

A story about two impoverished siblings who attended school in an odd way, raising suspicions in the eyes of their homeroom teachers. Will they be able to change their destiny and make their difficult life take turns for the better?

Eldest_Lady · วัยรุ่น
19 Chs

Chapter 10 - Discussion With Mom (2)

No.3 Middle School, Golden Valley Street.

In the 8th grade Class 1, a beautiful young girl in a black school uniform was sitting in the second row with an open English textbook on her table.

Her waist length dark brown hair was tied up into a ponytail, her almond eyes fully focused on the whiteboard in front.

A woman in her 40s called Teacher Grace was still conveying her teaching to the students in the class.

A girl of the same age sitting next to her "When will she stop her lesson? it's so boring" Nina said, propping up her right hand to support her head with a bored expression.

She yawned a few times while listening to what the teacher was saying.

"I'm not sure though, there's 10 minutes left before school ends," Helena said. Glancing outside of the window, looking worried.

"Sigh, if the lesson ended late, my sister will be waiting a bit longer", Helena muttered softly.

"Did you say something?" putting her head near Helena, Nina whispered softly. Afraid the teacher will notice them talking when she's teaching.

"No. I didn't say anything" Helena whispered back to her deskmate.

The teacher was pointing at the whiteboard while she glanced at the crowd in front of her. Then she noticed two students seemed to be conversing.

Assuming they didn't pay attention, she opened her mouth wanting to reprimand them. Suddenly her phone rang on the table.

She paused, walking to the desk, she saw the contact name 'Teacher Gwen' was calling her. She picked up the phone and pressed the answer button "Hello? Grace is speaking." 

"Hello Teacher Grace, sorry to disturb your time. I just want to inform you that the principal wants to hold a meeting this noon at 12:15 at the meeting room" another voice sounded from the phone. 

"Oh alright thank you for informing me Teacher Gwen. I'll be right there in a few minutes". Teacher Grace hung up and told her students "I have a meeting to attend to, so we will end our lesson here. Class dismissed"

"Class representative, please collect all the schoolwork I've tasked you with yesterday and send it to my office today". After she said her piece, the teacher went out of the class with her stuff.

"Finally…. we can go home" Nina said as she slumped on her chair.

Helena chuckled slightly "except you. You still have a task before you can go home", winking her right eye at her friend.

She groaned and said "why don't you replace me Helena?" she blinked her eyes cutely at her friend.

Helena laughed "no thanks. My hands are full currently" she rejected her offer.

Nina didn't give up and tried to persuade her. "Oh come on. I'm your beloved friend. How can you bear to see me suffer" she held Helena's arm and whined coquettishly. 

"Euuwwww, go away" Helena withdrew her hands and said jokingly while pretending to be disgusted.

Nina laughed out loud and stopped teasing. Smiling, she said to her "alright I'm just teasing you. You should go now, or else you will be late".

Nina knew what Helena and her family had been through. She had been a deskmate with Helena since they were in their 7th Grade. 

At that time Helena was a newly transferred student in their school. Seeing she was alone, she offered Helena to join her at the back row since the spot next to her was empty anyway.

From then on, they had been close friends until now. A year had passed, and they basically were comfortable around each other.

That's how Nina got to know Helena's family background and the incident after her father had passed away that year.

She tried to help Helena many times, but Helena rejected her not because she's arrogant or feels humiliated. 

It's because she was well aware that Nina's family run a business and are well off. She doesn't want to trouble her friend over her own family matters.

Knowing what Nina was referring to, Helena nodded and asked her back "are you fine going by yourself?"

Nina nodded "yes of course". Feeling reassured, Helena replied "I'll help you collect the book first before we go out"

"Sure". Nina accepted her offer. 

They collected the exercise books from their fellow classmates. A while later, Helena handed the book she collected to Nina. 

Counting the book in her hands "25 in total". Nodded her head, relieved that all of her classmates had submitted their task today.

"Let's go". Nina said to Helena. Helena nodded and both of them carried their school bag on their shoulder before they walked out of the classroom.

They took the staircase to go down from the third floor. When they reached the second floor, they parted ways.

"Take care, Nina," Helena said, waving her hand at her. Nina nodded and said her goodbye. Helena continued her way downstairs and walked straight to the school gate direction.

As she walked out at the school gate, looking at the black watch on her left wrist, "hm, 12:20 p.m" she muttered. "It looks like I'm late". She walked to the usual meeting spot at a hurried pace.

The piercing rays of the sun fall on the ground. The heat is unbearable and oppressive during the afternoon.

Helena wiped her sweat off her forehead. Shielding under the tree, she sat down next to the tree.

Took out her water bottle from the bag, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a big gulp. Looking left and right, no sight of her younger sister.

Furrowing her brows "strange, it's already 12:30 p.m but Selena is still not here". Looking at her wristwatch while frowning. 

"Let's wait a little longer". So Helena decided to take a short rest under the tree while waiting for her sister to appear.

10 minutes later, a beautiful young girl around 12 years old in her black school uniform appeared in her sight.

Her long brown hair fluttered in the wind as she ran. Selena slowed down when she spotted her sister sitting under the tree.

Greedily gasping for air, she arrived next to her sister. Her hair is sticking to her forehead due to the sweats.

Shaking her head helplessly Helena asked "what took you so long? It's 12:40 p.m now. You'll be late for school".

Panting slightly, Selena replied "I woke up late this morning" pausing a bit to catch her breath. Then she continued "and I forgot the time when I was helping mom to sell buns today".

Helena felt pity for her "here, drink first". Handing her water bottle to Selena. "Thanks". Selena took it and drank the water". After she finished drinking, she returned the bottle to her sister.

"Hurry give me the school bag and the shoes", Selena hurried her sister.

Helena did not reply and proceeded to do as she says. Finished their exchange, Selena said her goodbye and ran to the school direction.

Seeing her hurried silhouette, Helena stood in a daze while thinking "isn't it good if we can afford another school bag and shoes?". Helena pursed her lips.

Blinking her eyes "maybe I should talk to mom about it". She decided to discuss it with her mom today.

Helena walked in the opposite direction to return home.