

The following morning, all the servants at the Tario palace stood in meticulous rows, waiting to greet their King and Queen. They all bowed simultaneously as the two walked past them holding hands. The radiant faces of their rulers were unmistakable and warmed their hearts.

"Your Highnesses," Cora greeted. "It is a wonderful day today. We have set out the breakfast in the garden," she informed the love birds who could not care less where they dined for as long as they were together.

For Cora, first impressions with her Queen mattered a lot. She saw how her queen interacted with Lady Daisy who was once a mere servant lower in rank to her. The choice of the garden for their breakfast was inspired by the first time her queen dined there. She still recalled how her eyes lite up and how she loved the beautiful Azaleas planted around the garden.

"Thank you, Cora. Have Duke and Gwen join us," King Vincent commanded and led his Queen outside.