
Chapter 1 : Prologue

The sun high up in the horizon illuminates the desert below as waves upon waves of dust are scattered by the wind. The only difference this desert has among others is that its sand is gray in color. This desert is known as the Gray Dust Wasteland, a place once known to hold no living organisms.

Most would veer off this desert as it is known that no bodies of water are found inside. Even the hardiest of plants don't dare live in this place as its mysterious composition makes sure that no vegetation could survive in this place. But then again, as if those simple tales and legends would deter anyone from entering this wasteland.

At first, refuges of surrounding nations came and settled inside the wasteland. Then outcasts, those with disabilities, those with enemies, those whose desire is freedom, and sometimes, those who has nothing but hatred.

Villages were built by the first settlers, the refuges, who sought a peaceful life above all. Nothing could grow in this wasteland, but they were wrong. At first the refuges traded in the ores and resources they gathered in the wasteland for resources. Until they discovered that there are things that could grow inside, its just that they need different methods to grow.

In the years to come with the advancement of technology, they soon realised that water existed in the desert. Underground water to be more precise. Then came an era of peace and prosperity. They now grew their food and they have water. Villages became towns, and soon into cities. With the arrival of outcasts, their population grew faster then ever. And with more people came more chaos.

But they quelled the chaos immediately and order is born. Order flourished and prosperity is once more in their grasp. The wasteland is bigger than most countries and a few realised that fact. Those few came to be known as the founders and they soon founded the Grayland City States. At last the wasteland is united but as big as their territory is, they lack military power and technological prowess the surrounding countries has in their disposal.

The countries, who discovered the unification of the wasteland at their borders, grew wary then relaxed. After all, their armies have existed for years and their technology is far superior than those 'savages' living in the wasteland. How wrong they were at that time.

A small city state found that beneath the vast underground waters and cave system the wasteland has to offer came an unknown mineral. They excavated it, refined it, made use of it, and to no avail they failed. But they didn't surrender, and soon they came to discover how to use it.

War came in the wasteland and chaos reigned supreme. City state after city fell one after the other until the Grayland City States are no more. And the cause of the chaos unified the wasteland once again and called itself the Technocratic Union of Grayland Republic, or the Wasteland Union as the neighbouring countries called them. They came into power and as soon as order is restored inside their borders, chaos spread from outside. A turbulence happened in the world with the discovery of magic.

The Wasteland Union soon came and acquired the technology alongside with its neighbours, but the discovery of magic heralded the creation of a new world order. Things deemed impossible before the discovery of magic was made possible and soon, the flames of war burned and spread from one country to another until the whole world is at war,