
Chapter 73: Western-style Apple Risotto

As soon as Mrs. Wenxu finished speaking, Xingping put on her turban, and then Ichiro Pajo took off his watch, and Shike... ran away from the kitchen again.

"..." Everyone looked at the back of Shike going upstairs, a little speechless.

After a while, Shi Ke came back with the pot.

"You're not comparing the dishes you prepared in advance, are you?" Mrs. Wenxu stretched her neck to see.

"Hehe...this is...the bean dregs left over from my tofu. Don't waste it, don't waste it." Shi Ke took out a spoon and scooped up some bean dregs.

"This is considered waste, right?!" Mrs. Wen Xu had the urge to flip the table, and there was a competition here! Be serious, okay? ! ! (°Д°)┴┴

"Waste? If I dump this, I will be cooked by my grandfather. Chefs must not waste valuable ingredients!" Shi Ke rolled up his sleeves, "Maybe this kind of thing is based on the standards of foreign chefs It is already considered waste, the taste is not good, and the essence and nutrition have almost been squeezed out, just like the skin and shell of melon. However, there is a saying in our Chinese cuisine that is similar to ridicule. What is delicious is the ingredients, and what is not delicious The most important thing is medicinal materials, and the only thing that can't be eaten is building materials. To put it simply, in China, you don't need to be too shocked when you see dishes made of ingredients on the table. Mrs. Wenxu~"

"..., then I'll wait and see." Mrs. Wen Xu curled her lips, (д).

"Hmm... eh?! Is this a confrontation-like momentum?" Xiaohui, who was sitting on the bench in a daze, came to her senses, and looked at the three people who were picking ingredients in a daze.

"Ah? You're awake, Sister Tiansuo. The three of them are preparing for a duel." Yishihui said with a smile.

"Cooking duel?! Second place with the original ten heroes?! This is simply impossible to win! Mr. Shi Ke, Mr. Chuangzhen!"

"Hehe..., Xiaohui. You just have a bad mentality. If you think that you will lose before the game starts, then you will not even have a chance to show your basic strength, let alone perform supernormally. Yes. The game never needs to consider winning or losing. All you need to consider is how to improve your own performance. If you can't win if you try your best, there's no way. This is a real strength gap. Unsurpassable. All you can do afterward is to continue to work hard when you go back, sublimate your own strength, and fight back when you meet next time. If you lose a game, you can't die, and sometimes you have a chance to start over." Shi Ke took half of the tofu Crushed it, then added flour, kneaded it, and at the same time he set up a pot to boil the soybean milk that he had put in the kitchen a long time ago.

"..., as expected of Mr. Shi Ke. I understand!!" Xiaohui understood, and she still has some understanding, but Shi Ke changed the subject and realized, "Eh? No! How did you say it happened to me?" ?"

"Tasuo, you are quite right. However, this kind of confrontation is commonplace in our Xinghei family. My first challenge was in the sixth grade of elementary school." Xinghei was digging out the refrigerator.

"Elementary school students compete with adults..." Xiaohui's brain froze, "You really have the style of Chuangzhenjun!..., eh? Difficult...have you ever won?!"

"Let me think about it... have you ever won?" Xingping stroked his chin as if remembering.

"Not at all, right? Stop pretending, you've already lost almost 500 times." Saibajo Ichiro pointed out without hesitation.

"No! It's only 489 times~!!"

"You clearly remember it very clearly." Saibajo Ichiro (w).

"Hmm... The taste is not heavy, it's easy to eat, and it can actually absorb nutrients... Okay!! It's up to you!" Xingping rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to the pile of apples in the kitchen, Turn on the knife and start cooking.

"Mr. Chuangzhen has also started cooking!! It is obvious that he is the second seat with the former top ten in the academy, but they can all cook without hesitation..." Xiaohui thought to herself.

"So that's how it is... Chuangzhen-jun's starting point is here..." Yishihui finished muttering while rubbing his chin, and silently analyzed in his heart, "No matter how powerful the obstacles that need to be overcome, Chuangzhen-jun will never tire of challenges. However, This is also a matter of course, after all, he used to challenge his father who was countless times stronger than himself!! Even with the defeat of 489 games, he never stopped!! However, why is Mr. Shi Ke so fearless? Is it really just because he walks the talk and is fearless? That's pretty scary."

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An hour is actually very short, and soon there are only fifteen minutes left. Xinghei began to load the plates, while Saibajo Ichiro was scooping up noodles in the pot. As for Shike, he looked at the two of them with a curious look, then nodded, and set his big iron pot on fire.

"I've been waiting for a long time!! Come, please use it! This is Western-style apple risotto!" Xinghei was the first to serve after finishing the plate.

A plate of golden risotto that whets the appetite just by looking at it is covered with two slices of prepared bacon, and the square apple granules are mixed in the risotto, emitting bursts of apple fragrance.

"Is this risotto?" Xiao Hui asked.

"There are really apples cut into small pieces..." Mrs. Wenxu smiled slightly, "I didn't expect to add fruits to the risotto... It's really surprising!"

"Wow...there is a sour, sweet and very fresh aroma! It's lemon and apple." Xiaohui said.

"That's right, it's really a refreshing fragrance. It's precisely because this fragrance wakes up the sleeping stomach and makes one's appetite soar, and the drowsiness disappears." Yishihui took a deep breath and smiled.

"Then, what about the most important taste..." Mrs. Wenxu picked up the spoon that Xingping had prepared.

The three started to eat.

"The crisp taste and mild sweetness of the apples..., the onions that have been simmered until they are soft and rotten..., and the bacon that is fried to a crisp...The mellow apple flavor spreads into the whole risotto...Sleep His body is being gently awakened...like...like the gentle kiss of His Royal Highness!!" Xiaohui fell into intoxicated imagination.

"It's delicious!!!" The three people praised from the bottom of their hearts.

"You can also add a certain amount of black pepper according to your personal preference... It will have a different flavor, and it will be delicious." Xingping put the black pepper jar in front of them.

"Hey...then I'll try." Mrs. Wenxu picked up the black pepper jar and sprinkled a little on the risotto.

Mrs. Wenxu even trembled a little after taking one bite.

"The light sweetness of apples and onions and the spicy stimulation of black pepper, the black pepper that fell from the sky adds taste and visual impact to this simple and elegant dish, just like... a waltz of black and white." Wen Xu The wife squinted her eyes intoxicated.

"Wow...it seems to be melting soon!! It feels like the deliciousness is penetrating into my sleep-deprived body..." Xiaohui ate another spoonful, chewing with puffed cheeks, with a super satisfied expression on her face.

"Yes! Vitamins, fats and carbohydrates can be taken in, and the cooked rice has a soft chewy texture, which should be good for the stomach. It is really a very suitable dish for waking up in the morning! "Mrs. Wenxu's face was full of praise.

"But... why is this?" Yisehui put on a puzzled look.

"Huh?" Xiao Hui tilted her head.

"The rice and onions have indeed absorbed the flavor of the apple, but to achieve this level, the apple should have been boiled long ago. But now this apple still maintains a crisp taste, it's really strange..."

"Really. This...why is this?"

"It's because... I used this!" Xinghei took out a bottle of apple juice.

"Eh... apple juice?"

"I add this apple juice and simmer slowly while I cook the sautéed onions and rice. The diced apples are put in the pot later, and they are only heated a little before serving, so the taste will be better. Keep it." Xingping felt a little proud of his creativity.

"Oh. That's how it is. This idea is really great!" Yisehui praised in his heart.

"Faced with the impromptu question... to be able to give such an appropriate answer... what amazing potential does this child have?! Western-style apple risotto, what an excellent answer!! So good that it makes people feel useless No one can beat you!!!" Mrs. Wenxu was extremely surprised.

At this moment, a person stood in front of the three of them with a dish, exuding an aura that could easily surpass Xinghei's perfect answer, "I kept everyone waiting for a long time! Please use it."

Ichiro Saiba, Shura's dishes are here! !