

It took Dante several minutes after the incident in the parking garage for the pain and bleeding wound on his leg to subside. Once he felt the pain starting to fade, he slowly crawled up onto his legs and staggered over to the nearby chair. Upon reaching it, he collapsed against the backrest, resting his head against the wooden chair and letting out a sigh as he tried to catch his breath. The adrenaline rush that he had experienced earlier had faded away and his entire body hurt like hell. His legs ached badly, his stomach throbbed terribly, his ribs felt like they were broken, and his head swam every time he blinked.

However, despite it all, he wasn't willing to give up. Dante knew what needed to be done, and nothing was going to stop him until he had figured out where Charon was hiding. That being said, he didn't want to rely entirely on luck. If he couldn't figure out where he was hiding by himself, there was certainly no reason to think Charon was going to wait patiently for him to make his move. As a result, he knew that he was going to need the help of someone else.

Once the shooting stopped, the entire hallway was deadly silent. There was nothing except for the sound of Coden's boots scraping against the floor and footsteps approaching. Just as he was about to turn around to greet him, however, a fist came flying towards him, sending him flying across the hallway, crashing into a row of chairs. After hitting the tables, he crashed straight through the window and landed in the courtyard outside. He groaned as he got up from the rubble which had covered him. He winced as he felt a small cut on his cheek and felt his nose beginning to bleed due to an apparent blow to the bridge. He brushed off the rubble on his chest and began to limble his way over to one of the tables to retrieve his staff which lay there untouched and unharmed. He then picked it up carefully with his uninjured hand and held it tightly within his grasp, his eyes narrowing as he waited for Coden to show himself.

After several long agonizing seconds, Coden appeared, appearing to walk around casually as if he hadn't just attacked him. Once Coden spotted Dante standing on the opposite side of the building."Sorry about that, It was reflexes ." Coden smirked wickedly as he approached. "I hope you're ready to go because there's lots more places you haven't seen yet."

Upon hearing the words that were spoken, Dante remained silent. He kept glaring daggers at Coden without saying a word.

"Are you going to come willingly or am I going to have to force you?" Coden snickered.

Dante continued to glare at Coden as he replied: "Fuck off."

For a few moments, Coden remained quiet again, waiting until Dante realized that he had lost his patience. "Listen," Coden began, "If you don't cooperate and start talking now I'll just kill you right here and then."

"And who the fuck do you think you are anyway?" Dante growled angrily. He had never cared whether his father would approve of his actions. In the end, that was just another matter. However, he was not going to allow someone like Coden to mess with him. Not now and not ever. "Just who the fuck do you think you are?!" He demanded aggressively.

"Someone who has been ordered to take care of you," Coden smirked darkly. He moved closer to Dante once again and glared at him menacingly. "Don't make me laugh. My orders are to bring you to Lord Dio, and even though I know you probably don't believe me right now, you better listen to everything I tell you."

"That's rich! Since when did you ever follow anyone else's orders?" Dante retorted angrily. "Now quit wasting time and tell me how to get to Charon. Do you really believe he'd actually be somewhere where he knows I can't reach him?" He narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw.