
Flowers bloom, Petals fall

*** Strictly prohibited for kiddos below 18 **** A never-ending fierce battle between the Heaven Realm and Demon God, have made them expand their forces into the mortal world. Heavenly Realm collaborated with Olena, a kind-hearted human being. Demon God collaborated with Aliyah, a cruel human being. The battles developed an entangled relationship between Aliyah and Olena. They get involved in a cycle of reincarnation, mother and daughter relationship.

HL9900 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

The legendary master

Sora doesn't like the idea. She looks at Prince Liam as a selfish man who pays to protect himself. She still has doubt with them, "You have skilful guards, why do you need more though?"

Bobby, the ghost who can see very positive energy in the three girls, looked at Olena and Prince Liam, "these girls are trustworthy. Tell them honestly, they might be helpful to you in future".

Prince Liam and Olena looked at each other.

Olena continues, "Recently, someone poisoned me. I would like to investigate this case to find the culprit. I am suspecting, the person who plans to kill me is the crown prince."

Sora interrupted, "You just need more people to protect you."

Prince Liam tries to convince them to think out of the box, "The three of you seem righteous. Think about it. Would you want the future of your country to have a murderer to rule the country? I am sure the citizens know about him being ruthless"

Leah implored for a favour, "There is one condition if you want us to work for you. You must help the villagers. They need food, proper shelter, medicines. If you can help to fix the amenities of the villagers, we will be happy to work for you. The corrupted ministers have taken most of the benefit, which is supposed to have contributed to the villagers."

Olena expressed their willingness to help, "I promise we will help you look after the villagers." She hands over a sachet containing gold bars to the three of them, telling them "This is just the money that we agreed to give you since you have beaten up our guards"

The three of them have confirmed to work for them.

They travel back to the palace together. For a start, they will disguise themselves as a palace maid to Olena and Prince Liam. Olena reminded them that they need to recruit someone who is good with medicine too.

Olena asked Sora, Yoona, and Leah, "By any chance, do you all know anyone who has excellent knowledge in medicine and poison? There is a risk that we all could die being poisoned."

Sora replied, "We can bring you to meet your master. He is the person you are looking for, Master Woon."

Yoona plans to introduce them to Master Woon, "We have to meet Master Woon. I have just passed through the queen's chamber. I have seen his personal bodyguard jumping from one roof to another which is like far in distance. It's just like he could fly."

Leah agrees with Yoona, "The three of us cannot fight with the bodyguard."

Prince Liam shakes his head, "Where can we find these types of bodyguards?"

Yoona says, "Let's meet Master Woon and ask him tomorrow. Our master loves alcohol. He is a man that probably can give you all the answer that you want"

Olena and Prince Liam are feeling relieved now. Prince Liam took the three of them to a hostel which is located just behind their chamber.

Prince Liam hoping that they will get along well with each other, "Please let me know if this is not comfortable to you, and let me know if you need anything!"

They assigned Bobby the task to follow and spy on the queen and crown prince Noel.

The three of them bow respectfully at the prince and Olena.

In the eastern palace, Crown Prince Noel came to Julia's chamber. She asked him about Queen Aliyah's favourite food. She wondered if she made food that the queen disliked. Crown Prince Noel informed Julia that his mother loves dim sum.

The morning dawned with low-hanging clouds.

Prince Liam woke up earlier than he usually does. The servant brings him a bucket of warm water for him to wash his face. The servant and Prince Liam were communicating in hushed voices, jolting Olena awake.

Olena turns her head to look, surprised to see the servant is brushing Prince Liam's hair. "You are dressing up?" She asked in a mellow tone.

Prince Liam felt her sarcasm, "Master Woon is the hymn of praise to the nation. I have to look clean. Why don't you get prepared? We have to look presentable to him."

Olena chuckled and stood up from the couch to get ready. Prince Liam requested his attendants to bring him alcohol storage. He followed the attendant.

Prince Liam goes beneath the dim room containing plenty of terracotta jars filled with fermented alcohol, picked up a terracotta jug filled with the best-fermented alcohol.

Yoona, Sora, and Leah were waiting for Prince Liam and Olena at the fortified entrance. When they came out, they help him carry the jugs of alcohol.

They get into the big carriage. Yoona is sitting next to the horseman to lead him the way to Master Woon's hut.

The horseman signalled the horse to move when all of them were in the carriage.

Riding through the forest and passing through several lakes. They finally reached Master Woon's hut.

The master appears wearing a beige robe. Prince Liam and Olena bow slightly to give their respect to the master.

The master greeted them with respect. He knew the man is a Prince by looking at the jade pendant dangling at his waist.

Yoona, Sora, and Leah kneel before Master Woon to greet him.

Master Woon walks toward his tea set table to make some teas to serve the visitors.

While they are sipping their teas, Master Woon speaks out in a soft voice, and chuckled, "I am surprised to have nobles to visit me. It's very unusual."

Yoona responded to Master Woon, "He is Prince Liam, and this is his wife, Olena. We are currently working for him."

Master Woon was not pleased, "The royal family members are evil behind a noble mask. Why do you all have to get involved with the royal family? It's a complicated situation in the Imperial Palace. The princes are battling with each other to ascend the throne, the consorts are battling with each other to be queen, they will harm each other just to win, and they sometimes sacrifice those involved with them."

Prince Liam couldn't agree more after he has encountered the moment of his death. But he is thinking about Master Woon's capability, "I know you have talented students, I would like to know what else can you do to help us?"

Master Woon chuckled, "It's my choice, to work for you or not to work for you. I have not agreed to be your associate."

Prince Liam disappointed, "I came here with my sincerity, master."

Master Woon stroking his beard and speak in his deep voice, "There are many peoples who will want to work for the royal family to earn money, I am different. I am dedicating my life to serve the people. You came to ask for my help, I would like to know, what can you do for the people?"

Prince Liam responded, "You are right about the royal family. The battle for throne seat is fierce. We have no intention to be the king or the queen. Nearly died in the past being poisoned and falls into an accident. Please help us, we are suspecting the crown prince. How can the peoples survive when someone brutal like him will be a ruler in the future?"

The master agreed, he agreed to join forces with Prince Liam, "Perhaps, fate brings us together. You need someone who has good medicine skills, I would like you to meet Mori. He is an apprentice physician with wonderful skill in medicine, acupuncture, and also poison."

Master Woon gave Crown Prince Liam a whistle, "You can use this whistle in a moment of emergency. This whistle when it's blown it will release a sound Sora, Yoona, Mori, and Leah can only hear that."

Mori appears to join them for the meeting, he bows at everyone with respect.

Master Woon leads them into a dungeon. He took out a few weapons that he has engineered and give them to his apprentices.

Master Woon calls Mori. Mori comes forward, "You have talent in medicine skill. This is a glove for you. You can wrap them around your hand. There is a sachet here you can use to store needles." he continues to give him a manuscript, "This is a manuscript recording all kinds of poisons and the antidotes. My master gave it to me, now I will give it to you."

Mori bows at Master Woon respectfully to thank him.

Master Woon calls for Yoona. Yoona came forward, "You have good archery skill and your strength is accuracy. This is a foldable lightweight bow with good flexibility and here are a few broadhead arrows.". Yoona took the arrow and bows, then give Master Woon a bow with respect.

Master Woon calls for Sora. Sora came forward, "You are quick, your strength is speed. There are eight rings here you can wear them on your fingers. In these rings, there is a mechanism. You can hide these sharp edges when you don't need to use them." Sora took the rings and bow at Master Woon with respect.

Master Woon calls for Leah. Leah came forward, "The strength in you is can bring out an enormous blow against your opponent. This is a tool that I can think of for you. It's called nunchaku. Leah took the nunchaku and bow at Master Woon with respect."

Master Woon give them a piece of advice to them, "One day, if you have damaged your tool, you may need to rework them. These are the drawings for the weapons in case you need to reproduce the weapon. "

Mori follows them to the palace. On the way to the palace, they stop by a small hut. It was the house of the ghost where his mother is staying. Prince Liam gave the mother some money and promises her he will hire a maid to serve her and a doctor to attend to her health. The ghost, Leah, Sora, Mori, Olena, and Yoona impressed with the kindness of Prince Liam. They believe he is genuinely sincere.