
Flying flowers dance in the sky

Qi Jin accidentally rolled down the mountain while traveling in Tianshan, and by chance, he discovered a secret so big that it can't even be described as shocking. To this end, Qi Jin must call on the world to jointly develop earth civilization in order to reach the door to a safe world. But after entering the new world, we also face endless challenges...

20 Chs

Chapter 2---Killing the Monks

 After listening, Qi Jin stood up inexplicably afraid and said.

"You're not going to kill me later, are you? In the novels of this world, I have seen some novels about cultivating immortals. There is a method of seizing the body of others. It is a person who is about to die, and he can travel by seizing the body of others. Walk in the world! I beg the old god to let me go. I am just a low-level person. You go out and seize the bodies of those rich people, people from aristocratic families, or princes from the temple. They will be better able to help you complete your mission!" Qi Jin was already nervous! His face turned pale and he felt the weight of death...


Taoist Qingxuan suddenly laughed wantonly and said.

"You kid still knows how to seize a body. Do people in this world still have the idea of cultivating immortals? It seems that the civilization of this world is not that bad."

Taoist Qingxuan suddenly thought to himself: Could it be that he has returned to his ancestors?


Then he said calmly.

"However, there is indeed a way to seize a body, but it can only be done with bodies of similar physiques, similar personalities, and full souls. To seize a body, you need to fuse the soul. A weak soul can easily lead to death. And you have to agree to be taken away. And to the ideal person. There is a strong obsession with the matter, but if you can't do it, you can only complete the oath of heaven with the person who takes the body, and then accept the body that is taken away. It will be done on a full moon night. If you are not a cultivator, the person who takes the body needs to transfer a certain level of cultivation. , Only in this way can we successfully seize the body."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Qingxuan looked at Qi Jin and smiled.

"My divided soul is about to dissipate. At the same time, the main body is still alive. You haven't cultivated yet and all the conditions are not met. How can you seize the body?"

After Qi Jin heard this, he finally felt at ease.

"Taoist Priest Qingxuan, why do we have to upgrade the civilization level and enter the new era? Maybe most people on earth don't think it is good to enter the new era, but it is very good now?" Qi Jin was a little confused.

The improvement of civilization is accompanied by growth and discovery, innovation and creation, etc. The huge project is correspondingly long-lasting, as well as countless outstanding human beings, inventions and contributions, etc.

Taoist Qingxuan looked at Qi Jin strangely, but still said calmly

"Don't you have a sense of crisis? It's not good to be content with the status quo. Because the civilized planet is traveling in the universe, and there are endless crises of destruction in the universe, such as planet collisions, large and small fragments after the destruction of the planet, unknown moving black holes, strange There are too many violent rays of light.

Crisis is everywhere in the universe. If the civilized planet does not quickly improve its civilization level, how will it deal with these crises of destruction? Only by raising the level of civilization, breaking through the fog, entering advanced cosmic space, and opening a new era. Only in this way can we get rid of the crisis of the chaotic universe. Countless people on civilized planets will be destroyed before their civilization level is improved enough to be able to protect themselves.

Your planet's civilization has been destroyed several times, and you may not even know it. Do you think your current civilization level can protect itself? "

After listening to this, Qi Jin's head was buzzing, and he said to himself, "I have never considered it. Maybe I, a little guy, don't have that level, so I don't have these ideas. Only senior leaders, scientific and technical personnel and other big guys will know." As for whether the civilization of our planet has ever been destroyed, I can only think of the age of dinosaurs! "

When I thought about it carefully, I suddenly felt a crisis coming to my mind...

Taoist Qingxuan didn't care what Qi Jin was thinking, so he continued

"Of course, I can't provide you with information on how to improve your civilization level, because every civilized planet has different civilizations. Some are Shinto cultivating civilizations, like my planet. Some are demonic civilizations, monster civilizations, dark spirit civilizations, and ghost civilizations. The civilization of the Holy Spirit, the civilization of witchcraft, and finally the human civilization of your planet form eight major civilizations."

The chaotic civilization corresponds to the demon clan, the monsters correspond to the alien beast clan, the dark spirits correspond to the spirit clan, the undead correspond to ghosts, the holy spirit corresponds to the dragon, phoenix and unicorn, and the witchcraft corresponds to the witch clan, but they are descendants of the witch clan. Every civilized planet has a planet spirit. Among them, ghosts are undead spirits that belong to the spirit of the planet and are constantly transforming undead spirits in the underground world into creatures on land. People call it reincarnation. The body of the undead is subdivided into soil or minerals by the spirit of the planet on the earth.

(These eight civilizations are all descendants of the original source.)

"I'm a man who speaks softly. Even if you tell me these shocking news, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you complete your mission," Qi Jin said worriedly.

Taoist Qingxuan smiled nonchalantly.

"Ha, ha, ha, don't worry. I just said that you can complete the task assigned by Master Xifei. Of course, it is not aimless. Before I came to this planet, Master Xifei told me that in order to win people's trust, you can Use the method of enlightenment to choose a person with good talent and transfer some cultivation. Now that you are the only one, it will be easier for you, kid."

Taoist Qingxuan raised his hand and a piece of jade flew out with ancient characters on it. Suddenly the light shone, and at the same time Taoist Qingxuan and Qi Jin appeared in a strange place. It was very strange to Qi Jin. It seemed like a vast, dark and deserted place.

Two of them were fighting, one was wearing a black robe and a hood, holding a trident in his right hand. The young man holds a book in his left hand and reads irregular words.

"Xiyan, Qiu Lian, cicada feathers, bath orchids,...weak, destroyed, precious, wishes, bright, spacious, dark, shabby, beautiful..."

Words were spoken one after another, and the words flew out of the mouth and attacked the man in black robe.

The man in black robe let out a soft "ha", and then summoned a bronze mirror with his left hand. Immediately, the young words attacked the mirror, but the bronze mirror did not do anything, and the words composed of green light flying characters disappeared directly into the mirror until they disappeared completely. .

The young man suddenly felt that something was wrong and was ready to abandon the fight and flee. But the old man in black robe was holding a small black flag in his left hand. As soon as the flag came out, a hoarse "formation" sound sounded. The man in black robe's left hand flag flew up, quickly turned and floated above the head of the man in green. The man in Tsing Yi suddenly felt the pressure doubled and his actions became sluggish.

"Who are you and why do you want to kill me?" The man in Tsing Yi roared sadly.

The man in black robe laughed loudly and said:

"Hahaha, do you need a reason to kill?"

After the man in black robe finished speaking, without waiting for the man in green clothes to speak, the trident flew out and shot at the man in green clothes' chest. The man in green clothes only said "Ah," and his chest was penetrated, and he fell down helplessly. Then, the man in black robe recalled the command flag with his left hand and came to the body.

The hoarse voice came out again:

"I blame you for being unlucky. When you meet an old man who drinks his blood, you are so jealous..."

Collect the opponent's storage bag, and then insert the command flag into the corpse's dantian. The command flag emits a black light, and the corpse immediately wilts, and soon there is only a pile of bones left. After doing this, the man in black robe made a ball of fire, burned the bones and raised his hand to slap it gently, leaving no trace.