
Chapter 10 Bruce Brich is sick



After the seminar, William returned to his resting suite as soon as possible.

The suite was empty.

William looked at the mobile phone on the coffee pad and showed a helpless smile. Did the little woman just run away?

She ran so fast with the title of fiancée of William Brich.

William picked up his mobile phone and played with it in his hand.

He clicked on the screen, and the screen still stayed on the photo that Elisa was looking at.

William looked at the photo, his eyes softened, and he showed a determined smile.

Elisa waited for Professor Newt at the gate of the venue and smiled, "Professor Newt, shall we go back to the hospital directly, or go for lunch first?"

"Go back to the hospital." Professor Malick looked at Elisa and said, "What's the matter with you and William Brich?"

"When did you gossip like this?"

"Just curious."

"Don't listen to William Brich's nonsense, I have only met him several times."

Malick saw her look indifferent and didn't ask much. "What do you think of this lecture? What aspects do you think need to be improved?"

"I don't usually listen to many such courses, and I am a complete layman."

"That is because you are too modest, and your professional skills and theoretical knowledge are no worse than those of other people who came to attend the conference today."

"Professor, are you praising me?" Elisa blinked cunningly.

"Yes. When you get married to William Brich, will I praise you more? In the future, there is no need to ask others for funds for medical research."

"Poof, Professor, I didn't think you had such a sense of humor before."

"I didn't have a chance to perform before." The Professor laughed.

Elisa also laughed. "I looked at my work arrangement. The photos, videos and interactive questions of the lectures will be sorted out for you tomorrow. Do you think it is appropriate?"

"That's not urgent, just tidy it up before next week."


Although Professor Malick said that she had to sort out the lecture materials before next week, Elisa made remarks on various documents that evening and submitted them to Professor Malick as soon as she went to work the next day.

When she walked to the office, she was startled by the situation outside her office.

There were a lot of people crowded in the corridor and at the door of the office. Including nurses, doctors, and even patients were there.

Elisa coughed lightly. "Girls, it's working time now. Can you have some professionalism?"

The crowd suddenly separated, and Annie squeezed out of the crowd. "Dr. Elisa, someone is looking for you."

"Who? Did someone use you to welcome us in such a big battle?"

"Just look at it."

Elisa flashed suspicion in her heart and walked into the office through the crowd.

By the office window, a man bathed in the early morning sun was standing with his back to her.

Elisa knew who the man was without looking closely.

William Brich's slender fingers knocked on the leaves of the small potted plants around him one by one, which was very calm.

Hearing footsteps behind him, William Brich turned his head and showed an elegant smile. "I need your help."

"This is a hospital, unless you are ill. Otherwise, I can't think of the need for us to intersect." Elisa was speaking formally.

"Bruce Brich's situation is somewhat special and you need to come with me."

Elisa was stunned, and Bruce Brich's little face quickly appeared in her mind. She said anxiously, "What happened to him?"

William was very satisfied with her expression and he took her hand. "I'll say it on the road."

Elisa White sat in William Brich's car, under the watchful eye of men at the hospital.

William fastened her seatbelt and started driving away.

He didn't say anything until the car had left the hospital. "Bruce had a fever last night and refused to be touched by anyone except me. The family doctor was unable to refer him to a specialist.

"He might not want me to touch him either," Elisa thought, remembering the last time he met Bruce Brich.

"Not necessarily, he likes you a lot."

William emitted a tone of eagerness, which Elisa detected. Although it could not be seen from his face, Elisa could still feel it.

Elisa's heart began to flutter. "What is Bruce's situation?"

"His foot was injured a few days ago. The temperature has dropped in the last several days, the wound is healing slowly, and no one is around. The air conditioner is turned down at night, and kicking the quilt makes him uncomfortable."

Elisa silently nodded.

A little distance after exiting the main route, his car reached the expressway.

Elisa had administered first aid to over 120 patients in the hospital on several occasions. She is familiar with Australian road conditions and is aware of numerous wealthy and affluent home neighborhoods near the highway.

But Elisa could not help but stop when she reached their destination.

Many homes were buried in the lush mountains, with only a corner of the house visible at times.

Even though it was late autumn, the trees on the mountain were still lush, and they were extremely important in comparison to the yellowed or fallen trees on the neighboring mountains.

The car rounded the steep road, stopping in front of a villa.

Her eyes widened with astonishment when she caught a glimpse of the villa.

William stepped out of the car and opened the door for her. He lifted his brows and stared her in the eyes. "What's the problem?"

"Nothing, where is Bruce? "


Elisa nodded and followed William Brich upstairs.

William took Elisa into a ward on the second floor.

It was a spacious children's room. The arrangement and style of the room indicated that it was a really lovely and delicate space.

It was simply that toys, blankets, and books were strewn over the room, which appeared to be a shambles.

Elisa discovered Bruce Brich on a cartoon bed that was far too large.

The little guy had a red face and was laying on the quilt, his tummy exposed.

His facial expression told her that he was not feeling well at that moment.

Elisa asked, "Have you taken his temperature?"

"I just measured it when I came to meet you and it was 39 degrees."

Hearing that made Elisa uneasy. It was too risky for the child to be burned to 39 degrees.

"Do you have any medication at home?"

"The family doctor is prepared, but Bruce Brich would not allow anybody to touch him."

Elisa said, "Bruce Brich won't be touched, so inject him."

But the words came back to her and she swallowed them.

It was difficult for doctors to administer shots to children, let alone in Bruce Brich's case.

"Please help him take his temperature again, and I'll go get the medicines."

"Good. The medicine is in the next room, and the housekeeper will show you where to find it."

Elisa nodded and turned to walk ahead.

She checked the medicine in the next room's medicine box and discovered that the medicine prepared by the family doctor was extremely comprehensive, so she took the medicine box and returned to Bruce Brich's room.

William Brich sat beside the bed, holding Bruce Brich's little body in his arms, coaxing softly and occasionally touching his bare feet in the air with his huge hands.

William Brich had removed his coat and was wearing only a white shirt at that point.

The shirt's sleeves were pushed up to the elbow, firmly keeping Bruce Brich's little body in place, full of safety and  power.