
Food Wars: Tavern

In the bustling city, there is a tavern that operates only between 7 PM and 12 AM. The food here is fancy and delicious, but surprisingly not expensive! Any ordinary ingredient, when in the hands of the owner Zane, shines brightly. Many people go crazy and become obsessed with his cooking! ----------- This novel is a chill, slice-of-life novel. 10 advance chapters: patreon.com/angelictranslating

AngelicTL · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
197 Chs

The God's Tongue Conquered Again

Patreon here, 10 chapters advance: patreon.com/angelictranslating


In the end.

The light gradually dissipated.

The entire dish of Comet Fried Rice was fully revealed in front of Mana and Anne.


"This dish is so astounding!"

"I still can't believe it, that there would actually be a glowing dish."

"And how the final skillful stir-f made the whole fried rice drop onto the plate like a comet, this magnificent and magical phenomenon is truly incredible..."

Looking at the Comet Fried Rice in front of her, Anne couldn't help but cover her mouth, still stunned and unable to recover.

She remembered the last time she was at the tavern and tasted the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, it didn't have the glowing effect like now.


"The ingredients are simple."

"But it is truly a beautiful and dreamy dish."

"I don't think there is any chef in the world, any cook, who can make a simple vegetable fried rice look so stunning!"

Mana was equally surprised, feeling even more perplexed.

The same ingredients can have different variations in cooking methods, or the same dish can have different ingredient combinations.

But no matter what, this glowing phenomenon that defied science could never have occurred, right?


Later on.

Regaining her composure.

She quickly took a small spoon and couldn't resist taking a bite of the Comet Fried Rice.

Upon closer inspection, the fried rice was fluffy and each grain remained firm even after chewing.

Combined with the sweetness of the spinach and bok choy, along with the aroma of the lard heated by the rice, the whole dish seemed to embody the beauty of mountains, the simplicity of farmhouses, and the richness of the earth.

Just a gentle whiff made one eager to indulge.

At first, Mana was a bit distracted.

After all, looking at the spoonful of Comet Fried Rice in her hand, she suddenly recalled the nauseating feeling of previous meals and the subsequent vomiting!

But after a brief contemplation, she ultimately closed her eyes and slowly took a bite.



The rice in her mouth.

Even after chewing through multiple times, it was still chewy.

Like playful kids bouncing around in her mouth.


"This fried rice..."

Mana's eyes instantly lit up.

She eagerly used her god's tongue ability to analyze the taste and texture.


In her view,

A bowl of ordinary vegetable fried rice.

If it can satisfy the diner, then it is considered an excellent fried rice.

In other words, the evaluation of food should be a subjective description based on personal feelings. Therefore, judging whether this fried rice is excellent depends on whether it satisfies one's god's tongue.

Undoubtedly, Zane's Comet Fried Rice was truly delicious.

Each grain of distinct white rice, adorned with green spinach, bok choy, and green onions.

Seasoned simply with salt, lard, and other ingredients, the dish was humble and set the tone for what fried rice should be.

Due to the vegetables,

The overall color of the fried rice was green.

Under the light, it even reflected the brilliance of a comet!

But no ingredient could overshadow the taste of the spinach and bok choy.

Every time she chewed the vegetables, the juice oozed out, spreading quickly across the mouth, coating every corner of her tongue.

At the same time, the sweet aroma was enough to make Mana's eyes light up, marveling at this wonderful and dynamic flavor.

The fiery stir-frying essence was completely absorbed by the rice and vegetables, so every bite carried the essence of nature and sunlight.


"This fried rice."

"It seems it is stir-fried skillfully first, breaking up the grains of rice."

"Then quickly blended with spinach, bok choy bits, seasoned with salt."

"Lastly, with intense heat, it locks in the flavors and aromas of all the ingredients."


"So impressive!"

"The taste of this fried rice not only embodies freshness."

"But the texture is smooth and sticky from the rice, and the sweetness and freshness of spinach and bok choy."

"Even after swallowing, the hint of fragrance lingers between the lips and teeth."

"And every time you want to have another taste, the glistening and translucent grains of rice make it hard to chew!"

At this moment, an indescribable feeling.

Started spreading from the rice to Mana's heart, making her immensely satisfied!


She had to admit.

Even with her god's tongue ability, at this moment, she found it difficult to find any flaws or shortcomings in this fried rice.

"How strange! Could this dish be so perfect that even the god's tongue cannot reach?"

"Or is my god's tongue not working?"


"I don't believe it."

"It seems that to find the flaws in this plate of fried rice, one bite is not enough!"

 At the end of her analysis, Mana, who had only scratched the surface, was filled with regret.

She had eaten countless dishes in her life, but only this time, in front of this Comet Fried Rice, she felt deeply powerless!

As a result, she eagerly continued to take a second bite.

Perhaps even she herself hadn't realized that she was actually being conquered by Zhang Fan's Comet Fried Rice.

After all, under normal circumstances, she would feel especially sick after just one bite of this kind of dish, no matter how delicious it might be.

However, this time, her god's tongue actually adapted, and she even wanted to take a second bite.


A world hidden within a grain of rice,

Time brewing in half a pot.

Time does not stand still, and there aren't many dishes in this world that can make people feel warm.

But this Comet Fried Rice, with its various vegetables, amplified this rare warmth and quickly surged into her heart, flowing down her throat, down her esophagus, and into her stomach.

Gradually, as Mana had the second bite of the fried rice, she began to enter a fantastical world.

She saw that in the vast universe, there was always unfathomable darkness. And in this deserted universe, Mana could only feel despair and fear in this environment.

Suddenly, a comet with a long green light streaked across her head.

Although the time from the appearance to the fall of the comet was quite short, it left her with endless beauty and hope.

Finally, the entire dark universe gradually lit up, revealing a dazzling scene of stars.

Various star systems, like countless blooming flowers, formed a magnificent and majestic picture.


In that moment,

Mana seemed unable to control her brain, as she stopped thinking.


"What... what is happening?"

When she came to her senses, she realized that her originally frail body was undergoing a transformation.

A warm feeling, a mysterious power, was quickly spreading throughout her body, making every cell in her body seem to be filled with energy.

And this inexplicable feeling made her feel very comfortable for a moment, causing her to involuntarily sing softly.

"So hot!"

"My body is so hot!"

"Uh... um... aah... my body can't take it anymore!"