
Flow with the Water

The main character Jin finds his life boring after repeating the cycle of waking up and working. At work, he goes to the restroom accidentally hits his head on the sink, and finds himself in the middle of nowhere with only snow and an ice lake around him. Meeting an unknown creature to identify where he is he finds himself in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Follow him on his journey to find something exciting in life. (AN) Hello, this is my first time writing a story so I might suck at stuff like explanations. I’m already lamenting this synopsis and how bad it is. So if you have found any bad stuff about it tell me about it. Also, give me constructive criticism, not some random crap. Thanks for reading the synopsis at least if the story intrigued you, add it to your library. I don't have a schedule of when I'll update so I'll update when I feel like it.

NuclearHeart · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter 5

This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing media. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fan fiction.

—Timeskip of a few months—-

We can see a young man on the middle of a lake sitting down in a meditating pose. He has a look of deep focus on him. If we focus on the water around him we can see little waves periodically coming out of the lake making kind of a rhythmic sound from the waves crashing on the iceberg.

'In the beginning, water bending was an absolute pain. Most novels show that controlling water is by 'going with the flow' but how do I do that? After practicing and abusing all my fictional knowledge I finally managed to bend more than just that small bead of water. There's two ways in bending water, going with the flow where you guide the energy of the water to flow in the way that you want, or by forcing the water to flow in the direction you want.' Jin starts to bend the water in the lake around him. He forms two different balls in each of his hands. Looking to the ball to his left which was constantly moving and flowing. 'By guiding the water it requires less energy to do so, but you have to calculate whether it would go actually go that direction.' Looking to the water ball to his right, the water in the ball was not moving at all it looked like a perfect sphere made of glass. 'By bending the water through force, the water goes into the direction you want without exception, but it costs more energy.'

Dropping both water balls back in the lake he gets back on top of his legs and walks back to the village. A sudden growl from his stomach came. 'Dang, I'm hungry from all that practice. Might as well stop and get some fish.'

Using his water bending Jin, guides the flow of the water to an edge where a net can be used to catch the fish. After using this method for about an hour, he catched a multitude of fish in the net. Starting a fire with a lighter, given to him by Hakoda, he started cooking the fish. While cooking the fish he started to preserve the other fish to give them to the village for food.

When he finished preserving the fish by washing out the blood, the fish was finally finished with cooking. He started to eat the fish which had a soft texture on the inside but a crispy texture in the skin. 'Man, I live for seafood. If only I had seasonings and this would have been the best. Taking about food, I want some of Uncle Iroh's tea.'

Having a filled stomach, Jin went back to the village and stored the fish in the food storage department and got some payment for it. He went around looking for anything useful in the market but he didn't find anything since it was a small village that only sold the essentials and some minor entertainment toys.

Suddenly, a young man about the same age as Jin came up to him. The young man looked excited and amped up for something. "Jiiinnnnn~~~ fight with me right now. I want to grow strong in the future." The stranger grabbed Jin by his shoulders and started to shake him around.

Seeing his friend start to shake him around asking for a fight, Jin's blood started to boil and a smile started to creep in. "Lets fight then. When and where?"

The stranger now known as Akita started to get even more excited. "Let's fight today in the afternoon when the sundial reaches 6. We're gonna fight near the lake where you always meditate in."

Knowing the location and time, Jin shook hands with Akita. "It looks like it's a deal then. I'll meet you there." Hearing Jin's confirmation Akita left to get ready for his spar with Jin.

Seeing Akita leave he started to get excited about the fight with the upcoming strongest fighter of the village. 'I know Akita from when Hakoda started to train me. Since I am inexperienced in martial arts and weapons he has an advantage in close quarter combat. However, with my bending it gives me a chance to keep him away from me and manage to get some good shots on him.'

Finishing his thoughts, he heads home to rest until the time of the fight. When he started to lay down to get some sleep, Jin started to think about his chances of winning the fight.

'If Akita fought with all of his effort the fight might be a little tough for me. But would I lose?'

Nah, I'd win.


Helllo everynyan how are you good thanks.

There's going to be a fight next chapter with Akita next time so who do you think is gonna win?

This is the first time I'm writing a fight scene so I don't know how to approach it but I'm gonna wing it and hope it comes out good.

Anyways thanks for reading so far, report any grammar or spelling errors in the comments since I'm too lazy to check myself. Thanks for everything and byyeeeeee.