
Chapter 196 Turning the Tables

"If you ask me," the young man said, "just go up and knock him out with a hammer, take him away, and force him to talk. Following him is too much trouble."


Upon hearing this, the man beside him slapped him on the head and said irritably, "Do you even have a brain? If the old man says to follow, we follow. You're such a damned fool."

"I was just saying," the young man complained while clutching his head, grimacing in pain. He always got hit on the head which was already not very sharp, and the beating made it even worse.

"Shut up!" The man gave him a glare and continued to watch as the Audi slowly started up and followed behind.

"You can tell he's not a fighter at a glance. What was the old man thinking?" The man sat in the passenger seat, scratching his ear and pondering to himself. After receiving the old man's orders, they had rushed over.

They had been lying in wait at the company for quite some time.