

Many Years Ago...

"Mom! Why can't I go outside?" Flame asked her mother.

The young fox had been living in a small cozy den ever since her birth. She longed to walk outside and set foot in the beautiful forest.

Unfortunately, her parents would not allow her to step outside. She wondered why her parents would not allow their daughter to leave her den. The thought of it always bothered her.

Kindle refused to answer her daughter's question and stared at the ground. She figured Flame would be better off not knowing the dangers of the forest.

Besides. If Flame knew the truth about the forest, She would think twice about leaving her den. There was no doubt about it.

"Mom! Why won't you answer me?"

"Because I do not wish to tell you!"

Kindle spoke in a strong firm voice, as she puffed her chest and glared at her daughter. And by the look of it, Flame could tell how serious her mother was right now.

The young kit stared into Kindle's cold blue eyes and felt a chill run down her spine. Perhaps it was best if she didn't know the truth of the outside world.

After all, she could sneak out of her den in the middle of the night. Her parents couldn't prevent her from leaving if they were asleep.

"Fine!" Flame sighed, with a bored look on her face.

"I guess I'll take a nap," She said as she trotted away.

She laid down and curled up on the fresh earth below her. Although she did not want to sleep. Not yet anyways. If her parents had any secrets they were keeping from her, she had to know.

Why couldn't she go outside? Was it really dangerous out there? And if so, why did her parents act as if they were weak animals? Flame wanted to know the answers to these questions.

The sun had set, casting a beautiful glow of sunlight through the cracks of trees. And the sky grew a little darker. It wouldn't be long before night approached.

Flame had been awake for hours, waiting for the perfect moment to eavesdrop. If all went as planned, she might know more about the outside world, and how she might survive in such an environment.

Flame waited patiently for her parents to fall asleep. She may have had to wait all day. However, it was worth waiting for. The young kit heard the sounds of snoring and felt relieved.

Without trying to wake her parents, Flame slowly walked towards the entrance. Luckily, her soft orange paws barely made any noise. As she walked across the dirt, She checked on her parents and hoped they were sound asleep.

Luckily, Kindle and Sparx were curled up and snored happily. As Flame watched her parents sleep, she couldn't help but wonder if they were dreaming or not. And if so, what would they possibly dream about?

As much as she wanted to think about it, Flame couldn't risk wasting anymore time. She had a chance to escape and witness a world beyond wonders. And she certainly wouldn't allow her parents to destroy her only dream.

Without hesitating, the young kit crawled right out her den and placed her small paws on soft green grass. She could not describe how great it felt. Without realizing, Flame had a deep desire to sniff and roll over the beautiful blades of grass. Somehow, she managed to calm herself and stared at the starry night sky.

Flame saw many white stars twinkle and smiled. She had never seen such beauty in all her life. The silver moon glowed brightly in the beautiful night sky, casting rays of moonlight in the forest.

While gazing at the sky, she spotted a beautiful constellation of a fox and a wolf. Perhaps it was a sign only meant for her. And if so, how would she understand what it meant?

As confused as she was, Flame assumed she would form a bond with a young wolf. After all, it was possible. However, the kit's parents would never allow her to play with wolves. Knowing that, she decided to keep it a secret. As long as Flame lived, she wouldn't tell anyone of what she had seen.

The young kit sniffed the fresh cool air with a satisfying look. She had experienced many great wonders in only a few moments. For months, she had been trapped in a small den with her overprotective parents. The kit would eventually grow bored and try to run outside. And every time she attempted to do so, her parents would tell her long life teaching lessons. They were brutal.

Now she had the chance to do whatever she pleased. Her parents wouldn't be able to stop her. With so much to think about, Flame didn't know where to begin.

She heard the sounds of many woodland creatures. Crickets chirped, frogs croaked, and owls hooted. It seemed as if they were all communicating to one another.

As Flame thought of great outdoor experiences, she spotted a small red firefly glowing in the distance. She wondered how a cute little bug could cast bright light in such a dark area. Without hesitating, the curious fox chased after the small glowing insect. She ran as if her life depended on it.

The fox ran as fast as her legs would carry her. When she had caught up to the firefly, she raised one paw and tried to slash the insect. Unfortunately for her, the firefly flew away just in the nick of time. Flame couldn't believe a puny little insect had outsmarted her.

The kit felt ashamed and stared at the ground. As she looked closely, she spotted many large footprints of wolves. Not knowing what to do, Flame did not dare move a muscle. The slightest movement could trigger a fatal disaster.

Flame soon heard sounds of running coming from all directions. She figured wolves were heading towards her and almost screamed.

The scared little kit watched as several gray wolves ran towards her. One appeared to be a black and white husky. He led the other wolves, as they all followed him.

Just as she was thinking of an escape plan, the pack of wolves surrounded her and glared angrily into her small amber eyes. They wouldn't allow a fox to escape. Despite how young she may be. To them, she was nothing more then a delicious morsel.

The wolves licked their snouts and drooled at the sight of the young baby fox. They were all hungry and were tempted to eat her.

"Little kit, have you lost your way home?" One gray wolf asked Flame with a menacing look in his eyes.

She was too afraid to answer and wanted to run back home. Unfortunately, that wasn't an option. She decided to answer the wolf and said "Yes, I can't seem to find my parents."

As she spoke those words, tears trickled down her face. The young kit feared wolves now and wished she had never left her den. Her parents had been right all along. The forest had always been a dangerous environment ruled by carnivores. Flame could not survive all on her own.

None of the wolves showed any sympathy for the poor fox. They just glared at her and planned to swallow her whole, just as a snake swallows his prey.

"Then why didn't you tell us sooner?" One wolf asked her with a smile on his face.

Flame didn't know if she could trust him or not. She never spoke to a wolf before. And now he talked as if he wanted peace. It sounded a bit odd to her. She might as well run for her life while she had the opportunity. And yet, a part of her felt as if she should stay and listen. With her mind made up, she decided to chat with the wolf.

"You're not going to eat me?" Flame asked him in a puzzled voice.

"No. We're just defending our territory."

She decided to trust the wolf pack and hoped they would keep their word. If so, the young kit would live to see another sunrise. However, if the wolves were lying to her, she would definitely die in a very gruesome way.

"Well, that's a relief," Flame said with a satisfied look.

"Would you like to stay with us in the meantime?" The black and white husky asked her.

She happily nodded her head and watched as the other wolves smiled. Perhaps her parents had misjudged wolves this whole time. Maybe they were sweet and misguided animals that secretly loved foxes.

"Yes. I'd like that," Flame said as she smiled.

As she was about to follow the wolves, a young white pup suddenly appeared running towards her.

She wondered if this had been a trap all along? And if so, would it be too late to turn back and run? There was only one way to find out.

As she was about to speak, the pack leader barked at the young pup and shouted "Moon! What are you doing out here?"

As frightened as he was, the white pup replied "I'm just..."

"Just what?" The leader growled.

"I'm just concerned about that poor fox," The pup stated as he stared into her beautiful amber eyes.

Flame never expected a wolf to speak those words and wondered if he cared about her. She couldn't help but smile.

"What did you just say?" The husky growled, as he walked towards Moon.

"Please spare the young kit's life," the white pup begged, as he lowered his head and kneeled before the pack leader.

The husky hated how his son acted and could not tolerate his pathetic behavior. He had no reason to kill a pup tonight. But if Moon kept pestering him, he would not live to see another day. Whether he was innocent or not.

"Just give her another chance," He kindly asked the strong and brave husky.

As much as the leader wanted to eat Flame, he knew it would make matters worse. She probably never meant to cross into their territory. And if her parents figured out how their daughter had died, They would not hesitate to avenge her death. So in order to prevent a blood thirsty war, the husky agreed with Moon and said "Alright son."

The arctic pup was confused and never expected his father to agree with him. Was he starting to realize how important his son meant to him? Or was this just another evil scheme of his? Whatever the case, Moon decided to trust his dad and raised his head.

"Are you insane?" One skinny gray wolf asked his leader.

"You will do as I say," The husky growled angrily.

From the look on his face, the wolf could tell his leader meant what he said and did not dare argue with him. He slowly lowered his head and bowed down before the pack leader. As well as the others.

"Yes Lord Storm," They all spoke with dignity and loyalty.

Their leader was glad to see his fellow pack members still expressing their gratitude and loyalty towards him. They truly believed he could change this world. And that's what the husky planned to do.

"I believe our work here is done," Storm spoke withy a confident voice.

He signaled his pack members by barking. And in response, they all raised their heads and ran towards him. He had trained them well.

"Everyone, follow me" The pack leader said to the other wolves, including Moon.

Flame watched as Storm led his pack through the woods and heard the sounds of many footsteps.

She had experienced so much in one night. The fox couldn't help but wonder if the constellation had been a sign of peace between foxes and wolves. And if so, she wanted that more then anything.

If that pup hadn't shown, Flame might've been eaten by a pack of vicious wolves. She wished she could thank him for saving her life. However, that seemed impossible now. the chances of them meeting again would be extremely rare. Considering the situations they were in. Nonetheless, she heard Storm call the pup Moon. Knowing that, the fox assumed it was his name.

"Moon. Wherever you are, I owe you for saving my life," Flame thought happily.

No matter how far away he may be, she would definitely find him. And when that day came, Flame would finally have the chance to talk to a wolf. It would be a day she would never forget.

The brave little fox felt courageous and decided to return home. She trotted through the woods and eventually found her cozy little den. As she walked in, her parents snored, as if time hadn't passed.

Flame curled up in a cute way and slowly closed her eyes. She soon fell fast asleep and dreamt of her happy reunion with Moon.