
Part 1:6

“Seth! Seth! Get up!” His father called.

“I’m getting up,” he moaned.

The flames in the fireplace had slowly burned low releasing clouds of smoke into the chimney. As the flames died, more smoke rose off the dying embers, filling the chimney and overflowing into the sitting room. Seth lounged on the fur rug in front of the fireplace, his face cooling with the dying flames. Smoke tickled at the back of his throat as he breathed. He figured he should add more wood and stoke the flames before the fire completely burned out. But it was so cosy laying there, he could easily go back to sleep.

“Seth! The fire, it’s spreading.”

The flames in the fireplace roared to life and yellow-orange tendrils licked up the walls, blackening stone and scorching wood. The heat was unbearable.

Suddenly his world shook. What in the name of the gods is going on? he thought. The air was so thick with smoke that his throat burned with every breath, and the sound of fire roared in his ears.

“Seth! Get up! Please, I don’t know what to do.”

Seth slowly opened his eyes, he felt disorientated and his view of the room was odd. His face was pressed against the floor, and he was staring at the gap beneath the door. Then he remembered, he had blacked out. He bolted upright, immediately regretting it as his vision titled and swirled.

Lucas was crouched next to him. His eyes were red and bloodshot and his face was blackened from smoke and dust. “Seth! What do we do?”

Smoke wafted under the gap in the door and spread out across the floor. Clouds of smoke hung in the air and the handle on the door was near invisible. Seth looked around the room, barely managing to suppress his rising panic. He got onto his hands and knees and crawled to the door. He reached out touching the handle and quickly whipped his hand back, sucking on his fingers.

He searched the room again, his eyes roving over their father's furniture and double-sized bed. Somewhere on the opposite side of the room was a window. If they could climb out, they should be able to sneak in to the stables and out to the rear yard.

“Lucas, follow me.”

They crawled across the room and crouched beside the bed. Lucas was beside him and covering his mouth. Seth patted him on the back then held his breath and stood.

The thick smoke brought tears to his eyes. He squeezed them shut and reached out for the window. His fingers touched glass and he felt around for the latch, but he couldn’t hold his breath any longer and he ducked down. A mouthful of smoke flowed into his lungs as he gasped for air, burning the back of his throat and setting his chest on fire. He began to cough. If he didn’t get the window open, and fast, they were going to die.

He pulled his shirt up to cover his mouth and nose, then stood and reached out. His hand touched the glass and he fumbled around until he felt the rough wood of the frame. Following it he came to a small gap. Down he felt, then back up until he felt the familiar touch of the iron latch. “Got it!” he called, turning it and shoving the window open. Clouds of smoke rushed through the opening and Seth took in gulps of fresh air before ducking back in to crouch beside his brother. “I’ll boost you out,” he yelled over the roar of the fire.

Lucas nodded.

“Once you get out, head for the stables and wait for me there, okay?”

Lucas nodded again then stood. Seth linked his hands together and tapped his brother on the leg, who then placed his foot in his cupped hands. Seth boosted him up and Lucas went head first out of the window.

Seth took one last look across the room. On the far side was his father’s desk. The deed!

Crouching low he scurried across the floor. Quickly he opened the drawers and rifled through the papers and scrolls. It had to be there, Father would’ve kept it close. He hoped he was right and that it wasn't in the study. He pulled out one of the drawers and tossed it onto the floor, then looked into the empty space. At the back of the drawer was a hidden compartment. He pulled open the cover and reached inside. His hands rested on a tightly rolled scroll and a small wooden box no bigger than the palm of his hand. This must be it!

Something heavy thudded against the door. Startled, Seth spun around. Another thud, harder this time. Either the house was starting to collapse, or someone wanted in. But who would be trying to get in with the inferno raging through the house? Seth decided he didn’t want to stick around and find out. He bolted across the room and as he reached the window the door burst inwards with a crash. Splinters of wood flew across the room as the fire in the passageway illuminated the room in an orange glow. Through the swirling smoke Seth could see the silhouette of a large man and the distinct shape of his armour.

Sir Tymon stepped into the room. Their eyes met. He’s come back to kill us, he thought. Surely they believed the fire would do the job. Unless they had caught Lucas! Shoving the scroll and the small box under his shirt, Seth grabbed the window frame and scrambled up the wall. He was halfway out the window when two large hands grabbed his ankles.

“Oh no you don’t,” growled Sir Tymon. “You’re not getting away.”

Seth screamed and tried to kick, but the knight held him fast and roughly dragged him back through the window, dumping him on the floor.

The knight raised his booted foot aiming to stomp on Seth’s face. He rolled under the bed just as the boot thudded onto the floor.

“Come here,” growled the knight, as he crouched down and reached for Seth.

He continued his roll beneath the bed and scrambled out the other side. Crouching low he looked for something to defend himself with. On the floor near the head of the bed was a bedpan. He shrugged, grabbed the pan and ran for the door.

Sir Tymon moved to stop him and reached out with both arms. Seth ducked and then swung the iron pan upwards with all his strength. He was rewarded with the sound of iron hitting bone and the knight fell back with a howl, clutching his jaw. Instinct took over and he continued the swing, bringing it around and directly into the knight’s crutch. Sir Tymon’s howl turned into a high pitch squawk and he fell to his knees, his mouth frozen open.

Not wasting any time Seth ran through the door. Thick smoke filled the passage and the heat from the flames were intense. Beads of sweat dried as quickly as they formed on his brow, and the moisture in his eyes evaporated. He turned both ways. The front rooms of the house were consumed with flames, which meant his only way out was the door to that led to the back and through wash house. A loud cracking sound came from the ceiling, and the roof slumped and groaned. Time to go.