
Chapter 28, Meat Percussion

Shi Ke looked at the tofu, turned his head and waved to Rei Kawashima, "Beauty, can we start now? Tofu can't be tolerated."

"Oh. Then..." Rei Kawashima was about to speak, when a cute girl with shofar braids who looked super honest came up to the stage and gave her a piece of paper, and then stepped off the stage with a red face in a hurry.

"Huh? A new piece of news. The referees for this game have changed. The number of referees has changed from five to three. Except for Ms. Kiri Erina and Mr. Roland Chapelle, all other referees have been replaced! The third referee For the mystery guest!"

"The familiar ones were changed, and the hated ones were kept..." Shi Ke's expression collapsed. _(:3∠)_

"..., the referee, hurry up and get on the stage! If you wait any longer, the quality of the tofu will drop. Anyway, I don't care whoever is replaced." Jiuga Zhaoji said.

"Then ask the referee to come out."

The lights hit the entrance of the third venue.

Under the illumination of the lights, Kiri Erina entered the arena full of arrogance, followed by the little secretary.

"Miss Erina!! Master Erina!!..." The venue was filled with the howling of wolves from the brainless fans.

Erina went to the judges' seat, brushed her hair, and sat down.

The second person to enter was Mr. Roland Chapelle. Dressed in a clean and tidy chef uniform, he entered with a straight face.

The crowd who were still howling at the venue just now became loyal dogs in an instant, sitting upright, all good students.

Then a third person appeared. Wearing a tea-green kimono and wooden clogs, his eyes were fierce and majestic. If all the audience dared not move when Mr. Roland Chapelle came in, then after this one came in, their breathing was heavy and their eyes were bloodshot.

Jiu I Zhaoji was also stunned.

I rely on! ! Why is this here?

"The third referee...is actually the head coach of the academy! Kirisen Zaemon-sama! It's amazing! In the past, even the official halberds among the ten elites rarely had the head coach personally appear as a referee! Could it be...Could it be that this is a top-level halberd duel that surpasses the level of the Ten Heroes? Or, does Mr. Shike have the same strength as the Ten Heroes?!" Rei Kawashima directly expressed the opinions of all the audience present. I have spoken my heart out.

"Hmm. Interesting." Shi Ke nodded, not nervous at all.

Jiuga Zhaoji glanced at Shike, took a deep breath, and regained his composure.

After that, the ten heroes who originally planned to be the judges and the ten heroes who came to join in the fun came out with folding chairs, went to the stands and put the folding chairs. Sit in rows.

"Let me just say one thing, you must bring out the best dishes. Now, let's start the duel!" After taking his seat, Kirisenzaemon directly announced the start of the competition.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.com]

"..." Shi Ke and Jiu Wo Zhaoji glanced at each other, then turned and walked towards their cooking table.

"While the two contestants have already started cooking, let me read the content of the duel between the two. The theme of the two's cooking is Chinese cuisine!! The main ingredient is tofu! The cooking time is two hours. If Shi Ke-jun wins, Jiuga Zhaoji Seniors' Chinese Cuisine Research will be renamed as Sichuan Cuisine Research Association."

"Ah? This is a slap in the face!! It's just saying that Jiu I Zhaoji senior doesn't know how to cook Chinese cuisine!! Smashing the signboard in public! Did you go to the gym that day?..." There was an uproar in the stands.

"If Kuga Teruji-senpai wins, Ishike-kun will drop out of school in public, never set foot in Japan, and finally... never be a chef again."

"..." The audience was silent again.

"Hey... Isn't this condition too unfair? If you win, you just change the sign on the other side. If you lose, you will never be a chef again. This condition is too different~! It's not fair~! It's not fair at all! "There was a lot of discussion in the stands.

"It's not fair!! It's not fair at all!" Yuuhime shouted from the stands.

"That's right! It's not fair! It's not fair~! Can the ten heroes take such a big advantage?..." The crowd roared in the stands, and the crowd was furious.

The ten heroes under the stands covered their faces, lowered their heads, and didn't see it, this idiot.

"Quiet." Shi Ke's voice came from the speaker. After a while, Teruki also stopped.

"Eh? When did you take my microphone away?" Rei Kawashima realized that the microphone in her hand was gone.

The audience fell silent.

"It doesn't make sense to add or not to the last one. If I really lose this Chinese food competition, I will have no face to continue to be a chef. I will never lose to any foreign chef in cooking Chinese food! Don't bother with me. Lose in Japanese cuisine. For the rest of the time, please watch our performance quietly and respect us. Return the microphone to you!" After Shi Ke finished speaking, he returned the microphone to Kawashima Rei.

The audience did not say a word, watching the game silently.

"This kid is quite good at pulling votes." The commander-in-chief raised his eyebrows.

"Pretend to be pitiful." Erina muttered.

"..." Mr. Roland Chapelle crossed his hands and said nothing.

"You can continue." Shi Ke said to Kawashima Rei.

"Then let's continue watching! Kuga-senpai has already started processing tofu!!"

Jiuga took out the kitchen knife according to Ji, and cut the tofu carefully. The knife is steady and resolute, and the tofu cut out are all the same size, and the edges and corners are not damaged at all.

"Hmm. The knife skill is very good. The mentality is not stable." Shi Ke touched his chin and said.

"Are you still interested in watching me cook? Are you underestimating me?" Jiuga Zhaoji turned around and said.

"Yeah. You're right. It's time for me to do it too." Shi Ke reached into the food box and took out a knife.

"Eh? Bamboo knife?!"

"Using an iron knife to cut tofu will make the tofu be contaminated with the iron gas of the knife, which will affect the taste. Although the impact is small, it can still be eaten by a master, especially the God's Tongue over there." Shi Ke held The bamboo knife made a great use of the knife, and quickly cut the tofu without any scruples, just like cooking at home. However, the finished product cut out is similar to that cut out by Kuga Teruji.

Each piece of tofu is cut into nine pieces on average. The tofu is cut into large pieces, and the small tofu is cut into small pieces. It looks quite ordinary.

(Kuga Teruji: "You are normal in size!! His attitude of cutting top-quality tofu as if you don't need money is normal?!"

Shi Ke: "Is this tofu worth much? I just spent a little over 1,000 yen."

Kuga Teruki: "You know how to make tofu?!")

"Look, everyone, Senior Kuga Teruki has brought out the beef!! Then, what are we going to do next?" Rei Kawashima saw that Kuga Teruki took the beef from his subordinates.

"Yeah." Shi Ke put the sliced ​​tofu on a plate and took out the beef, and put it on the vegetable mound.

(It's not cheap. If you try to cook cheap beef with Shijie, you will be beaten to death.)

"Oh?! Student Shi Ke also took out the beef! What is he going to do?"

After a long time, I picked up two Chinese kitchen knives, "Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock", and chopped up the minced meat.

"Look, everyone! Senior Jiu's double knives are flying up and down, breaking down the meat in a short while! It's great to be able to use two heavy Chinese kitchen knives to chop minced meat at the same time, so powerful! This rhythmic chopping The sound of meat, like the percussion of meat, is really wonderful." Rei Kawashima sighed.

After listening to Shi Ke for a long time, I Zhaoji smiled.

"En." Shi Ke nodded, took off his school uniform, showing his eight-pack abs, and then stretched his hand towards his steel rod.

As soon as the cloth bag was undone, a faint black light burst out, and dozens of golden five-pointed stars on the end of the steel rod were shining slightly under the light.

"What do you want to do? This is my normal commentary!! Don't blow the typhoon!!" Kawashima Rei remembered Shike's behavior when he first entered the arena. The wind is so strong, my small body can't bear it! !

"Don't worry. I'm just cooking." Shi Ke smiled.

"How do you cook?"

Shi Ke raised the steel rod horizontally, held the middle of the steel rod with both hands, took a deep breath, "Ha!!", and the steel rod split into two short steel rods from the middle with a clang.

Shike rinsed the two steel rods under the faucet, and then bumped them together forcefully.

"Clang!" The water splashed everywhere, and all the water droplets attached to the steel rod were shattered and disappeared, and the originally dark steel rod revealed a cyan reflection.

"What is this for?"

"Huh..." Shi Ke raised two steel rods towards the meat.

"He's going to use an iron rod to crush the meat!" Mr. Roland Chapelle said.

"Do this!!" Shi Ke slammed the steel rod on the beef hard.

"Boom!" The sound of two bursts of extreme speed and the beef bouncing straight up without a hole stunned everyone present.

"What kind of strength is this? Are you kidding me about this explosive power?!" Ruishan Zhijin, one of the ten heroes, couldn't help shouting.

"Dong dong dong dong dong!..." Shi Ke waved his hands until a phantom appeared.

The beef pieces kept falling and bouncing on the chopping board, as if dancing. The thumping sound that kept erupting was like a passionate drumbeat, leading the beating of this piece of meat.

The piece of meat gradually softened and shattered in mid-air.

"This kind of technique is a hero of flesh! Overbearing and vigorous, seemingly rough, but actually tender in heart, a perfect combination of delicate and rough!! This person's sword skills may not be weaker than mine! I want to compete with him." Zongming Saito, one of the ten sword-carrying masters, is like a Japanese samurai.

As soon as the voice fell, "Clang!" Shi Ke reassembled the two steel rods together, and the meat was completely decomposed.

"I've never seen anyone break down meat so cleanly," says Mr. Roland Chapelle.

"This is how I do it. Only this kind of ground meat can produce the best elastic texture. Can I count it as percussion?" Shi Ke threw the steel rod on the ground, picked the meat with chopsticks, and the shredded meat Extra long.

Kawashima Rei nodded blankly.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the steel rods under the light. There was not even a speck of oil on them.

In the stands, Yuji scratched her head, "I know why he scrapped the chopping board."

"I... also know." Tian Suohui nodded with black lines all over his head.