
Chapter 8

Moon couldn't believe he had a brother. If only they had spent their childhood together. He would have had such a better life with Scarlet and Maple. If it weren't for his cruel father, Moon would live the life he always wanted.

Malty slowly looked up at his brother, wondering if he loved him. Moon just stared at him, as if he didn't know the wolf.

"Aren't you excited to meet me?" The gray wolf asked, wondering if Moon hated him.

"I would be," the white wolf said, as he thought of Flame.

Malty still wondered if his older brother loved him and hoped they could spend more time together. He stared at Moon, as if he were the wolf's only friend.

"I'm just trying to process all of this."

"You could sniff my butt," Malty said, as he stood up and displayed his rear.

Moon wondered why Malty kept acting bizarre and awkwardly stared at his large rump.

"Don't worry Moon. He won't bite," Scarlet reassured him.

Moon wondered if he and Malty shared the same mother. Therefore, he walked towards his brother and sniffed the wolf's rump.

His scent reeked of damp earth; as well as Scarlet and Maple. Therefore, he and Malty were brothers.

"What do you think?" Malty asked without moving.

"You're definitely my brother," Moon happily replied.

"Don't I smell good?" The gray wolf asked, worried that his brother would tease him.

"Yes, of course," Moon quickly said, hoping Malty would act normal just this once.

"You smell wonderful."

"Thanks, Bro," Malty smiled as he faced his big brother.

Scarlet and Maple smiled as they watched their sons. They were proud to raise such wonderful boys.

Moon spent all afternoon talking with Malty. The two wolves realized the special bond they shared and felt as if they were destined for greatness.

The sun set behind two large mountains, casting red light throughout the forest.

The wolves fixed their gaze at the sky and realized how much time had passed. If Moon hadn't spent the day chatting with his brother, he and his family might have been able to search for Flame. If only they had left earlier.

Moon felt as if he were responsible for her disapperance. If his family hadn't been there at his side, he might have cried. Somehow, the wolf held back his tears and acted as if he were strong and fearless.

"Are you alright Moon?" Malty asked, worried that his brother might not answer.

"Yes," he spoke in a kind and calm voice.

Malty wondered why his brother looked so upset. Did he feel guilty about anything? Or had he been thinking about that poor fox? Whatever the reason, he wished to help him.

"Are you sure?"

Moon could not hide the truth anymore. His family deserved to know.

"No," He spoke as he faced Malty.

Maple and Scarlet stared at the white wolf, as if he were about to die.

"You know that fox I'm trying to find?" He reminded his parents.

The two wolves nodded their heads.

"Well, I met her once as a pup."

Maple and Scarlet stared at their son, as if he had betrayed them. Moon wondered what they would think of him now? He never told his parents about how he and Flame first met.

They remained silent, unaware of what to say.

"I think that's adorable," Malty said with a sly grin on his face.

Moon felt embarassed and his cheeks blushed bright red.

"It's not what you think!"

"Then why are you blushing?" His brother asked, as he pointed his forepaw at the wolf's face.


His parents figured he loved the fox and waited for him to answer.

"You're in love with her," Malty said, as if he were teasing his older brother.

"No, that's not it!" Moon barked.

"Then what's with your face?" Scarlet asked, concerned about her son.

"I don't know."

"I can't stop thinking about her," He spoke, as if he loved the fox.

The three wolves figured he wanted to rescue her. Therefore, they would accompany him on his quest for love.

"Then why are we still standing here?" Maple asked, as if he were the pack leader.

"Let's rescue this fox!"

The timber wolf fixed his gaze on the forest, as if he were ready to face any challenge.

"How about tomorrow?" Scarlet asked her husband.

"That poor fox needs our help."

He spoke with a sad look in his eyes.

"We can't search for her if it's dark!" The white she-wolf barked at her husband.

"She's right," Moon said.

Maple stared at him, as if his son knew more then him.

"If we are to find and rescue this fox, we'll need our rest."

They all knew it was true. The wolves needed their strength if they were to rescue Flame.

"I totally agree!" Malty smiled as he faced his brother.

With that said, the four wolves headed toward a shady spot beneath a large oak tree.

"Let's sleep here," Moon said to his family.

They all nodded their heads in agreement and made their circles, ready to sleep and regain their strength. The wolves curled up and fell fast asleep.