
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs


Sun shines bright in the sky. Intensity of the rays imply twelve O'clock in the afternoon.

The sound of snores smacking my eardrum signify someone is still asleep.

Alarm clock ringing continuously, eventually waking her up.

Sword was the first thing, that caught my sight. Yesterday, I visited the street with the hope of bringing back some Ginni in my pockets. But it turned out be an escape from the men story.

I am hungry. I have to wait till the dusk, to steal some food from the town.

Almost five year passed, I don't remember when was the last time, I was at peace.

Anticipating a good life out of a miracle is all that I think now.

Knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. As I already mentioned, I have no one to care for.

"Who the hell has come to my door?"

Grasping broom strict in my hand, ready to smash heads, I unlatched the door for the unknown.

A cold grip of hand of water seized my neck, vision was blurred at the loss my consciousness.

The very next moment of me regaining senses, I was chained to a pillar located at the centre of a ring.

"Amazing, an empty stomach, helpless life, abducted by alien figure, chained to a pillar. What a start of the day! "

"What else can go bad!" This was where I needed to pause.

There comes my bad luck, kicking off with the bull power. Two bulls bellowing with aggression craving for dominance.

It was a ring meant for bull fight and I…. was cladded in a red night gown.

Heart thumping out of its capacity, lungs were about stop inhaling oxygen, frightened soul screamed aloud but throat refused to let out, even a whisper.

"What am I supposed to? Shall I strip off my cloths!"

[Author's pov: You cannot do that. However, red is your most favourite colour]

"Stop it.. please help. I promise to not to wear red all my life"

[Author's pov: Okay. Let's take you out]

Those two bulls are approaching me, "I will be a dead meat for sure"

For one last time let me remember my ancestors, and those countless victims of my burglary.

I was about to get sandwiched between two mighty enraged bull, but unusually pillar elevated to a higher point.

My life was spared. I sighed in relief.

My fate replied me with "Ahaa! Not yet", revealing a lady seated on a soft cushion armchair meant for two.

A glance of her crimson red, long nails of a beast ready to create gash wounds on my sensitive skin made me gulp my own saliva.

Those rage full eyes questioning my inner soul without uttering a word from her lips.

Eventually gathering my confidence, I spoke or more like stuttering,

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

"I wanted to question, you the same, why were you in search of me?"

"I never searched you. I don't know you".

"Were you not searching for 'Serpent queen' yesterday at the night market"

"Yes. I did"

"So, I was right"

Now, my snail motioned brain was lit, "Oh! You are the 'Serpent Queen', You are just as they describe"

"What? What do they describe?"

Scary! as they say but I wish to live, so I choose peace. "Fearless. They say fearless"

"Hmmm. Why do you need me?"


"What kind of business?"

"If, you could free me from this punishment, we can talk peacefully"

Her men unchained me, "Now my li…. No..No let me just stop"

"Speak", her siren eyes piercing through my soul.

Turning around made me realize, it was an underground battle ring. Other than we four, no one was around.

The very door meant for bulls to enter, was the one to guide you out.

"Hard to escape"

"I have a sword, casted with a rear metal", she seems interested, continuing I explained,

"It was a gift from King to my great grandfather, precious treasure of our family"

"Since it is precious, I am willing to take a look. But"


"Why are you selling it to me?"

"Oh! Pressure from economic recession, need to feed my growling tummy"

Her doubtful glare said, she was not convinced, yet she accepted my offer.

Asked me to bring the sword to the same place within seven days.

I was about to leave and 'Serpent queen' patting my shoulders whispered in her hissing voice, "Don't forget to bring the sword to me, Orzala"

I was surprised to hear my name from her. Ever since my birth, I hardly know few people and none of them breath today.

I left in confusion, turning a thousand times, pressurizing my little brain to recognize her.

"Saisha, you had her in your fist. Why did you let her go?"

Wicked smile on her face, express her evil plans, "Still, I have her in my fist"

It was dark until I reached my tiny little house. Acids burning in my stomach, "I am starving. I should drink milk and grab some bread"

Looking out the window finding a target, I dressed myself in my all black outfit, "Let's have a feast tonight"