
Chapter 9:

I open my eyes to find the two pillows missing and Murrin and I hugging each other. I push him away, waking him up instantly. He sits, grumbling in his sleep. I climb out of bed and find the two pillows on the floor. Did one of us throw them off the bed? I pick the two pillows up.

"Nice ass." Murrin says, yawning. I throw a pillow at him. The satisfying sound of the pillow hitting his face makes me smile.

"Did you throw them off?" I ask as Murrin pulls the pillow down from his face.

"No. We probably kicked them off or something." He says and stretches. I notice his muscles and force myself to look away. He's a hairy boy, that's for sure.

"Go shower, breakfast will be in two hours." I say. Murrin nods and gets out of bed. I toss the pillow onto the bed and walk towards the giant window in the room. There's a small area there for reading, but I instead stretch a bit before doing some exercises. A few minutes later, Murrin comes out of the bathroom to find me balancing on my hand.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Morning exercise." I respond and jump to my feet. I grab a towel and dig around for some clothes. I turn and find Murrin standing behind me. He apologizes and steps aside. I go into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I lock any unnecessary doors big enough for a person to come through before peeling off my sweaty clothes.

After I'm showered and dressed, I unlock the door and walk back into the bedroom. Murrin's combing his hair while looking through a mirror. I take off my shirt and dig through my clothes.

"Was something wrong with that shirt?" Murrin asks, tossing his brush on the bed.

"Do you think your mother wants to see your fiancé wearing a shirt with the emblem of the Huntress?"

"Fair enough. We're being introduced to a new era where a teenager can destroy all of us in a single swoop if she wanted to." Crime rates and a lot of statistics—such as domestic violence— have dropped considerably since the Huntress appeared somewhere in the far south of Mexico. No one really knows where, but her scouts and even her herself have appeared in the US. New York, California, and other major cities. Nobody really knows why, but there's been protests here and there.

"My mother doesn't like women wearing pants by the way." Murrin adds. I curse and dig around for a decent dress. Giving up, I grab the nearest black shirt and put it on.

"Your mother will have to suck it up. I don't have any dresses that match her 1800s style." I grumble. I put on some boots and arm myself to the teeth all over again.

"Again?" Murrin asks as he puts on his mask.

"I'm still your bodyguard." Murrin walks up to me and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Walls can hear—" There's a knock on the door. "—my love." The two of us turn as Murrin's mother and sister walk in.

"Ha! My dear! Good thing we came when we did! You look like a man!" Murrin's mother says as Paige hands me a dress so long and non-restraining I've ever seen. I can only strap knives in a few areas though. The dress has short sleeves with a silver belt around the waist. The fabric is soft and white. Am I going to a wedding or something?

"I don't normally wear dresses—"

"While you stay here, you do!" Murrin steps in.

"Mother, she's new to our customs. Be lenient with her." His mother scoffs.

"Then, she might as well learn now."

"You should understand some of my customs then." I respond. Murrin's mother gives me a withering look.

"You're replaceable. Don't forget that." She finally says. Somehow, that hit home. I have to take a deep breath and hold it for a good minute to not slap the living shit of this old lady. Being old doesn't mean she can say whatever to me. There's no excuse for her ill behavior.

"Thanks for pointing that out." I begin to disarm myself. Murrin's mother's eyes grow bigger the more I take them off. Murrin seems to stifle a laugh as I smile sweetly. I take off the last bit and look at the old lady.

"Y-you carry that on a daily basis?" Paige asks, a bit frightened.

"I'm not a normal woman who likes prancing around all nicely dressed. I am not rich despite my father's inheritance. And no, I seek for none either. I earn my living." I look down at Murrin's mother. "I don't have time for unnecessary bantering."

"Put the dress on.* She commands. I take it and try to walk to the bathroom, but she blocks me.

"Here?" I ask. I look at Murrin who just silently looks away. I sigh and take off my shirt. Paige gasps. I throw my shirt aside and look at her.

"What happened to you?" She asks. I sigh.

"War isn't fun. That's what happened." I put on the dress, taking my pants off underneath.

"You look more like a man with those muscles than like a woman." Murrin's mother says.

"That makes two of us." I grumble. Murrin stifles a laugh. Paige sighs, hiding her need to laugh. Murrin's mother herself becomes furious.

"I was top rank! We knew when to shut up! To obey—"

"You weren't a lab experiment." Murrin's mother throws her arms up in defeat and leaves. Paige follows behind, trying not to die of laughter. As soon as the door closes behind them, Murrin starts laughing. He falls on the bed, laughing hysterically.

"I have never seen anyone make my mother leave like that!" I sit next to him.

"Why?" I smack him playfully.

"My mother is a woman of strong words. She doesn't give in too kindly. Especially, to anyone new to the family." He explains.

"I see..." Murrin suddenly pushes me down on the bed. I block out the flashbacks as he wraps and arm around my waist.

"For what it's worth, you do look beautiful in that dress." I push him away and sit up.

"Thanks. Flattery won't get you on my good side though." I stand, reaching back to take off my bra. "For someone so conservative, why would she give me such a revealing dress?"

"That's actually a pretty good question." Murrin stands and helps me. For some reason, I don't have any flashbacks. Nothing. Just feels a bit odd. He suddenly wraps his arms around my waist and presses his hand against my stomach. Before I can question him, the door opens. Paige peeks in and she blushes a bit.

"Uh... Breakfast is ready...Uh...whenever you two want to join us." Murrin places his chin on my shoulder and presses his check against mine.

"We'll be down in a bit." Paige nods, turning a shade of crimson. She leaves, closing the door a bit louder. Murrin lets go.

"Sorry about that. They have not a bone on their body that respects privacy." I smile.

"It's okay. Just caught me a bit off guard." Murrin watches me for a second.

"You don't like it when people touch you. Why?" I freeze. I sigh and turn to look at him.

"I've has some...very traumatizing experiences. Some of them made me very reserved." Murrin just keeps looking at me, quietly.

"You didn't react. Earlier when Paige came in, you didn't react. It's...almost like you—" I hold my hand up.

"Don't read too much into it. This is merely business." I look at him with a serious expression. "You've had some very painful experiences yourself. So, I will go ahead and make myself clear. We're not even friends. And I do not seek for such relationships."

"I didn't mean to imply such a thing. My apologies." He says. I nod.

"Let's head down before Paige gets any wild ideas." Murrin nods and together, we head down for breakfast.