
Chapter 69

The book stated that after the state of Heisa, the female would always wake up first, and the male wouldn't wake until....he narrowed his violet gaze. Then he looked up at Caspian who stood patiently. 

" Wh..what does this mean? " he stared at the book again.

" Tell me something, does the queen remain unmarked? "

In other words, he was asking whether Flame and Nuriel had actually done it. He wasn't comfortable with discussing that aspect of his king's life, but the circumstances forced him to.

" I'm honestly not sure, " he said truthfully. That morning the marking scent on Flame had increased, but there was no way to know for sure until he asked Nuriel. 

" Well if not then you have to make sure that she is. As soon as possible, "

Kalen re-read the book again. According to it, inorder for a god to rise from the state of not being, he had to have ' a pure fairy's blood, freely given '. 

" But even if she remains unmarked, there's no way the queen would give her blood freely, " he said. 

" Do not underestimate the power of a goddess. Especially this one, Phoenix had a reputation of being lethal and cold. No one has a clue of what she's capable of. " Caspian informed him, then he took the book and carefully placed it back on the shelf. 

" I hope I've been of good help, "

" More than you'll ever know. "

Everything he had learnt was overwhelming, his own brain was still trying to process all the information. They had a goddess out on a killing spree to hunt down and a god to keep dead. 

He flew Caspian safely home, asking him to take a vow of secrecy concerning everything they had discussed, then he flew back to the Triecan and linked Nuriel to ask how long they'd be gone.

" We just finished distributing the warriors in the deserted locations, now we must wait to see if the bait will work. Why do you ask? Did you learn something of importance?"

" I did, but I think it can wait till you get back. "

" Are you certain? "

" Yes my king. Inform me once you return, then meet me in the council room. And be sure to bring your mate with you. "

He could sense the curiosity from his king, but all Nuriel said was, ' Okay, ' 


She had a week left to feed. Just one more innocent victim to drain before she got the strength she needed to survive. 

And she sensed life close by. She sensed quite a number of lives actually. 

And all the heartbeats were strong and steady....but a couple of them were coated with fear. 

She moved like a ghost.

Fluidly and with an eery quiet. Her feet making no sound and her movements gentle in the way that was creepy as opposed to calming. 

She stopped next to a tree and peered around, then she fought to not laugh like she so wanted to.

A Dreimar stood some steps from her. 

And a warrior as well if the feather mark on his neck was any indication.

Shaking her head, she leaned against the bark and looked around. 

It wasn't a bad plan, actually, had she been desperate to feed she would have probably fell for the trap.

But she was keen...alert. 

Focusing her hearing she heard the flap of wings somewhere in the far sky. 

Personally she had no clue who the angels that had survived were. 

She had only seen four of them since she woke and out of the four she only recognized two.

The first one was the king's son of course. The resemblance was striking...Nuriel...he had been nothing but an angel just past his years as a youngling when she had last seen him.

He had grown so much since then, had turned into quite the eye turner. She loathed their kind with every last fibre of her existence, but she wasn't blind to the fact that they were some of the most compelling beings to have ever walked the earth.

Each one so uniquely different, yet just as magnificent as the next.

And those feathers of theirs were a gift she had always been secretly envious of. 

The other angel she knew was the brown winged worrior. His spine edged with steel.

She had a bit of history with that one. That he had survived wasn't shocking at all. 

She had only ever had one encounter with him but during that very short interaction she had seen he was governed by strength and courage. She recalled their last encounter, how he had looked at her with so much hatred it had almost been a physical blow.

But those were things of the past, now she stared out at the warrior in front of her and she wondered what to do. Then she smiled and slowly, she lifted her arm. 

The worrior did the same, then with a wicked smile she made him draw out his sword, the silver of the weapon shining in the light. The green eyes of the male were wide with horror at his uncontrollable actions. He wanted to shout, yell out for help but he was unable. 

And that look that he wore, that utter unmasked terror, that was what she loved most, she could taste the fear and it was her favourite meal. It satisfied her in ways nothing else could.

His hand trembled as he brought the sword up and pointed the sharp end at himself, And all it took was a flick of her fingers to make the warrior dig the sharp sword into his flesh. It emerged from the other end, and she watched as he fell on his knees, blood dripping from his self inflicted wound, then he toppled over and died. 

She didn't run though, she had had enough of that and she was certain that the angels were getting more and more frustrated... perhaps they thought her a coward. 

Something she just could not allow, so she decided that if they truly wanted to catch her...then she'd give them the chance to do so.

Besides...they already knew who she was. She knew that they did, somehow the fairy had managed to tell them despite her attempts to ensure that she would not. 

Walking over to the lifeless body, she went down on her knees and gently cupped the male's cheek. Watching as blood trickled down the corner of his slightly parted lips. 

" My apologies, I hope you don't take this personally, " she said in that sweet voice that had a poisonous origin. 

Then she simply waited... listening to the sound of approaching wings and countless feet. 


The warriors were supposed to stay calm a per the plan, they weren't to look conspicuous or spooked. They were to try their very best to remain and seem as ordinary as possible.

So when Quillon had linked Nuriel saying that something was wrong on the east part of the woods, he had immediately flown there,but by the time they had arrived it had been too late.

The warrior had just driven the sword into himself.

" Victor! send the warriors east...fast!" he sent before he and the three angels with him began making their descent to the ground. 

But then he ordered them to stop when they were halfway there. But he hadn't needed to since they had already halted their flight, having seen the same thing he had.

It truly was her, he might have been very high up and she might have been hidden among the trees and bushes but the little he could see confirmed their suspicions. He doubted that that hair could belong to anyone else. It was the most visible aspect of her from where they were. 

The fiery red mass of it blowing softly in the wind. They watched as she emerged from behind a tree and made her way towards the fallen Dreimar, then she went down on her knees. 

Along with him at the time were Barin, Rylan and Zarek. Quillon joined soon after.

" I'm going down, " Rylan said before he proceeded to try and do just that. His sword already drawn and a look of lethal focus on his face.

Nuriel stopped him.

" She's right there! ". he complained, clearly wondering why they hadn't already landed and killed her on the spot. Because that was Rylan, he almost always acted out of anger. And things never went smoothly when he did.

But he had no choice but to stay put because Nuriel had commanded it. 

" She's unpredictable, I mean look at her, she clearly knows we've spotted her," 

As if to prove him right, Phoenix turned and looked up at the sky.

Nuriel focused his silver eyes and saw the wicked smile that she wore, it made his blood turn to molten lava in his veins.

" Is she...Is she calling us?" Barin asked. They all saw that she was using her hand to beckon them down.

" Well this just turned all sorts of creepy, " Zarek said.