away from her as possible. Got it?"


"Good." And just like that in a blink of an eye they are gone from there along with the body of the dead man. I can only hope that my father has not sent me to my death and do as I am told and trail the girl who I do not even know.

Winter's unforgiving cold winds seem to have gotten hold of me, blowing my clothes in every direction. This feels like a start of something monumental and I have somehow gotten myself roped in this, God help me.

I sit and observe the girls there for a little while, after some time I get lost in my thoughts of home about how I was called into my father's office and was given my first assignment, one that I did not even want. My mother and sister were so happy for me kept saying how proud they were of me and how once I have completed this task father would start allowing me to come with him on important affairs. How I long to tell them that I do not even want any of those responsibilities, that I would rather like to spent working on my art. I sigh and just wish for whatever this task has to entail could get done faster.


There is an unforgiving type of cold right now, not like how it always is, but some with dead silence to it. It feels a lot heavier than it has ever been before, the world a little too quite, the night a little too dark, the waters a little to restless, the forest a little too chill, the birds a little too quiet, the animals a little too blood thirsty, people a little too defenseless and the ones with power a little too unknowing. Will someone be able to stop whatever it is that is about to come or will everyone have to think of themselves and be the selfish things that humans always are.

Some darkness is coming to get what it is owed and leave chaos in it's wake.