
Flaming Desire

Getting chased by unknown figures and being captured wasn't something Arie ever expected to happen to her, but it did. Arie must find a way out of the mysterious and strange confines she's in,but what happens when the darkness and obsessions from her past is connected to the very place she's trying to escape from. Will she be able to handle the truth about her origin and past and let go of all the hate she harboured, or is the desire for revenge too strong that it threatens to shatter every other obsession? When the crucial time awakens for her to make a choice,will she choose the intense love of the now, or the flamming revenge of the past? Which is a stronger force: Love...or Revenge! -------------- "Make a choice Arie, your people,your family,your race,all Artians....or him, the enemy!" Arie's mind was in chaos as she looked around her; people she loved and cared about were fighting for their lives...for her. And she had the power to end it all,but whatever choice she made came at a cost; a huge price which she could never unsacrifice. As the screams around her got louder, reminding her that time was running out for her to make a choice,she finally made a decision. "I...I choose...."

Blackwolf4509 · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Red Roses Of Blood

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Ethan said as he looked at Kyra with a concerned face.

She replied with a nod. Her gaze still fixated on the red mar on the marble floor. Following her line of sight he looked down.

"65 seconds? For what? The bomb?"he asked as he wandered who even wrote that there.

"Yes. We better leave now," she spoke but before they turned to leave, another badge of men showed up and blocked their path.

They were dressed in all white this time,and neither of them had a gun. The only weapon in their hand was a small dagger which didn't even look so sharp.

The sight in front of Ethan enraged him almost to the core.

First they came at him and his men earlier fighting like they were just having a mild sparring match with him.

Then they just retreated like cowards when they started to lose and drop like flies due to their own pathetic attacks.

And now they're here again, coming at him with no better weapon than a small dagger?

Was this some sort of sick hide and seek game to them?

He was done playing games. It was time to let the red roses of blood bloom forth on the plain white clothes they wore.

"Daggers?" his nails got longer and sharper as he spoke, and his eyes burned with an intense glow as his aura turned lethal.

"I fucking hate being toyed with," his tone was cold and serious as he charged at the men.

His bare hands dug into their flesh as he ruthlessly ripped their organs out.

He didn't give any of them the chance to fight back,and he certainly didn't allow them the opportunity of escaping again,not this time...not ever.

They had unleashed his dark side...and they had to deal with it.

Kyra stood back and just observed, seeing as Ethan already blocked their path from crossing hers.

And since they couldn't even get to her,she had no chance of dealing with them and just decided to leave them to Ethan to handle. She didn't want to interfere in this fight.

Could she even have the chance to fight now that Ethan was triggered?

He continued snapping necks, breaking bones and tearing flesh,all the while moving at a speed which they couldn't keep up with.

And in a matter of quarter of a minute,they were all dead and on the ground. The promised bright red rose of blood shone brightly on their white clothes as an awful lot of it dripped and flowed abundantly on the white marble floor. Whoever was going to clean up this bloody mess later would have a really hard time getting those floors to sparkle again.

Slowly his nails turned normal and so did his aura.

Kyra neared him as they made their way out of there.

Keeping in mind that thirty seconds remained before the bomb went off.

"You know there was really no need to go all out on them, right? They weren't worth the energy."

"I know. But it's not my fault...the assholes asked for it." he uttered as he cleaned the blood off his hands with the red handkerchief he removed from his pocket.

They both stopped moving when they reached the elevator door.

"The exits of this building are on the ground floor. It's quicker to use the elevator than the stairs... seeing as there isn't much time left to spare," Ethan said as he first led Kyra into the elevator and then he followed behind her.

Kyra couldn't stop thinking about how that strange man just vanished...and how he knew her name and everything else about the attack... even the bomb. Who exactly was he?

Her train of thoughts were interrupted when the elevator stopped moving and the door opened.

The two stepped out,but they hadn't gone far enough when yet again a small crowd of men dressed in all red this time stood some feet away from them, blocking the front exit.

Ethan rubbed his temples as he closed his eyes and sighed.

"The Hell? You're not freaking serious right now" he mumbled as he opened his eyes,the glow in his eyes from earlier returned with full force.

It was as if these people were hellbent on stopping them from leaving so much that they even went to the extreme of risking their own lives for it.

It would be fun killing them all slowly in small numbers but..Ethan knew there wasn't time for that now.

Using a gun would be even more slower ...and they were almost out of bullets anyway. It was best if he finished them all at once by using his Varnix abilities. It's not like any human was around to see him anyway.

Stretching out his hand he mumbled something as his palms and eyes started to glow.

Suddenly a thick cloudy white fog appeared from no where and engulfed the men in it. It started out as slow crystals but then the fog hardened quickly,and trapped all the men in solid, cold ice...until they became the ice themselves... like immobile sculptures.

"Enjoy the external darkness," he uttered as he fiercely clenched his outstretched hand into a fist.

Immediately he did the ice shattered into many little fragments,and dissipated into the air until there was no trace of ice left.

And just like that...they were gone.

Now that no one was blocking their path anymore... Ethan and Kyra made their way to the door.


There was one man on the ground who wasn't dead yet...he tried to push himself up as he neared the duo but all of a sudden-

"Bang!" someone fired a shot and both Ethan and Kyra turned to look at the one responsible for that shot.

Balancing himself on the railing of the stairs was the same masked blue-eyed stranger from earlier.

He lowered the gun as he let himself sway gracefully from the stairs and landed back on the ground in a crouching position.

Standing back up he put the gun into his pocket as he walked briskly towards them.

"Six seconds" he said and with that they all moved with very quick steps towards the exit.

Suddenly a loud blaring beep flared as it echoed throughout the entire building, almost like a countdown.

At this, they quickened their pace even more.

Beep! ( Five! )...

Beep! ( Four! )...

Beep! ( Three! )...

Finally they reached the exit and made their way out but...they were still too close to the building,they needed to get further.

Beep! ( Two! )...still too close

Beep! ( One! )....

Thanks for reading. Have any opinions ? Comment and let me know.

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