
Flashes Twin

This is a Fanfiction about being reborn as the Flashes Twin. It was inspired by a fic with the same premise written by eric69 titled "Reborn as the flashes twin brother" All content creation credit goes to Eric69 ,CW and of coarse DC, except for my own characters . As stated above this is simply a rewrite with a new spin to it. Read at your discretion.

AsuraGodking · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
16 Chs

Chapter 16

After dropping the tracker in a nice desirable place for Thawne to find Alex made his way home. Once he got home he went down to his bunker to hear Jarvis's report on today's matters. "Jarvis update me on our search for professor Steins colleague and his research into parallel worlds"

"I've gathered all pertinent information on the subject from every source available and compiled it for your perusal sir" he replied promptly as always. "OK I'll look over it before I go to bed. How are my properties and stock portfolios doing?"

"Your alias Christians assets are doing well, your mere months away from being a billionaire according to my estimates. And as for assets under your own name, Ive done as instructed and put them under a trust thats gathering interest. I've also registered your company, Blue tech industries. And taken the liberty to sell some of your softwares, and technology models under your company "

'Wow, I'm doing pretty well for myself' thought Alex." Wait where'd you get the products you sold from? Which folder exactly? " questioned Alex. " I took them from the discarded pile, list in the folder 'doodles and toys'. They've been selling very well. If you sold the real stuff I'm sure your company would reach the 500 Billion market cap in no less than 3 years. "

Alex almost fell out of his chair hearing that last bit" Woah now Jarvis. I don't think I'll ever sell those. Those are for me and perhaps a few select others. Thanks for the hard work. Now I have a week to spare before I meet up with Thawne. Tell me what's Oliver Queen up to? " Alex swore he could almost hear Jarvis sigh.

" Mr Queen is up to his usual debauchery with his partner in crime Tommy Merlin. Their said to be planning a party this weekend for.. As they put it to the press 'Life's too short not to spend it partying. Is there any better reason?'"

"hahaha classic Oliver Queen move. He should've started dating laurel this year. Well I've got nothing better to do right Jarvis?"

"Yes sir, all the algorithms and equations you've input will need at least another 10 days for proper analysis and calculation before they provide sufficient results" responded Jarvis. "Ok then, I'm gonna need you to book Mr Gladwell a hotel penthouse for the week in Starling City's best hotel...actually just book the whole top floor and have the necessary credentials delivered to my private jet on the day of departure. Also order a black Lamborghini Gallardo and have them deliver it to the hotel."

" Going big are we sir? " Alex chuckled at this " Yes I believe we are Jarvis I believe we are. Now then I believe you still need a face for Mr Gladwells credentials. " Alex then preceeded to design a face and body tyoe matching Christian Bale. Jarvis then did a full real life picture adaption and sent it on screen." Is this what your looking for sir? "

Alex stopped fiddling with phone and looked up to see a very vivid Christian Bale staring back at him. "Yes perfect Jarvis. Now program it into the Facial transmogrification device and let's give it a test run shall we." After a few minutes a device popped out of the side table in a slide. Alex jumped at it before it could breath like a child on Christmas morning.

He then pressed the side button and activated it by putting it right by his face. The change was immediate. "Jarvis how do I look?" Jarvis unsure how to answer this question replied as honestly as he could "You look like a young man just about about to enter his twenties sir"

'Twenties?' then Alex remembered he'd previously asked Jarvis to program the Facial transmogrification device to add four years to my own age for any avatar I chose to upload. "Jarvis pull up a mirror will you" *swish a mirror popped up as Alex turned to give himself a look over. "Damn you look good on me Christian.... No homo"

Alex then proceeded to do a few more tests with his new appearance to make sure it was full proof. After doing all the possible check and satisfying his own narccisisim he turned of the device and spun back to Jarvis to issue a few more orders .

"I'm also gonna need you to keep a constant eye on Thawne and my family. Also keep a watchful eye on any major players across the globe. Doesn't matter what industry or government force their in. I want files on everyone. Mwahahaha I'll finally become the ultimate big brother. "

After giving all his orders and checking the time seeing it was well past midnight. He decided it was time for bed. Alex then stretched himself as he got up from his seat and went to the storage mini room to put back all the little toys he was carrying.

As he was about to put the facial device into he storage he thought of something. He didn't know why but he felt a instant urge to do something he somehow knew didn't make sense.

He quickly put his mask back on and looked into the mirror once more, pulling the meanist mug he could muster and uttered the words that would baffle Jarvis for years to come "I am batman"