
Followers of the Demon God

After her caravan was ambushed by a group of bandits. Jaycee sprinted into the forest. She found a cave and hoped to use it for shelter. Once inside she found there was an altar and instructions on how to summon a god! After praying for seven days a devilishly handsome man appeared! Giving her the blessing of the system. The story revolves around this god and his journey to increase his follower count!

ga143 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Just What She Meant to Him.

Now that Jaycee new more about the map, he began to explain it's functions to her.

"There are two ways to use the map. The first way is passive. The system is always observing the surroundings and filling in the map. Right now you have no levels in cartography so it can only fill in the data for a small range around you. The next way is active. With active mapping, you try to take note of important landmarks. For example things such as animal territories can be marked on the map. Types of trees or plants can be marked too. Doing active mapping will upgrade the cartography skill, which will then increase the range of passive mapping as well."

"Oh, that's actually useful! Now I'll never get lost since I can see everywhere I've been before!"

"Well it won't show you places you've been in the past. In order to see it on the map you'll have to go there again."

Jaycee just smiled in response to this. Detan seems really nonchalant about it but she knows just how useful this ability actually is. There are people who make a living off of surveying the land. It's a high risk high reward profession. They go into uncharted territory and mark the animals migratory patterns and the terrain. One unfortunate encounter with a pack of beasts and they'll never be heard from again. That's why all surveyors are skilled in martial arts and usually work in small teams. They can then take the maps they worked for months to make and sell them to the highest bidder. That's why this ability is to die for. A person could become so skilled in cartography that they could map out an entire forest on their own. As the map fills in the information, just move away from the places that are marked to have dangerous animals and you can walk through the forest easily.

Little did she know that her little get-rich-quick scheme was exactly what Detan was doing right now. He, as the creator of the system, already had maxed out cartography skill. So the map was already auto filling miles of the forest in all directions around him. They continued walking through the forest. With Detan leading the way, they didn't encounter a single creature the entire way. Jaycee was fiddling around with the system when Detan said, "We're here."

She closed the system and looked up to see a gorgeous pond. The towering trees of the forest formed a wall around it. The light shone through the open air refracting through the water. Jaycee gasped. Who would have thought that just a short walk away from that dark and depressing cave would be such a lovely and clean pond.

They walked closer towards it. The water was so clear she could see the many small fish living there and straight to the bottom. The openness of the pond and the clarity of the water gave her a sense of safety and relaxation. The wall of large trees formed a barrier against the harsh kill-or-be-killed environment of the forest.

She kicked off her shoes and took a step into the water. "It's gorgeous. Thank you for bringing me here. It's just... I still have people waiting on me at the village. I don't understand why you brought me here."

Saying that, she turned to look behind her. The sight filled her with shock. The devilish man that brought her here had just finished taking off his clothes, leaving only a pair of black elastic boxers.

"Take off your clothes." He stated simply.

"W-what?! What do you mean?!!" She clutched her hands towards her chest and took a step back further into the water.

"You're dirty. I'm going to wash you first."

F-first!? What does he mean first? Oh! She blushed. So that's what he wants. We can't do... that... if I'm dirty so he wants me to clean up first.

While she was thinking, Detan approached her and started to pull the robe off her shoulders.

Startled she yelped out, "Wait! Wait! I can do it myself!"

He looked at her reddening face with confusion, but determination. "No. This is something I should do. You are my first so I should at least be able to do something like this, right?"

Her face was now beet red in embarrassment. She felt like she could almost pass out as she gave in and nodded her head. He undressed her swiftly, exposing her to the air. Although her skin is covered in dirt and sweat, she still gives off a womanly charm that gives people the feeling of a diamond. She's dirty now but with some polishing she will shine. Detan wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her down. He sat in the shallow beach of the pond while she sat on his lap. He reached out and pulled a rag and soap out of a pocket of dark smoke. He dipped the rag into the water, soaped it up and began to clean her.

She leaned against his chest with a blank mind. She can't believe that this is happening. They only just met, so she should be against this but, she isn't. She even finds her heart beating wildly in anticipation.

When Detan finished cleaning her body he moved to her hair. He washed it with soap and then rinsed. He reached back into the pocket of smoke and pulled out a hairdryer.

Jaycee, who got a little bit of her courage back after being exposed to this man for so long, asked him what it was.

"If you're hair stays wet out here you might catch a cold." After he said that he felt there was no reason to explain more as she would be experiencing it in a second, after all. He flicked the switch on and it immediately started to shoot out warm air. With one hand holding the hairdryer and the other combing her hair, Jaycee fell into bliss. She sat on his lap moving her head around like a teenage girl at the spa.


He lifted her up and carried her out of the water. He pulled out a towel and started to pat her dry. Jaycee was no longer embarrassed by his touch. During the bath she realized that she had misunderstood his intentions. He didn't mean anything by his words. He meant exactly what he said. She was his first. His first follower in this world. Cleaning her and helping her is something he should do. Once she understood this she no longer felt nervous around him. She understood just what she meant to him.