
Chapter 9

The next day, the four wolves awoke as the bright sun cast golden rays of sunlight. They all stretched their long legs. Moon and his family were ready to embark on a dangerous journey; Despite any challenge.

"Are you ready to leave?" The wolf asked everyone.

"Yeah!" they replied.

Moon walked ahead, leading the way. He looked back at his family and realized they were following him. After a few minutes had passed, the three wolves fainted. Moon looked back and found them panting as they lied on the ground. His eyes widened with fear.

"Mom! Dad!"

He watched their bodies rise and fall, as if they were having trouble breathing.

"We're fine, son," Scarlet spoke in a sick voice.

Moon knew she and the others were thirsty. They could not travel in this condition. He figured the wolves should eat and drink before they continued the journey.

Therefore, he scanned the forest for delicious prey. Many small birds soared in the sky; while others remained in nests, feeding their young.

As the wolf searched for tastier prey, he spotted larger animals. Such as grizzly bears and moose. He knew they would make a great meal and licked his chops.

As Moon thought of which animal to eat, he heard small footsteps nearby. The wolf turned and watched as bushes rustled. He figured a rabbit would hop and approach him at any minute. However, a large white-tailed doe crept in his direction. He could not believe his eyes. A deer that size would feed him and his family.

The wolf stepped back, careful not to scare his prey. However, his hind paw snapped a small twig. The deer ran away in an instant, frightened as ever.

"How could I have been so careless?"

Moon never allowed his prey to leave. If he had known about that twig a few minutes ago, his hunt would have gone well.

As frustrated as he was, the wolf remained calm and thought of the outcome. He could still hunt this deer. Besides, she could not have run far.

After thinking it through, Moon felt confident and proud. He ran straight ahead, searching for the frightened doe. The wolf sniffed the fresh cool air and smelled the delicious deer. Her scent grew stronger then ever.

He soon spotted the deer near a lake and slowed his pace. The wolf watched as she lowered her head and drank the fresh cool water. He then realized this was the perfect opportunity to attack. She would not have the strength to run away.

Therefore, he crept towards the drinking deer and lunged at her rear. Instead of running, she continued to drink; focused on lapping up the water. Seeing this as a distraction, Moon grasped her rear and sank his fangs into the animal's flesh.

The deer roared in agony and kicked her hind legs, hoping the wolf would collapse on the ground. However, he clung on her body like a spider and refused to fall. He would not give up so easily.

Moon raked the doe's underbelly with his hind paws and watched as large amounts of blood gushed out. She had never experienced such pain before. The wolf knew the deer would soon collapse. Therefore, he unhooked his claws and blood stained teeth; leaped back and fell on all fours.

Soon after, the deer collapsed on the ground and closed her eyes. Unaware if she had died or not, the wolf walked towards her body and rested his muzzle on her chest. He could not hear her heart beat. Moon had killed her after all.

The wolf lifted his snout and watched as blood dripped on the deer's belly. He almost thought of eating her himself. However, his family were also hungry. He could not act selfish at a time like this.

Moon pierced his fangs into the deer's neck and dragged her cold dead body along the grass. Soon enough, he spotted his tired family and realized they had not moved since he had left. They seemed thirstier then any animal he had ever known.

Therefore, he placed the lifeless corpse on the ground and unclasped his jaws; Ready to feast on the deer with his family.

As he turned to face them, Scarlet raised her head and gazed into his eyes.

"Moon, is that you?" she asked him in a low scratchy voice.

"Yes, it's me."

The she-wolf noticed his bloody muzzle and almost panicked. At that moment, her eyes widened. She wondered if her son had fought a vicious male wolf. If so, that would explain his blood stained snout.

Nevertheless, she asked "Did you get into a fight?"

"No, of course not!"

He replied as though he were guilty.

"Then why is your muzzle covered in blood?"

Moon explained the hunt and how he had killed the innocent deer. She then realized her foolish accusations and almost laughed. The two wolves smiled for a few moments.

Moon almost forgot about his kill and ran towards the deer. Scarlet felt proud of her son, and how he had provided for his family. The male wolf sank his fangs into the animal's flesh and dragged the body towards Scarlet.

Malty and Maple raised their snouts and sniffed the delicious scents. Their mouths watered as they thought of the scrumptious deer.

Moon unclasped his jaws and watched as his family stared at the deer.

"Is anyone hungry?"

"Yes!" They all replied, as though they were eager to eat any animal.

"Then let's eat!"

He and his family darted towards the deer, as if they were racing. Moon ran quicker then the others; eager to eat more then ever.

Soon enough, the wolves arrived near the scrumptious morsel. Without hesitating, their jaws widened; revealing sharp white fangs. Soon after, their teeth penetrated through the animal's flesh. They consumed the rich warm blood and savored the amazing taste. Soon after, they teared the skin apart and guzzled down the scrumptious meat.


Moon and the others finished eating their lunch and felt satisfied. Malty gazed at the sky and noticed the sun setting behind mountains.

"We should go before it grows dark," Moon firmly spoke.

"I agree with you son," Maple replied.

Moon led the way, walking further into the woods. Malty and the others followed him, as if he were the pack leader.

After a few minutes had passed, the wolves spotted large spruce trees. Moon scanned the forest and sniffed the foul odors rising in the atmosphere. Malty and his parents soon smelled the disgusting scent and nearly fainted

"Ugh! This forest reeks of urine and sludge," Scarlet complained as she wrinkled her snout.

"I know," Malty happily smiled as he closed his eyes.

The three wolves stared at him, all curious and confused.

Malty trotted ahead, determined to explore the vast wilderness.

"Malty!" Moon and his parents barked as they chased the happy naive wolf.

The four wolves sprinted through the woods, as if they were chasing prey. They heard footsteps nearby and came to a halt. All remained silent. Moon looked around the forest, hoping to spot hostile territorial wolves. However, there weren't any creatures in sight. Therefore, he assumed they were hiding behind trees.

Moon crouched on all fours, preparing to attack the hiding wolves. The others quickly followed his lead

Before the arctic wolf had the opportunity to attack, a large gray wolf leaped on Moon's back and sank his fangs into the wolf's pelt.

Malty and his parents stared at Moon with shocked looks on their faces. If only they headed in a different direction. Before the three wolves could think of a strategy, two dark gray wolves darted towards them and bared their fangs.

"No wolf enters our territory and lives to see another day." A deep voice spoke in a terrifying manner.