



~ f l a s h b a c k ~

Jereck's POV

I stared at her. She's laughing with the transferees. Her eyes squinting whenever she shows that annoying, innocent smile.

When will I remove that smile that infuriates me to the core? I hate her. Her kindness, her smile, her laugh, her innocent face. Everything about her.

She has everything. Best grades, charm, money and good friends.

While me? Ha, even my own parents loathe me.

I walked out of the room and walked away, moving towards my hellhole, my so-called "home", or whatever you want to call it, which is a few blocks away from my school.

Tomorrow I will execute my plan. I want to kidnap her, lock her... make her miserable and drag her to hell with me.

The first thing I heard when I opened the door to my house...

"You fagg*t! Clean this up!" Father said in his usual angry voice. Throwing the beer bottle on the wall, it shattered to pieces.

I cleaned it up, went upstairs and changed to my work uniform. I work at a small cafe nearby to help my parents with money even though it mostly ends up for my father's liquor and mother's gambling.

Despite everything they've done and how they've treated me, I never hated them. Even if they don't accept me when I came out of the closet. Yes, I am attracted to boys; to men, but my sexuality is not open to the public because I'm afraid I'll get judged. How can they accept me if my own parents can't?

I saw a good looking boy around my age approaching the counter that I was in. I blushed. Then I saw him called someone, a girl. His girlfriend maybe. I smiled bitterly at them.

I put on my everyday mask, a fake smile. Imagining that I am her with him, happy together and openly in love. I then took their order after they've decided what to get.

The girl's smile is like Fleur's. It annoys me. I want to erase that smile from her face, but I want to erase Fleur's more.

I can't wait any longer. After some time, I went to back to my hellhole and laid on my small, hard bed.

So many thoughts filled my mind. Can I do this? My conscience might swallow me whole and change my mind.

I dozed off and silently slept.


I did my daily routine and the next thing I knew is that I was now in front of our classroom.

My heart's beating so fast. Nervousness building up in my chest. Small beads of sweat rolled down my forehead as I entered the room.

'Don't do it, I know you're good and just jealous about some things,' my good side said.

But no, I already made up my mind. I plastered a fake smile on my face and looked at the whole class.

"Good morning Vice Pres," Fleur said while bowing her head. My right eye twitched. Why does she always have to be nice? I just gave her a nod.

Class started and ended in a blink of an eye. I was nervous. I can't blow this up, this is a one time chance.

With my father's swiss knife in my hoodie's pocket, I know I was ready.

I started following her. I think she sensed that she is being followed, and so was I.

Why do I have this feeling that I was being followed? There's no way. And if there is, Satan will be ice-skating to work.

But I didn't care. I know it's a one-in-a-million chance that I was being followed while I'm following someone too.

I saw her ran to what seems like a small crowd. I knew it, of course she'll do that.

When she turned her around to check, I waved at her. Her scared face amuses me. I now saw a new side of her: terrified and vulnerable.

Everything happened so fast. Right as Fleur ran, I felt someone pull down my hood. Before I could turn around, something hard smashed the back of my head.

A small tear escaped from my eye and everything went black.


I woke up with an unbearable headache. I was lying on something hard, and it was not my bed. What happened?

"F*ck, where am I?" I said groggily.

"I'm so glad you're awake. For a moment, I thought you were dead. That will ruin the fun now, won't it?" someone said. It was a familiar voice that but I can't point out who.

I was paralyzed on my place. I got used to the darkness and now I can see him clearly. His familiar figure and charming face that I admired from afar.

"W-who... Wait you're— hmmp!" I knew there was something up on his sleeve. Something bad, something sinister.

"Shh, you don't want me to use force on you, right?" he said. I was on the verge of tears but I wanted to look strong.

"Hmm, I want to hear your last words. C'mon, say something. I'm all ears."

"Why are you doing this?"

"You're going to hurt my Fleur, and I don't want that."

"What? You're crazy!"

"Says the one who has bad intentions to my Fleur."

"Ha! HA HA HA HA! Your Fleur? HAHAHA! Don't make me laugh!" I laughed, making fun of him. It was always her. Fleur here, Fleur there. Despite that, I know she needs to save herself from this devil.

"She will never love you! She will never love someone like you! HA HA HA HA! You're just as crazy and all cuckoo like me. We're both bat sh*t crazy! HA HA HA!"

I said, making fun of him more.

"We're already madly in love. Shut the hell up!" Gosh. This man is so delusional.

"HA HA HA HAA!— Hmpp! Hmmmpp!!!" I laughed. This might be the last of me, so why not?

"Fine, I'll make you shut up." He pointed the knife, aiming it at my throat. As he pushed the knife, I silently prayed for forgiveness. Forgiveness for attempting something so unforgivable.

'Please help my family and... Fleur,' I thought as my vision blurred.

Just then, I knew I was dead and cold like the midst of the night.

~e n d o f f l a s h b a c k~

3rd Person POV

The young man walked away like nothing happened. Although he wasn't familiar with this neighborhood, he managed to know where to go.

He was covered in blood, someone else's blood. But despite his messy state, all he can think about is her. The love of his life.

'She must be sleeping right now.'

'Did she used her favorite pajamas?'

'Did she eat dinner before she slept?'

'Does she think of me too?'

Plenty thoughts and emotions filled his head. He knew he needed to see her.

He silently walked in the middle of the night all by himself. No one was walking around now because they are most likely asleep, which is a good thing for him.

After wandering around, something engraved on a mailbox catched his eye. Avery's Residence. Next thing he knew, he found himself standing in front of Fleur's property. Being curious on what she was doing, he silently climbed up the tree near her bedroom window.

'Why is she still not asleep?' he thought.

Meanwhile, the girl has no idea someone was watching her every move. Creeping behind her blinds.

She stood, and now in-front of her drawer. Picking up her favorite pajamas. She then started undressing herself. Not even a thought of someone watching her undress crossed her mind.

She took her last piece of clothing off, now in undergarments. And she silently puts on the pajamas.

The hidden man outside her window blushed. Everything he can see right now is his.

He looked away with a flushed face, and biting his nails.

'I'm not a pervert, I'm not a pervert, I'm not a pervert,' he chanted in his mind.

He silently hopped of the tree and began walking away, her figure still planted in his head.

'That was nice,' the man said while grinning. Surely, he'll go here again.