

Liam has reluctantly agreed to marriage to honor his grandfather's wishes. But his intended bride, Bianca Reese, a rising star in the public's eyes was not taking her calls. meanwhile... Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, Raelle awaits to marry her childhood friend, Kim Davis. But when a devastating phone call shatters her dreams, Raelle faces a heart-wrenching truth. At the Civil Affairs Bureau, Liam and Raelle, each desperate for help, agree to get married. But, while they thought it was a flash marriage, destiny had other plans for them...

Goddess_Luna01 · สมัยใหม่
21 Chs


"Goodnight-" Liam said, glancing at the sleeping figure on the side of the bed. "Wife."

Right after dinner, Raelle had climbed into bed and had slept off almost immediately. Meanwhile, he was just staring at the blank screen of his laptop, with no idea what to do.

He had wanted to work from home but it was as if every single force in the world was against it.

First, Ralph prohibited him from using his study on the first day. Then, his grandfather had made him swear to watch over his wife and not to be away from her for thirty minutes straight. Now, the WiFi in the house had suddenly gone off, and going out of the room was not an option; Ralph had made it his duty to watch over the house like a night guard.


Liam turned off the laptop and placed it on the table. After that, he lay on the bed next to Raelle. In a matter of minutes, he slept off.

When Liam woke up in the morning, he was alone on the bed. He stretched and yawned with a wide smile on his face. The night had somehow been short but, it was the best sleep he had had in a very long time.

He glanced around the room but there was no sign of Raelle so, he stood up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. After his shower, Liam came downstairs, where Ralph was arranging the table for breakfast but he did not see Raelle.

"Ralph, good morning." Liam glanced at the guest room; maybe she had gone to take a hot water shower but the door was ajar and he saw no one. "Have you seen Raelle?"

"Good morning, sire. Do you mean your wife?" Ralph asked politely.

Liam who knew what Ralph was driving nodded.

"Yes, Ralph, my wife. Now, did you see her?"

Ralph nodded quickly.

"Yes, sire. She had to leave early but she asked me to tell you that she would be back soon."

Liam's brows furrowed.

"Did she tell you where she was going to?"

"She said something about an interview and audition."

"Audition?" Liam's expression was as sour as lime. "Interview? Where?"

Ralph paled completely.

"Where? How am I supposed to know?"

Liam expression was unsightly to look at as he walked out of the house, leaving the speechless Ralph watching his disappearing figure.

What in God's heaven had he said wrongly?

Liam got into his Bugatti Veyron sports car and drove out of the compound. He picked up his phone, searching for Raelle's number. When he found it, he connected it to the Bluetooth speaker in the car and waited impatiently for her to pick.

After a few rings, Raelle's small voice echoed through the car.

"Hello? Who is this please?"

Liam's face turned dark.

This girl... She did not save his phone number?

"Hello?" Hearing no response, Raelle was starting to get impatient. "Are you there?"

"Hmm. Where are you?" Liam finally spoke in a hoarse voice. "I learned you left without breakfast."

"Liam?" Raelle was surprised he had called. She did not know what to say so she chuckled lightly. "Yes. I had to rush out for an interview and audition. I'll be back as soon as I've finished."

"Where are you? I'll come over to get you."

"Huh? You... Come get me?"

"Yes. I'm on my way already. Send me your location. I'm hanging up."

As soon as he said that, Liam ended the call and parked at the side. He was waiting for her text. As soon as it came, he drove off in the direction of her location.

Meanwhile, Raelle was sitting with a young woman, about her age in a coffee shop. They were chatting when Liam called. After her call, the woman had been pestering her for answers.

"Ah, Elle! Don't keep me in the dark. How unfair of you to do so to your best friend!" The woman continued tugging on Raelle's arms until she could not stand it anymore and sighed.

"Fine!" Raelle pulled her arms away, massaging them furiously. "Promise to not tell anyone yet, Lyra."

Lyra gleamed and eagerly crossed her heart.

"I swear! Now, hurry up and tell me."


Liam had almost reached the coffee shop when it began to rain. He frowned and hit his hands on the steering wheel furiously.

How was he going to bring her out of the coffee shop without getting her drenched in the rain?

While he was still brooding, Liam reached the place but remained in the car for a while, looking for a suitable parking space that would be close to the door of the shop.

From the car, he could see Raelle and another woman by the window. But Raelle did not know whose car had parked there.

"Elle, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Lyra whispered, wiping her eyes as if she had been dreaming.

Raelle looked at her with a confused look.


"That right there..." Lyra pointed at the car. "That, my dear friend, is a Bugatti Veyron sports car. One of THE most expensive cars in the world!"

Raelle turned to the white sports car in the rain. "Really?" She did not think the car was worth anything. In fact, to her, every car was the same; as long they had four wheels.

"I hope it's a man. I have to have his number before he leaves," Lyra said, quickly standing up and pulling Raelle. "Quick! Let's go. Perhaps he can see me closer."

"Uhm, have you forgotten it's raining?" Raelle asked, sitting back down. "Sit, Lyra. Don't be pretty. Whoever it is, we'll know when they step down."

Lyra frowned and sat back down.

"Joy Killer!"

Under their watchful eyes, the sports car's door opened and Liam stepped out. Both Raelle and Lyra froze immediately but for different reasons.


Raelle's voice was low but Lyra still heard it and turned to her, surprise was written all over her face.

"Is he..." Lyra trailed off, turning back to glance at the man who had now entered the coffee shop and was looking at them.

"Woah! He looks even more handsome up close."

Liam pretended not to have heard her and walked towards Raelle. His expression was not good as he looked at the clothes she was wearing.

"Why did you wear so little?" He asked, taking off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "Don't you know it's cold?"

Raelle blinked a few times before shaking her head.

"It was hot and there was not a cloud in the sky when I left home."

Liam nodded and helped her stand up. He turned to Lyra who was still staring at them with wide eyes and mouth.

"Lyra, we'll talk better later," Raelle waved.

Lyra waved back, still in a daze.

An Adonis had graced her small coffee shop with his presence!

Today, she was sure that she would be getting more sales than ever! Hehe 😂...

Don't forget to comment and share after reading. Also, I want your powerstones please gifts, and coins.

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