
Flames Of The Heart

In a world where the boundary between mortals and immortals blurs, we follow the enigmatic male lead, Keith, an ancient and brooding Immortal who has walked the Earth for centuries, haunted by his dark past. Keith, with his icy demeanor, has embraced his solitary existence, shunning human emotions as a means of protecting himself from the pain of loss. However, fate has different plans when he crosses paths with Lucia, an ordinary mortal girl with an extraordinary spirit full of Life. As their unlikely bond deepens, Keith discovers that his immortal existence is intertwined with Lucia mortal fate in ways he never imagined. As they navigate the complexities of their love, Keith must confront his inner demons and the age-old curse that binds him. He realizes that loving a mortal comes with a price, and he must decide whether to protect Lucia from his dark reality or risk everything to be with her. "Flames of the Heart" is a tale of passion, sacrifice, and redemption, exploring the profound connection that can bridge the gap between immortality and mortality. Will Keith find a way to break free from his haunted past and embrace the flames of love, or will the shadows of eternity consume their chance at happiness forever?

LexiLX · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Unexplained Attraction

(Lucia's POV)

I awakened in a place bathed in an ethereal glow, a realm that seemed both familiar and foreign. It was as if I had stepped into a world beyond life, where the boundaries of reality blurred, and time lost its meaning. As I struggled to make sense of my surroundings, memories of my last moments on Earth flooded back, and I realized that I had passed on.

The last Intriguingly painful memory I had was when I was in my last moments, a strange man came to me. I remember calling for help but I thought my voice won't be heard because it was barely audible to I myself.

The man knelt on one knee close to me and I felt an unexplainable sense of safety, warmth and peace. He carried me ever so gently like I was a delicate artifact...he lifted me gently and in his arms I felt safer than I've ever been.

For some reason he let go and slowly darkness began to seep in ,I suddenly felt cold and I knew I wasn't going to last any longer... but before I was gone completely my eyes locked with his for a very brief moment expressing my gratitude for the priceless gesture.

Now that I have been awakened in this strange realm the first sensation that washed over me was peace. It was a serene calm that soothed the wounds of my heart and lifted the burdens of my earthly existence. I looked down at my own form, translucent and radiant, and knew that I was no longer constrained by the limitations of the physical world.

"I'm... I'm dead," I whispered, accepting the truth of it all.

Though I had let go of my life, one thought lingered: the stranger who had cradled me in my final moments. His face, filled with compassion, had provided me comfort as I transitioned from one realm to another. The memory of his touch still warmed my spirit.

As I tried to gather my thoughts, a familiar presence approached. Turning, I saw him—the man from before, the one who had been there when I had slipped away. He stood a few paces away, his eyes filled with nothing but emptiness....I couldn't read him at all.

He looked at me and said in a flirty tone "Little thing why do you look so happy even now" , I looked at him in confusing and was even a bit flustered.

"Thank you," I replied, my voice filled with genuine gratitude. "You were there with me, weren't you? When I... passed."

"Yes," he said, taking a step closer. "I happened to be in the area when u heard your call." He came even closer and was staring at me , I felt like he could see through my soul with just that look.

"Thank you," I repeated, my heart swelling with appreciation. "You made the journey easier for me."

His presence was reassuring, and the unexplained attraction I felt towards him intensified. It wasn't merely the gratitude that drew me to him; it was something deeper, a connection I couldn't quite fathom.

"You don't need to thank me," he said, his voice gentle." Take my hand and I shall pull your soul towards the earth"

"I didn't expect someone to be there when I died," I confessed, still trying to grasp the reality of the situation. "I thought death was supposed to be lonely."

He smirked "Death isn't always the end of the journey . It's sometimes a transition, a passage to something new."

As he spoke, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trust in his words. There was an air of wisdom about him, as if he had experienced things far beyond mortal comprehension.

"What happens now?" I asked, curiosity mingling with a trace of anxiety. "What comes after this realm?"

Keith's gaze was unreadable revealing nothing , "After this, you'll have the opportunity to undergo a process of reflection and understanding. You'll be able to review your life, find closure, and let go of any lingering attachments."

I nodded, trying to absorb the information. It all seemed so surreal, and yet, here I was, in a realm where the impossible became possible.

"And then?" I prodded further.

"Then," he replied, "you'll have the chance to reincarnate if you wish. It's a new beginning—a fresh start in a new life, with new opportunities for growth and learning."

The idea of reincarnation both excited and scared me. It meant leaving behind everything I had known, my memories, my loved ones, and embarking on an unknown journey. But there was also a sense of hope in the prospect of a new beginning.

"I see," I said, contemplating the choices that lay ahead. "But why are you here? Why are you helping me?"

Keith's expression became serious but I could feel he was trying to sound gentle, "There are many things you shouldn't know of little one" . He looked at me as he smirked."

"Why?..," I asked as I looked at him expressing confusion .

Keith's eyes gleamed with a scary kind of darkness, but for some reason I wasn't scared instead I found it alluring it was as if i was being pulled to explore that darkness, he stepped even closer, his hand reaching out to touch mine. The touch was gentle, yet I could feel an electric current pass between us, as if our souls were communicating in a language beyond words.

"Little girl you shouldn't venture into the dark unknown, that's my world of darkness ," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "If you really want to know make it through your reincarnation and ask when you're back on earth ."

As he spoke, I felt a profound sense of comfort and familiarity. It was as though I had known him for eternity, and yet, I couldn't recall ever having met him in my earthly life.

"I'll make it back, and I'll venture into your so called world... I'm not afraid of anything ," I replied, confidently slightly raising my chin , tho deep down I was wishing this is all a dream cause I can't believe what's happening . I suddenly remembered something "You didn't tell me your name" I asked.

Keith smirked, that was the most seductive gesture I've ever seen in my life! How can a man be this beautiful ."Keith" he said in the coldest tone, I felt like he didn't like the name.

"Hmm Keith, It's pretty" I said as I giggled a little.

When I looked at him and saw he wasn't even laughing but staring at me intently with a blank face I stopped cause it was getting kind of awkward." Cough , cough" I looked away in embarrassment.

"Come," Keith said, extending his hand towards me. "Let us embark on this journey together. I'll be here to guide you every step of the way."

With a mix of trepidation and excitement, I placed my hand in his, feeling a surge of energy pass between us. As we began to walk together, I knew that whatever lay ahead, I could face it with Keith by my side.

The realm around us seemed to shift and swirl as we walked, a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions. As we moved forward, I embraced the mysteries of this place and the unexplained attraction that had brought us together. It was the beginning of a journey that would forever change my understanding forever.