
Nothing Like Us (Jungkook & V of BTS cover)




I'd begun to doze off after Nurse Min gave me another shot of really strong painkillers, like morphine and valium, or something. The pain was easing and honestly - I needed the sleep. I hadn't had any for a while. Jeongguk started humming the same song he used to sing that would calm me down during a panic attack. It could have been a minute or an hour that I relaxed while he sang for me. I was brought back to the present suddenly by a door slamming open. "KOOOKKKIIIIEEEEE!" The very loud voice screamed, I whimpered with the pain in my ears. "SSHHH! Tae! The dude in the other bed is sleeping, well he was. I don't know if you woke him with your loud ass screaming. HEY!! HEY - don't open the curtain TAEHy-- *a pause* Fuck."

The dividing partition was noisily opened making me wince at the light in my eyes. If I could have hissed at the person around the tube down my throat I would have. A shuffling of feet and then curtain was closed just as quickly and a muttered, "Sorry 'bout my alien," coming from Jeongguk. I understood from his comment it was his boyfriend, I can't remember his name right now but I have memories that we were probably friends. Friends. Huh. Not a word I trusted so much anymore, not after him. Not after the person who broke my heart, the person who broke me down and bullied me - the person who nearly killed me just over six years ago.

There was a whispered conversation that I mostly missed because of the pain relief I'd been administered and I dozed in and out of consciousness. After a while there was another commotion, this one much quieter than Gukkie's boyfriends arrival. I heard Nurse Min announce that Jeongguk's older brother had arrived and that if possible they were to keep quiet, with that he left to do more rounds or something.

Once the nurse left after bringing Kookie's brother to our room I heard their voices, well mostly Jeongguk's older brother asking the questions and him answering with this Taelien throwing in a few weird comments. His older brother hadn't asked him how he ended up in the hospital though I was curious as well since he hadn't told me either - to be fair we didn't have much time to talk and tapping things in code took a while. Their conversations lapsed into quiet and the boyfriend, Taehyung announced he had to leave for work but he'd be back later.

After a silence I heard something that made me curious, the voice was Kookie's brother and he sounded super tired. "I don't know what you're hiding but spit it out. I'm dead on my feet and want to go to bed for a long sleep. I've been awake all night just hoping you'll be okay and I don't know what the hell you're hiding so just tell me because I'm not in the mood for guessing games." I heard Kookie start to mumble something but was interrupted. "Jeon Jeongguk. I might be half asleep but I KNOW you're keeping secrets. What or who is on the other side of the curtain that you think you are protect-"

I phased out because a wave of pain washed over me, it happened like that, coming in waves. I don't know how long it had been since the last dose but I hoped the next one was damn soon. I wasn't sure how much of their conversation I missed but I heard a question I didn't think I could ignore without consequences. "Can I tell my brother who you are? I promise he won't say anything to anyone. I pinky swear it." I thought for a moment before responding.

.__ .. ._.. ._.. .... . _ . ._.. ._.. .... ___ ... . ___ _._

[will he tell hoseok]

.... . _._. ._ _. _ _ . ._.. ._.. .... .. __

[he cant tell him]

.__. ._.. . ._ ... . _.. ___ _. _ ._.. . _ .... .. __

[please dont let him]

The disembodied voices of Jeongguk and his brother filter through the curtain separating the rooms. "Do you know someone named Jung Hoseok?" Kookie asked carefully. "Yeah, I actually ran into him in the emergency waiting room. He said he brought his best friend in, uhm.. Jimin. Park Jimin, I think. Why?" Kookie's voice was cold and determined, "You have to promise not to say a word about who's in this room. Ever. Kim Seokjin - you have to swear on your life... No. You have to swear on MY life to say nothing to that.. that.. dead-ass scum piece of shit. Ever." A long silence next, my concentration wavered so I wasn't sure if there was anything else said.


_ . ._.. ._.. .... .. __

[tell him]

I tapped my reply. "Are you sure?" He paused briefly, then said in an accusatory tone, "What? I know morse code."

_ . ._.. ._.. .... .. __

[tell him]

._.. . _ __ . ... . . .... .. __

[let me see him]

... .... ___ .__ .... .. __ __ .

[show him me]

.__ .. ._.. ._.. . _.._ .__. ._.. ._ .. _. _ ___ .... .. __

[will explain to him]

___ ._. _.__ ___ .._ . _.._ .__. ._.. ._ .. _. .._. ___ ._. __ .

[or please explain for me]

"You sure?" he called doubtfully, not sure if it was okay for Kookie to tell his brother.

_.. ___ .. _

[do it]

"Get me up." Kookie asked his brother, I saw him grab the edge of the curtain and it made me smile internally when I heard him add, "You cannot tell Jung anything you see or hear in this room. You have to swear on my life that you won't." There was silence so I didn't know what was going on. "You need to say it Seokjin. I can't let you see who's here unless you promise to not tell anyone." I heard an exasperated sigh. "Fine. I promise that I won't say anything." "Just to let you know, he's not as pure as he used to be but he's still my pretty baby. If you say anything to hurt him, I'll hurt you like I wanted to do to his cocksucking ex. Got it?"

I felt well protected that Kookie demanded this of his brother for me, that he'd made his brother promise out loud so I could hear it as well. "What did Hos-" Someone slapped a hand over the mouth that started to speak the forbidden name, tears welling in my eyes. I forced them back because I promised myself I would never cry over Hoseok again. "That name is not allowed here."

Jeongguk finally pulled back the curtain with a cute smile on his face as he looked at me, "Ji." "Holy fuck. It's really you!" Kookie's brother exclaimed.

Jeongguk had his brother lay him on the bed with me and he reached out to take one of my hands. "Park Jimin, this is my brother Kim Seokjin. Jin, this is Jimin, Jiminie or Ji but never Min. Not ever Min." Kookie got closer to me, "Are you really sure?" He whisper-asked me. "You can still change your mind. Just tap me twice if it's okay to talk and three times if you want me to stop, alright?" My eyes glossed up as I felt the tears threaten me again but I tapped his hand twice anyway.

"Can you please pass my water bottle Jin? Thanks." Once he'd settled back down Jeongguk told his elder brother everything he knew about me and then some things I didn't know he knew; from when we were in high school, everything that went on between Jung Hoseok and me, how I'd been bullied to the point of bleeding out and ended up being sent to the psych ward in Ilsan, then right up until last year when I'd dropped off the grid. I didn't know how he knew so much about me.

I guess Hwangwoon, Harin or Dongju could have told him stuff because nobody except Kanghyun and his group of friends knew where I'd been. They were seriously the best group of people I'd met. The only people who I'd honestly trusted in a long long time. I wish I was still in touch with them. I wonder if Jeongguk could give me their numbers again, I missed them a whole lot.

I looked at my best friend and reached out to take one of his hands. "Park Jimin, this is my brother Kim Seokjin. Jin, this is Jimin or Ji but never Min." I bent closer to his ears, "Are you really sure?" I asked him quietly, "You can still change your mind. Just tap me twice if it's okay to talk about it and three times if you want me to stop, alright?" The chocolate brown eyes glossed over and I felt him tap my hand twice. "Can you please pass my water bottle Jin? Thanks."

Once he'd settled back down I told my elder brother everything I knew about Jimin; from when we were in high school, everything that went on between him and Jung Hoseok, how he was bullied to the point of being institutionalized for it, and right up until last year when he'd dropped off the grid. By the end of what I knew my brother had tears sliding down his face - I just stared, shocked.

"Park Jimin... I-i am so fucking sorry Jimin. I wish I'd known back then everything what had gone on between you two. I would have, I don't know.. Tried, at least, to protect you from... from Ju- Him.. from the bullies... from.. just... everything! Everything you went through that you didn't have to. Jeongguk should have told me when he knew because maybe I could have-" I interrupted my brothers babbling. "You were friends with Jung back then, Jin. What would you have done? Told him? There's nothing you could have done that would have changed what this precious bean went through. Back then you probably would've taken Jung's side not Jimin's. Don't sit on it, let it go, alright?"

I was sad to see my big brother crying over a guy he barely knew, only from what I'd told him just now (as far as I knew). "Jung is going to be told that Jimin was transferred to some other hospital while Yoongs will be pretending Jimin isn't here or something. You can't tell Jung because you don't understand what this sweetest mochi went through because of that piece of shit. You can't tell anyone he's here. I'm also gonna take care of all Jimin's bills and then he's gonna move in with me and Taetae when we move in together at the end of the month."


Seokjin and I both stared at Jeongguk as if he'd just told us he was straight. I scribbled something on the pad beside me. 'What? Taelien doesn't even know I'm here so how is he okay with this? He doesn't even know I'm back!' I spun the pad around and shoved it in his face in a mild panic. What was going to happen? What if Taehyung didn't remember me? What if...

A weight on the other side of me and my hair being brushed out of my eyes brought me back to the present. "Hey, it's okay," Seokjin spoke quietly, "Stop panicking, just breathe for us, alright. Breathe in for 8, hold it for 7 and release over 5. Good boy, good job sweetheart. In for 8, 5-6-7-8, good, now hold for 7, and out for 5. Good boy, you're doing such a good job." Kookie's big brother was good at helping me calm down and I caught the younger staring at his older brother with a look of awe on his face.

"How- When- You- you know that?" he asked, a little stunned. Seokjin looked back at his little brother smiling a little, "I may have heard you on the phone a few times doing it and I didn't know what it meant so I asked a nursing student we went to school with what it meant, a Min.. someone. I can't remember. Was it this precious bean you were helping?" Jeongguk nodded at Seokjin because they had both helped me over the phone, so many times, until someone could meet me and wrap me up in big cuddles.

I scribbled again on my pad that had been squished between Kookie and I. 'Hugs now? We talk later? Tired.' Kookie and Seokjin both wrapped me in a gentle hug, "Of course hyung, I'm sorry we kept you up. Do you want me to call the cute nurse for you?" I flushed red and nodded, the pain was becoming unbearable so I wrote another passage for him to show the nurse. 'Pain: 13/6 Koo -HURT!!!!!' Their eyes both widened when they read my scale. "Shit. I'll go find the blue haired nurse, that's the one you were talking about correct?" Jeongguk nodded quickly, "Yeah. Nurse Min Yoongi, he's a dude. He understands."